
听力 | 西方多国驱逐俄外交官员

2018-04-25 从学英语 BBC英语听力

This is the BBC news. hello, I'm Ally McHugh. Hundreds of Russians have been demonstrating in the Siberian city of Kemerovo, angry about the shopping centre fire that killed 64 people on Sunday, 41 of them children. Protestors have questioned the official death toll and have called for the resignation of the local governor and other officials. President Putin, who visited the scene of the disaster, has blamed what he called "criminal negligence". Sarah Rainsford reports. Vladimir Putin laid roses on top of a growing shrine to those killed in this fire. But at a meeting with senior officials to discuss what caused the tragedy, he was angry. President Putin's suggested safety certificates and permits for building work were obtained with bribes. Investigators have already established that the fire alarms of the complex had been broken for a week, and some emergency access were blocked. Security guards supposed to help with any emergency evacuation were among the first to flee when the deadly fire broke out.


Australia's Prime Minister Malcolm Trunbull has announced the expulsion of two Russian diplomats in the latest international response to a nerve agent attack in Britain. Mr. Trunbull described the poisoning of a Russian double agent as "a disgraceful assault on the sovereignty of the United Kingdom". On Monday, more than 20 countries announced that they would order Russian diplomats to leave. Paul Adams in Moscow looks at the direct impact of the diplomatic expulsions. Theresa May, the British Prime Minister talks in terms of breaking up Russia's ability to conduct espionage operations in the UK following the expulsion of those diplomats who were described as undercover intelligence officers. Now I presume that the other countries involved yesterday have also targeted Russian intelligence officers primarily, maybe exclusively. And so in terms of a practical difference, the intention will be to make it more difficult for Russia to spy on European countries, on the United States, on the UK, in Australia, etc.


The New Zealand Prime Minister has said her country would like to join ally Britain in expelling Russian spies, but none can be located within the country. Jacinda Ardern told state radio she was not surprised that New Zealand was not at the top of the Russian operatives list. You're listening to the world news from the BBC world service.


