
BBC 一周新闻综述

2018-04-28 Bella_Liu BBC英语听力

BBC news with Rose Marycrick.

Thousands of independent supporters in Catalonia have clashed with police as they protested the decision of a Supreme Court judge to prosecute 25 Catalan leaders for rebellion and embezzlement or disobeying the state. 5 of the leaders have been detained, including the man nominated by pro-independence parties as the head of the Catalonian government.

A search operation has been going on at the London offices of Cambridge Analytica. The British information commissioner is investigating allegations that the firm illegally harvested personal data from 15 million Facebook users to influence the last U.S. presidential election.

The U.S. attorney general Jeff Sessions has announced plans to amend gun laws, and effectively ban bump stocks which can make semiautomatic rifle fire like a machine gun. They were used in last October’s shooting in Las Vegas in which 58 people were killed.

The Democratic Republic of Congo will not attend the donor conference in Geneva next month. It says the UN’s decision to declare an emergency harms its image with investors. The UN has described the situation in the DRC as catastrophic humanitarian crisis.

Two rounds of voting in Italy's parliament to elect speakers for the Lower House and for the Senate have failed to yield a result. Until speakers are chosen, consultations to form a new government can not begin.

Winter sea ice covered in the Arctic Ocean have been recorded at its second lowest level since records began nearly 40 years ago. New figures reveal that there was about a million square kilometers less size covering the ocean during the northern winter.

Europe's most active volcano Mount Etna is sliding towards the sea at a rate of 40 millimeters per year. A British led research team that studies the Sicily mountains says that no immediate danger but there is a risk of major collapse in the future.


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美国检察官杰夫 塞申斯(Jeff Sessions)宣布计划修订枪支法,并有效禁止装有撞火枪托连发装置的半自动步枪,因为该装置会让这种步枪提高到机关枪的水准。而配有该装置的步枪正是去年10月拉斯维加斯枪杀案中使用的枪支,这起案件中有58人身亡。





