

GSUNNC UNNC GraduateSchool 2024-03-12










“导师拥有的经验让我受益匪浅,他能够一眼找出我实验数据中的漏洞,帮我查漏补缺。王老师会把他的宝贵经验分享给我,包括实验开展的注意事项,结果得出后要严谨地验证等。” 说起导师对自己的指导,许鹏飞开始滔滔不绝起来。






在英国诺丁汉的磁共振中心是以诺贝尔奖得主Sir Peter Mansefiled命名的,该中心也是行业中的翘楚,拥有的设备是世界最先进的,“很多学校都不一定能拥有这样的设备,而且中心超过一半的科研人员都是教授。”张继昌略带自豪地提起自己在英国诺丁汉Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Center (SPMIC)中心学习的体验。



有着Sir Peter Mansefield这样的诺奖得主留下的基石,再加上中心的顶尖设备支持,强大的教授科研团队指导下,相信宁波诺丁汉大学的磁共振中心未来可期。

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Dr. Chengbo Wang’s expertise lies in biomedical engineering, specializing in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). He and his research team devoted themselves to research on the development of biomedical imaging techniques and hardware that would meet people’s needs for improving health and wellbeing.

Pengfei Xu, majoring in automation (bachelor and master), and Jichang Zhang, majoring in electronic communication (bachelor), are two doctoral students from Dr. Wang's research team. Under the guidance of Dr. Wang, they continue to make progress and are able to solve problems independently and complete teamwork together as well.

"I want to do research in a field that none of my supervisors have ever done. “Pengfei said. She also studied sequence algorithms under the suggestion of Dr. Wang, which laid a foundation for her future scientific research. Dr. Wang has been cultivating an independent learning ability and research spirit within the doctoral students in his team with equal and open guidance.

"I benefited a lot from the experience of my supervisor. He could identify the errors in my experimental data at a glance and help me check and fill in the blanks. My supervisor will share his valuable experience with me, including the notes for conducting the experiment and verifying the results rigorously." Says Pengfei.

"Dr. Wang has also been providing us with platforms, equipment, experimental accessories and other necessities. When we encounter difficulties, he will discuss and identify the problems with us, and then leave us to solve the problem by ourselves." Jichang also shared his feelings.

"In 2019, we were shortlisted for the conference of top journals in the field of MRI based on the fruitful research results under MRI, and we were invited to give a presentation in Canada to meet other top experts and scholars face to face. As the first batch of doctoral students of Dr. Wang, we also set up the UNNC Magnetic Resonance Laboratory platform under the guidance of our supervisor, laying a foundation for future scientific research work.” Jichang noted with enthusiasm.

In the lab, there is a happy and positive atmosphere among the team members. They also said that they will be having their group meetings weekly, in which members would take turns to report their research results and discuss them together. Even during the pandemic, they have been actively communicating through online conferences. Xinpei Wang, a doctoral student from Dr. Wang's research team, made a presentation for half an hour, summarizing his achievements and research results during his study in the UK. Dr. Wang also encourages students to take part in more speech contests, so as to improve their English speaking skills through constant practice and have more opportunities to exercise their ability of public expression.

"Differing from the master's period, there will be no homework for the doctoral study and no standard answers for small projects. I need to find and demonstrate the answers by myself." Jichang Zhang shared his research experience with us. He thought it was still a great challenge for him to get a PhD degree. He made basic achievements in the first and second year of his PhD journey, and went to the UK for further research in the third year. The research project he explored to was a brand new field. By his own efforts, he finally broke through all of the difficult problems and combined them with his doctoral project. This may be one of the great attraction of scientific research.

Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Center (SPMIC) in Nottingham is named after Nobel laureate Sir Peter Mansfield, and the center is one of the best scientific centers in the field, with some of the world's most advanced equipment.

“Not many universities have such equipment, and more than half of the scientific researchers in the center are professors," Jichang said proudly of his research experience.

At the same time, Dr. Wang's team welcomes students from different education backgrounds to engage in MRI research. Zhen Nan, Jichang's junior fellow researcher, majored in physics for his master's degree, and was recommended by Jichang Zhang. This research team has been further expanded.

With the foundation stone of a Nobel Prize winner like Sir Peter Mansfield, the center is supported by state-of-the-art facilities and guided by a strong team of professors and researchers. We believe that the MRI Center at UNNC will only become better and better.


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Discover our world of research: Dr Chengbo Wang

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Photos: GS/Provided

Text: GS Editor: JZ

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