
CNKI双语汇 | 农村的生活垃圾都是怎么处理的?

CNKI海外小知 CNKI海外服务 2019-11-04


In recent years, the annual generation of rural solid waste (RSW) in China has exceeded 100 million tons, and it has been increasing year by year, causing environmental pollution. RSW usually refers to solid waste generated in daily life or service activities for daily life. In China, RSW can be divided into organic waste (food waste, crop straw and leaves) and inorganic waste (ash and slag and masonry).


Different from the corresponding urban solid waste, RSW in China had strong regional features and obvious dispersion. Urban solid waste management methods and processing technologies cannot be used mechanically for RSW and the characteristics of RSW should be taken into consideration.


How is the rural solid waste handled?


Characteristics and treatment status of rural solid waste in China by LI Dan et al., summarized the characteristics of RSW in various regions of China, and the current status of RSW collection and transportation, classification and recycling, treatment mode, and disposal methods.


The result shows that: 1. Rural areas in China have a wide span, and RSW was dispersed and different under different geographical conditions. The per capita daily RSW generation in most areas was 0.7–1.1 kg with an increasing trend. RSW components were different from urban solid waste, mainly including kitchen waste, ash, wood and bamboo. Waste in the South had high water content and the content of rubber and plastics in waste in developed areas was high. 2. The treatment modes of RSW were mainly urban-rural integration, urban-rural separated treatment, and urban-rural collaboration.


The research findings are published in the 38th volume, 11th issue of China Environmental Science, 2018




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