
竞标/ 天津会议中心及配套酒店/ say architects

Say Architects say建筑设计事务所 2022-12-08



Located in the People's Park section, thecore area of Phase I of Jizhou New Town, Tianjin, this project is intended tomeet the annual training needs of the headquarter and its subordinate units, aswell as external operations.

Although Jizhou is the northernmostdistrict of Tianjin, it is located in the center of Beijing, Tianjin, TangShanand Chengde cities. Meanwhile, it is also the only mid-level district ofTianjin, known as the "leisure garden" of Tianjin. It is the nationalecological demonstration area, the first national demonstration area of greenfood, and the first batch of national comprehensive pilot areas of newurbanization.

Given the unique context, how can we createa design that meets the diverse needs of the client and presents clear identityat the same time? How to bridge between Beijing and Tianjin, future and thepresent, interior and the exterior?

 We propose a design that is based on thesite while embraces the international enterprise culture of CCCC.



West of the site is Jin-jing-Ji highway andeast side is the main road towards downtown of Jizhou. The site is divided intotwo parts by the landscape axis extending from the Central Park.

Considering the public needs for the hotel,we placed it at the west side adjacent to the highway for conveniency. Westside, being the hotel zone,  is quieter andmore introverted, while the east side, being the conference zone, is multi-functionaland more outward.



Outward-connection- grand-order


The conference center, with a total grossfloor area of 19,950 square meters, is located in the east site. The buildinglayout is high in the east and low in the west. Being regular in form, the buildingincludes functions of conference rooms for 1,000 people or 100 people,restaurants, training rooms etc.

The facade is made of beige dry hanginggranite, while the inside is made of dry hanging travertine. Combined with the verticalsteel wires between the columns, it has a half-hidden in-and-out relationship. Thecombination of styles of frame-type, the block-type and the horizontal lines ofthe roofs and the vertical lines of the columns creates a solemn atmosphere fitfor the conference center.


Keeping the centrality geometry, we proposea horizontal composition of multiple blocks for the conference center. At thesame time, the inner annular corridor allows the outward building to enjoy theinner landscape.


The facade is made of beige dry hanginggranite, while the inside is made of dry hanging travertine. Combined with the verticalsteel wires between the columns, it has a half-hidden in-and-out relationship. Thecombination of styles of frame-type, the block-type and the horizontal lines ofthe roofs and the vertical lines of the columns creates a solemn atmosphere fitfor the conference center.


The central landscape belt is a combination of the oldand new. The new architectural form, together with the traditional layout, generatesa rich space experience. The corridor-like landscape connects different greens paceswith different views.


The stone columns and metal rods on thefacade creates a rich light and shadow effect, together with the double heightspace design, a unique space experience was created.


The combination of water surface and ashforest forms a modern landscape full of Tianjin's regional characteristics, andthe setting of tree array makes the landscape look serious and elegant.





The hotel with a gross floor area of 21740square meter, including 270 guest rooms, catering and entertainment services ofdifferent sizes and forms. The architecture combines the Chinese roof andwestern propylaea, forming an inward spatial quality. The beige dry hanginggranite stone facade and dark steel roofing echoes the design of conference center, manifests the combination of modern and traditional.


Keeping the the centrality of the body, wepropose a annular corridor as a floating connection linking different programs while creating several introverted courtyard space.


Keeping the the centrality of the body, wepropose a annular corridor as a floating connection linking different programswhile creating several introverted courtyard space.


Unified with the facade, the stone andglass of the corridor are combined to form a varied but pure spatial connection.


The sloping roof with the inner screen, creatinga peaceful and tranquil viewing experience.


Natural light is brought into the basement through the windows at the bottom of thewaterscape. 


The project is a mixture of modern andtraditional elements. The sense of division caused by the existing landscapeaxis is eliminated by the united design of the architecture _the hotel being freeand elegant while the conference center representing the powerful culture ofthe CCCC company, are distinguishing but harmonious at the same time. We hope thedesign can not only meet the needs of the client, but become a landmark ofJizhou even Tianjin.

总规划面积:47140㎡(会议中心 19950㎡ 酒店部分21740㎡)
设计公司:Say Architects

Tianjin Convention & Hotel
Status: Competition
Year: 2019
Site Area: 74600㎡
GFA: 47140㎡(Convention 19950㎡ Hotel21740㎡)
Address: Jizhou, Tianjin, China
Program: Convention& Hotel
Design firm: Say Architects
Partner-in-charge: Yan Zhang, Jianan Shan
Project Team:  Shiqiu Liang, Yawen Fan
Website: www.sayarchitects.cn
Contact: info@sayarchitects.cn
Visualiastion: Bofan design and expression
LDI: The Design Institute of Landscape& Architecture China Academy of Art Co.,LTD.

关于Say Architects
SAY成立于2017年,是专注于建筑、室内及城市设计的创新设计事务所,并曾获得多个国际设计奖项。事务所位于杭州,由张岩和单嘉男主持设计,两位创始人在创立SAY之前均有多年的国际事务所工作经验。对于设计不同尺度的艺术,酒店,商业以及景观类项目,SAY 有丰富的设计经验,另外也有多个涉及零售,办公,公共设施以及总体规划的项目实践。对于每个项目,我们都尝试去从客户,业态,场地及周边环境中去发掘独特的项目属性以及潜力,并努力创造出一种叙事性的空间感受。通过多种不同的表达方式,例如草图,实体模型及水彩等,我们不断将概念推演发展至最终实际实现。SAY 的设计项目已发表于多个国际设计媒体及杂志,包括DEZEEN, ArchDaily, Gooood, Designboom, Frame及Hinge等。
SAY architects founded on 2017, is an award-winning innovative design office focusing on architecture, interior and urban planning. The studio is located in Hangzhou, lead by Yan Zhang and Jianan Shan. Both Yan and Jianan had practiced in multiple internationally-honored design studio for years before founding the studio. SAY architects has a extensive experience in Arts, Hospitality, commercial, and landscape works in various scale, other projects includes retail, office, public utilities and master planning.
With each project, SAY architects try to discover a unique character based on client, program, site and context. We want to create a narrative and personal space feeling for each project. With multiple design media including sketches, physical models, watercolor and mock ups, we push each project from concept to construction. Projects designed by SAY has been published in numerous international media and magazines, including DEZEEN, ArchDaily, Gooood, Designboom, Frame, Hinge, etc.


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