
项目/ Option Bar/ say architects

say architects say建筑设计事务所 2022-12-08
The space lead by light


Option创立于2020年,一家位于北京市区的年轻酒吧,位于工体西路。原有建筑结构布局比较混乱,伴随近几十年的街道改造,砖混、框架、钢结构多种结构形式一起混杂在此独立建筑中。say architects为Option打造了一个年轻、灵活、多元化的商业空间。

Option is a fresh bar & restaurant born in 2020, located in West GongTi Rd, Beijing. The original site condition was very disorganized with multiple structure system in it. Say architects created a flexible and diverse commercial space. 




Space was divided into three parts by the structure system. Say hides the chaotic existing column with walls and space volume, making the area cleaner. Say created an adjacent semi-outdoor and indoor space with a piece of translucent glass. The semi-outdoor space becomes a buffer zone between street and interior space; the fine glass created a mysterial feeling.





Option operates as a café during the daytime. The sandstone bench extends from outdoor to indoor, skylight lit up the whole space with natural light and creates an exciting and intimate atmosphere. 




To work with the existing structure, we separate the bar into three main areas: the café area, the central bar area and the inner VIP and service area. The Bar area comes with a glowing glass floor; the whole space was lit only by the floor light diffuse. 



©spectrum schedule


Option is a bar and restaurant runs a whole day. By carefully designing the interior light, space could transfer between different programs. Internal artificial light changes through time. When night falls, the light floor changes, option transfer into a bar from a café and a club by midnight.






By controlling light, say creates space atmosphere with different character, and the light leads to a more diverse and flexible space experience. 

Option Bar

业主:Option Bar






设计公司:say architects







Option Bar

Clients: Option Bar

Status: Completed

Year: 2020

Area: 250sqm

Address: China, China

Program: Bar

Design firm: say architects

Partner-in-charge: Yan Zhang, Jianan Shan

Project Team:  Ziyi Sun, Sheng Hang, Xu Ran

Website: www.sayarchitects.cn

Contact: info@sayarchitects.cn

Photograph: Zhe Guo

Lighting Consultant: Ricardo lighting Co.,Ltd

关于say architects
SAY成立于2017年,是专注于建筑、室内及城市设计的创新设计事务所,并曾获得多个国际设计奖项。事务所位于杭州,由张岩和单嘉男主持设计,两位创始人在创立SAY之前均有多年的国际事务所工作经验。对于设计不同尺度的艺术,酒店,商业以及景观类项目,SAY 有丰富的设计经验,另外也有多个涉及零售,办公,公共设施以及总体规划的项目实践。对于每个项目,我们都尝试去从客户,业态,场地及周边环境中去发掘独特的项目属性以及潜力,并努力创造出一种叙事性的空间感受。通过多种不同的表达方式,例如草图,实体模型及水彩等,我们不断将概念推演发展至最终实际实现。SAY 的设计项目已发表于多个国际设计媒体及杂志,包括DEZEEN, ArchDaily, Gooood, Designboom, Frame及Hinge等。
SAY architects founded on 2017, is an award-winning innovative design office focusing on architecture, interior and urban planning. The studio is located in Hangzhou, lead by Yan Zhang and Jianan Shan. Both Yan and Jianan had practiced in multiple internationally-honored design studio for years before founding the studio. SAY architects has a extensive experience in Arts, Hospitality, commercial, and landscape works in various scale, other projects includes retail, office, public utilities and master planning.
With each project, SAY architects try to discover a unique character based on client, program, site and context. We want to create a narrative and personal space feeling for each project. With multiple design media including sketches, physical models, watercolor and mock ups, we push each project from concept to construction. Projects designed by SAY has been published in numerous international media and magazines, including DEZEEN, ArchDaily, Gooood, Designboom, Frame, Hinge, etc.


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