

江帅帅 江帅帅 2022-03-19
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In your early days as a programmer, you will have a consistent feeling in your mind that, “The grass is always greener on another side of the fence”.
You will notice that your friend is getting paid more than you for the same job. One of your friend's social media is gaining tons of followers.
你会发现,同样的工作,但朋友总是能赚得比你多,某个死党居然还是粉丝超多的大 V。
One of your friends is making living out of their stock investment. The life of your other friend is cooler as he travels abroad every month.
A friend’s startup is on the verge of creating tons of wealth for them.
You will see them all and think why the heck is their grass greener than yours.
你有时就会想啊,他们怎么就这么牛 X 了呢。
Until you reach a specific point in your career, you will keep comparing and that’s what 97% of newbie programmers do, they compare their wealth with their friends and start having a sense of self-doubt.
于是,焦虑就来了,这也是 97% 的新人总喜欢去做无谓的攀比,比谁赚得多谁赚得少,而真正的核心是成长,是能力提升,却被忽略了,因此陷入了严重自我怀疑的漩涡而不自知。
But as a professional programmer, you must stop comparing and start working on your progress.
Due to project-related work, I got a chance to interact with one of the experienced programmers whom I have idolized for the longest time.
I simply asked him after discussing the project, “Is there any advice that you would give me for my programming journey?”
He was humble enough to give me a few different pieces of advice about the different sectors of my life.

1. Stay Consistent

Hardworking and Consistent programmers always win no matter who their competition is. Stay consistent and stay focused.
No matter what skill you are learning or which programming language you are mastering, stay consistent.
Not only in your professional life but also in your personal life consistency plays an important role in your life. Consistency is the key to unlocking your true potential.
Even if you are starting a side hustle, or want to get the most out of your new relationship just stay consistent. For achieving your fitness goal, consistency will make you the winner.

2. Never Quit Your Job

You have seen one of your friends making tons of money from his side hustle and he has quit his job just because his side hustle is a great passive income stream for him.
What are your takes on this? Quit your job and start a side hustle, Quit your Job and start a successful start-up. The answer is NO, never quit your job.
Even if you are willing to quit your job just have a few checks on your important work checklist —
  • You have a new job in your hand 你已经找到了一份新工作;
  • Your Side Hustle is making more money than your salary 你的副业赚得比你现在到手的工资还要多;
  • Your Startup has reached a noticeable market capitalization 你想创业的核心业务已经得到市场认可,已经有人愿意进行风投了;
  • Your Social Media Account has more than 50k+ followers 你在某平台也是有 50000 粉以上的大 V 了。
If you can’t check any of the points from the checklist then just stick to your current job until you achieve any of the checkpoints even if you are having a constant urge to quit your job.
Work in your free time to build your passive income stream, weekends are best for that. Don’t just quit your job to start a passive income stream.

3. Stay Friendly, Stay Humble

Whenever your teammates ask you to explain something related to the project or something about new tech that you're using then you should respond only with “I would love to explain this”.
Staying friendly in your workplace is the most important thing for a programmer and no matter in which position you are you must be a good listener and listen to your teammate's opinions.
Actively supporting your teammate's achievements and congratulating them for their accomplishments is a very good sign of a professional programmer.
Even if you are planning to lead a team, staying friends will be the key aspect on which you should focus.



我是帅帅,一个默默做了 7 年Java 编程架构师成长教练
很喜欢罗曼·罗兰的一句话:“人最可贵之处在于看透生活的本质后,依然热爱生活 ”。


