
复旦泛海国金EMF项目国际生Nigel:学无前后,达者为先 | 同窗

FISF EMF 复旦泛海国际金融学院 2023-10-23



En-Hua (Nigel) Gu

国籍: Singapore

本科学校:National University of Singapore (NUS)

本科专业:Mechanical Engineering

复旦泛海国金EMF 2021级学生

Do First, Ask Questions Later

My journey is best described as a marathon. I once embarked on a 10km race but ended up running 11km because I took a wrong turn. Ever since then, going the extra mile seems inevitable. Most events in life are timed courses that compel us to compete for the shortest and fastest path to finish. When considering who they want to be, most commit to a single aspiration and dedicate their lives to reaching the summit. However, I have adopted the mindset of “do first, ask questions later” taking the 11 instead of 10. 

After high-school, I joined the army and served as a platoon commander for a year. When I enrolled into university, I started to explore an entrepreneurship. And now, I am obtaining a finance master to pursue an investment career. I guess the only constants are those who supported me throughout my marathon journey —— my army buddies during national service, my teachers in university, and most importantly, my mentors and family. 

While meandering through life, I have had many stories to share, and what happened along the way are the most cherished moments. As each of us look back, where we have reached is much more significant if we review the steps it took. I still often reminisce the cold nights in Brunei where my section shared the same shelter under the palm leaves and lived off limited food rations. To be present and alive is what matters the most to me.  

To be the Pioneer of Life Journey

I would like to share about the considerate thoughts before choosing FISF EMF, but the truth is, fate had a bigger role. I was sponsored to exchange in a Shanghai start-up during my time in university, but family complications altered my path. The following year, I came across FISF EMF as I was searching for a master’s education. The Fudan motto “自由而无用”, resonated with me deeply. I believe that most students did not choose to ascend the education ladder just to fit an expectation or to be molded according to standard societal norms. We believed in our own potential. FISF being a new campus, has the making of a start-up. As the pioneers, we can shape our own education and our next journey.

While deciding between schools, it is also important to consider the location of one’s future workplace. China is the only country safe from COVID-19. Furthermore, Shanghai is also rising to become the leading financial center of Asia. Studying in Shanghai puts me in a good position to search for jobs. Lastly, the staff from FISF are very attentive and pleasant to work with. The admissions officer will patiently assist you in preparing admission materials, remind you of deadlines, and answer your questions. My application process was smooth and professional. 

For the Next Two Years

I am really looking forward to starting on this new journey with the class. I am hoping to gain professional insights and lasting bonds from this experience. Perhaps I will also look to travel around China – for example, taking the train along the borders of Russia, visiting the Potala Palace in Tibet, and tasting the amazing food different provinces have to offer. I believe this will be a challenging two years where we must balance work and study, but this experience will be very rewarding. 

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