
How to Tell If a Layoff is Going to Happen in Your Company?

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How to Tell If a Layoff is Going to Happen in Your Company?

Unfortunately, layoffs are a part of life for some companies and individuals. If you've never been laid off, you probably know someone who has. Companies are restructuring all the time and the economy is constantly shifting, which means layoffs will continue to impact employees across every industry.

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No one has a crystal ball that can warn them when a layoff is coming, but there are some telltale signs of an impending reduction in force. The following 5 scenarios are some common examples of slight changes that could indicate an impending layoff.

You can hear a pin drop

When an organization is considering whether a layoff is necessary, often management knows before everyone else. If job cuts are looming on the horizon, you may notice managers and HR spending more time behind closed doors, the quarterly town hall meeting might get canceled, upper management starts to quit, or your manager may communicate less than normal. If you sense that somehow things don't seem the same, your sixth sense may be trying to tell you something about your future at the company.

Company just announced big losses

Disappointing business results are a strong indicator that organizational changes are coming. Lower-than-expected revenue or the failure of an important business unit will often trigger a layoff in companies as they look for ways to balance expenses with falling revenue. If your company is not performing well, chances of getting laid off or fired is on the table as a possible fix.

Some roles are redundant

Many companies often have more than one employee who performs the same function. There is often plenty of work to go around, and companies benefit from having a backup for important roles in the event of a resignation or employee absence. However, if you start to notice there's a bit too much support, you can bet management has noticed it as well. If you have five staff accountants in your unit, but new technology or more efficient processes make it possible for three accountants to get the work done, layoffs may be around the corner.

A merger or acquisition is coming

Layoffs are often a natural outcome of merger and acquisition activity. When two companies come together, there may be overlap in some areas, leading to the decision to eliminate positions. Not every merger leads to layoffs, and in some cases, companies add new jobs when they merge. But just in case, if your company announces a potential merger or acquisition, ask questions and try to understand how it could impact your job.

Company spending and hiring slows

One of the signs that job cuts may be on the way is reduced corporate spending. If you're suddenly told to hold off on a project that requires an investment in new technology to get it off the ground, or that there's a freeze of all “non-essential” company travel, trouble could be coming. 

Has the company put a moratorium on hiring? Do you no longer have the green light to hire that new marketing designer that was in the roadmap? If extra thrift is the order of the day, then ask around and see what the cause could be. If no one seems to know, a corporate reorganization with layoffs could be the company's answer.

Source: topresume

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