

乳业在线 2022-08-22



 目    录 


第1章 2021年全球奶酪生产形势


1.1 全球产量

1.2 欧盟27国

1.3 美国

1.4 澳大利亚

1.5 新西兰

第2章 2021年中国奶酪产业状况

2.1 中国奶酪行业产量增长

    2.1.1 中国奶酪市场产量现状

    2.1.2 中国奶酪市场产量预测

2.2 中国奶酪行业经济效益分析

    2.2.1 总体经济规模

    2.2.2 经营企业数量

第3章 2021年中国奶酪贸易形势


3.1 中国奶酪进口规模增长

    3.1.1 中国奶酪进口总况规模

    3.1.2 中国奶酪进口增长预测

3.2 中国奶酪进口来源分析

    3.2.1 中国奶酪进口国家

    3.2.2 中国奶酪进口特征

第4章 2021年中国奶酪消费形势


4.1 中国奶酪市场消费需求

    4.1.1 中国奶酪市场消费现状

    4.1.2 中国奶酪市场消费预测

4.2 中国奶酪消费市场趋势

4.3 中国奶酪市场消费特点

    4.3.1 奶酪需求偏好

    4.3.2 奶酪品牌偏好

第5章 2021年中国奶酪竞争形势


5.1 中国奶酪行业市场规模

5.2 中国奶酪行业竞争特点

    5.2.1 奶酪新概念产品频出

    5.2.2 奶酪同质化竞争激烈

第6章 2021年重点企业运营状况

6.1 妙可蓝多

6.2 百吉福

6.3 安佳

6.4 乐芝牛

6.5 总统

6.6 光明乳业

6.7 爱氏晨曦

6.8 伊利;奶酪博士;妙飞;君君乳酪

第7章 2021年中国特色奶酪产品


7.1 新疆酸凝奶酪

    7.1.1 新疆酸凝奶酪生产现状

    7.1.2 新疆酸凝奶酪产品优势

    7.1.3 新疆酸凝奶酪产业建议

7.2 蒙古奶酪

    7.2.1 蒙古奶酪生产现状

    7.2.2 蒙古奶酪产品优势

7.3 藏族牦牛奶酪

    7.3.1 藏族牦牛奶酪生产现状

    7.3.2 藏族牦牛奶酪产品优势

    7.3.3 藏族牦牛奶酪产业建议

7.4 云南乳饼

    7.4.1 云南乳饼生产现状

    7.4.2 云南乳饼产品优势

    7.4.3 云南乳饼产业建议

7.5 山羊乳奶酪

    7.5.1 山羊乳奶酪生产现状

    7.5.2 山羊乳奶酪产品优势

    7.5.3 山羊乳奶酪产业建议

7.6 水牛奶酪

    7.6.1 水牛奶酪生产现状

    7.6.2 水牛奶酪产品优势

    7.6.3 水牛奶酪产业建议

第8章 2021年中国奶酪产业投资分析


8.1 中国奶酪行业营销渠道分析

    8.1.1 餐饮和零售成为奶酪行业两大销售端口

    8.1.2 营销成本成为高速发展过程中必要投入

8.2 中国奶酪行业战略投资建议

    8.2.1 抢抓机遇资本市场青睐奶酪产业

    8.2.3 细分产品技术进步洞悉消费特点





  China Cheese Industry Development and Investment Analysis Report 



Chapter 1 Overview of Global Cheese Production in 2021


1.1 Global Cheese Production

1.2 Cheese Production in 27 Countries of European Union

1.3 Cheese Production in the United States

1.4 Cheese Production in Australia

1.5 Cheese Production in New Zealand

Chapter 2 Overview of China Cheese Industry in 2021


2.1 Growing Cheese Output in China

      2.1.1 Current Cheese Output in China

      2.1.2 China Cheese Output Forecast

2.2 Economic Analysis of China Cheese Industry

      2.2.1 Economic Scale of Cheese Industry in China

      2.2.2 Number of Cheese Producers in China

Chapter 3 China Cheese Trade in 2021


3.1 China Cheese Imports Increased in 2021

      3.1.1 China Cheese Import Volume

      3.1.2 China Cheese Import to Increase

3.2 Sources of China Cheese Import

      3.2.1 Source Countries of China Cheese Import

      3.2.2 Characteristics of China Cheese Import

Chapter 4 Cheese Consumption in China in 2021


4.1 Cheese Demand in China

      4.1.1 Cheese Consumption in China

      4.1.2 China Cheese Consumption Forecast

4.2 Cheese Consumption Trend in China

4.3 Characteristics of Cheese Consumption in China

      4.3.1 Consumer Preference

      4.3.2 Brand Preferences

Chapter 5 Competition in China Cheese Market in 2021


5.1 Cheese Market Size in China

5.2 Characteristics of Competition in China Cheese Market

      5.2.1 New-Concept Products Emerge Continuously

      5.2.2 Homogeneous Products and Fierce Competition

Chapter 6 Performance of Key Enterprises in 2021


6.1 Shanghai Milkground Food Tech Co., Ltd.--MILKGROUND

6.2 BSI (Tianjin) Foods Co., Ltd.--MILKANA

6.3 Fonterra Commercial Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.--Anchor

6.4 Bel Group--The Laughing Cow

6.5 Lactalis Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.--PRESIDENT

6.6 Bright Dairy & Food Co., Ltd.--Guangming

6.7 Aishichenxi Dairy Products Import & Export Co., Ltd.--Arla

6.8 Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co., Ltd.--Yili

Chapter 7 Newly Emerged Special Cheese Products in China in 2021


7.1 Xinjiang Acid Coagulated Cheese

      7.1.1 Current Production of Xinjiang Acid Coagulated Cheese

      7.1.2 Competitive Advantages of Xinjiang Acid Coagulated Cheese

      7.1.3 Suggestions to Xinjiang Acid Coagulated Cheese Industry

7.2 Mongolian Cheese

      7.2.1 Current Production of Mongolian Cheese

      7.2.2 Competitive Advantages of Mongolian Cheese

7.3 Tibetan Yak Cheese

      7.3.1 Current Production of Tibetan Yak Cheese

      7.3.2 Competitive Advantages of Tibetan Yak Cheese

      7.3.3 Suggestions to Tibetan Yak Cheese Industry

7.4 Yunnan Cheese Curd

      7.4.1 Current Production of Yunnan Cheese Curd

      7.4.2 Competitive Advantages of Yunnan Cheese Curd

      7.4.3 Suggestions to Yunnan Cheese Curd Industry

7.5 Goat Cheese

      7.5.1 Current Production of Goat Cheese

      7.5.2 Competitive Advantages of Goat Cheese

      7.5.3 Suggestions to Goat Cheese Industry

7.6 Buffalo Cheese

      7.6.1 Current Production of Buffalo Cheese

      7.6.2 Competitive Advantages of Buffalo Cheese

      7.6.3 Suggestions to Buffalo Cheese Industry

Chapter 8 Analysis of Investment in China Cheese Industry in 2021


8.1 Cheese Sales Channels in China

      8.1.1 Catering and Retail Channels Rank the Top 2 Channels

      8.1.2 Marketing Expense Indispensable to Rapid Development of Cheese Industry

8.2 Strategic Suggestions to Investment in China Cheese Industry

      8.2.1 Investors See Opportunities in Cheese Industry

      8.2.3 Insights into Consumption Characteristics from Product Segmentation and Technological Progress





Tel: 18612187279


Add: Room 3A09, Yingu Building, No.9 North 4th Ring Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100083 






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