

Kenneth Love English 2 2022-12-23

Find something you love to do, do it everyday, Be obsessed, balance can come later. Use your imagination, put pen to paper, declare your intentions. Set small goals, Knock them off, set more goals. You have a lot of potential as a child, but none of that is capable of manifesting itself as freedom, before you become disciplined. Build confidence, grow a deep belief, outwork people, play the long game. You don’t have to be the chosen one, the secret is to build the resolve and spirit to enjoy the plateaus. The times when it doesn’t feel like you’re improving, and you question why you’re doing this, If you’re patient, the plateaus will become springboards. Finally never stop striving, reaching for your goal until you get there. But the truth is even when we get there,even you when you get here standing on the stage. It’s the striving, fighting, pushing yourself to the limit everyday, that you miss and you longed for. 




obsess [əbˈses]  v.使痴迷;使迷恋;使着迷;唠叨;挂牵;念念不忘

ob 加强 + sess〔 = sit坐〕→ 坐着不走 → 迷住

同源词:assess(坐下里计算税款  评定),session(坐下来开会  会议),assessor(评审员,确定税款的人)

She's completely obsessed with him.


knock off [nɑːk ɔːf]  使减少;使降低;从(名单或文件中)删除;下班;收工

Udinese have knocked 10% off admission prices...



②manifest [ˈmænɪfest]  v.表明,清楚显示(尤指情感、态度或品质);显现;使人注意到  adj.明显的;显而易见的  n.(船或飞机的)货单,旅客名单

man 手 + i 连字符 + fest 仇恨 → 仇恨得用手打 →〔恨意〕显然的

词源:该词的词根是拉丁语manifestus,由manu‘with hand,(用手)加-fest‘struck’(打)构成,所以它的原义是struck with hand(被手打的)。被手打的东西可以触摸得到,可以清清楚楚感觉到,也是显而易见的。据此,它的词义由“被手打的”引申为“显然的”。英语在14世纪吸收了manifestus,拼作manifest,也用于此义,以后也作动词用,表示“显示”、“显露”等。manifesto(宣言)一词和manifest有亲缘关系,虽然也源自拉丁语,但却直接借自意大利语。(来源:童理民)

His nervousness was manifest to all those present.



③discipline[ˈdɪsəplɪn]  n.训练;训导;纪律;风纪;训练方法;行为准则;符合准则的行为;自制力;遵守纪律  v.惩罚;处罚;训练;训导;管教;自我控制;严格要求(自己)

词根cip  = cop  = cep  = cap 抓住,逮捕

self-discipline [ˌself ˈdɪsəplɪn] n.自律能力;自我约束能力



discipline:['dɪsɪplɪn] n.学科,纪律,磨练,管教,惩罚vt.训练,寻到,惩戒

disciple:[dɪ'saɪp(ə)l] n.门徒,弟子

FROM: 钱博士英语

Strict discipline is imposed on army recruits.



④plateau [plæˈtoʊ]  n.高原;(发展、增长后的)稳定期,停滞期  v.(在一段时期的发展后)保持稳定水平,处于停滞状态

plat 平的,平坦的 + eau → 平坦地 → 高原

Inflation has reached a plateau.


If you want to be a grocer or a general or a politician or judge,You will invariably become it, that is your punishmentIf you never know what you want to beIf you live what some might call the dynamic lifebut will call the artistic life. If each day you are unsure of who you are and what you knowYou will never become anything, and that is your reward. When you grow up you tend to get told that the world is the way it is, and your life is just to live your life inside the world. Try not to bash into the walls too much, Try to have a nice family life, have fun, save a little money, life can be much broader. And that is everything around you that you call lifeOnce you dis cover one simple fact was made up by people that were no smarter than you. How many of us I wonder can recallthat childhood moment, When we experience happiness as a state of beingthat single moment of untarnished joy, that moment when everything in our world inside and out, Its alright. Everything was alright !




invariably [ɪnˈveriəbli]  adv.始终如一地;一贯地

invariable + ly 副词后缀 → 始终如一地

invariable [ɪnˈveriəbl]  adj.始终如一的;永无变化的  n.恒定;不变;始终如一

in 不,非 + vary 改变 + able 形容词后缀 → 没有变化的 → 始终如一的 

This acute infection of the brain is almost invariably fatal.



⑥dynamic [daɪˈnæmɪk]  n.(人或事物)相互作用的方式,动态;力学;动力学;动力  adj.充满活力的;精力充沛的;个性强的;动态的;发展变化的;力的;动力的

dynam 力 + ic 形容词后缀 → 动力的,动力学的

group dynamics (= the way in which members of a group react to each other)



⑦untarnished adj. 未失去光泽的

un 否定 + tarnish 失去光泽 + ed 形容词后缀

tarnish [ˈtɑːrnɪʃ]  v.(使)失去光泽,暗淡;玷污,败坏,损坏(名声等) n.(金属表面上的)暗锈

However, western banks have not escaped with their reputations untarnished.



