
Amazing China:38. 海岸线上的水墨画

Love English 2 2022-12-23




《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集





Fujian, located on the southeast coastal area China, has the longest and most tortuous coastline in the country.

3,752 kilometers in length and 1:7.01 in a tortuosity rate, it is endowed with a wealth of natural bays, mudflats, and includes 1,321 islands.

Rivers flow into the sea in almost every single bay along the coast of Fujian.

These bays are rich in nutrients, and the water temperature is steady and moderate, making them perfect places for mariculture cultivating marine organisms for food.

About 5,000 years ago in the Neolithic Age, the people who lived in this area had already begun farming the seas.

Xiapu County is in the northeast of Fujian Province and has a coastline of 404 kilometers, the longest in the province as a whole and enjoys a subtropical marine climate due to its location.

It has a broad sea area with deep water, a long coastline and rich marine fishery resources, which has created favorable conditions for the booming local mariculture industry.

The mudflats here have witnessed tens of millions of years of history and experienced countless tides rising and falling, forming a unique ecological landscape.

The mudflats always present different features and unique local characteristics in the different seasons.

Xiapu's name perhaps explains its uniqueness.

Xia means the sky with Pu meaning the sea.

It suggests a dialogue between the two which plays out along its beautiful beaches.

At dusk, the Fishermen of Xiapu County begin to spread the fishing nets on the mudflats.

The shimmering blues are captivating almost like a Chinese painting.

This is not only a natural fishing ground, and home to many fishermen, but also a paradise for photographers.



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Amazing China:37. 高山上的蓝宝石
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Amazing China:32. 西湖
Amazing China:31. 水和石头的故事
Amazing China:30. 三爿石的故事

