

2017-04-10 Y叔 biobabble

I have some DAVID GO results that I have performed my own filtering on. I would like to now use the simplify() function from clusterProfiler to reduce redundancy as well as take advantage of some of the visualization tools in this package. However, the simplify() function only accepts enrichResult objects. If I were to set up a dataframe with columns similar to an enrichResult object, would there be a way for me to coerce it so I can use the other functions in this package?





Release & Version Information

DAVID 6.8 (current beta release) May. 2016

-- The DAVID Knowledgebase completely rebuilt
-- Entrez Gene integrated as the central identifier to allow for more timely updates 
  while still incorporating Ensembl and Uniprot as integral data sources
-- New GO category (GO Direct) provides GO mappings directly annotated by the source database (no parent terms included)
-- New annotation categories
-- New list identifier systems added for list uploading and conversion
-- A few bugs fixed

DAVID 6.7 Jan. 2010

-- The DAVID Knowledgebase completely rebuilt, including the central DAVID id system
-- Ensembl Gene included as an integral data source
-- DAVID engine completely rebuilt to facilitate future updates and development
-- New GO category (GO FAT) filters out very broad GO terms based on a measured specificity of each term (not level-specificity)
-- New annotation categories
-- New list identifier systems added for list uploading and conversion
-- Automatic list naming based on uploaded file name
-- Ability to upload expression/other values (some display, but otherwise not used in the analysis at this point)
-- A few bugs fixed
-- and more


通常用户不会仔细去读release note,但如果你读了,你就会发现,他们基本上只更新了GO和ID转换的数据,他们的通路数据是像biocarta这些早死了好多年的数据,然后KEGG这次也没更新,也就是说还是2010年的数据,不愿意给钱日本人,又不愿意去整合新的数据。我劝你们还是放弃DAVID吧,即便是它支持多种ID,ID转换其实也是惨不忍睹。

