

Y叔叔 YuLabSMU 2022-09-20

首先这是来自于约稿,而约稿的人是计算生物学著名的Pearson William,大家都知道FASTA格式,就是因为他的FASTA软件所设计的格式而得名,而FASTA软件,是全方面可以和BLAST匹敌的,比FASTA开发得早,曾经比BLAST更流行(由于NCBI的支持,特别是web界面的出现,BLAST必须是最流行),现在依然有些功能是BLAST所没法完成的。


第二呢,Current Protocols系列是不接收投稿的,所有稿件都是编辑去约稿的。我想大家都可能看过Current Protocols in Molecular Biology那本大砖头,以前在读书的时候,我每每走过它的面前,总要感慨一下,因为真的太厚了。Current Protocols是按照学科大类分的,我被约稿的不是平时看到的大红本,而是蓝色Current Protocols in Bioinformatics。看到约稿的时候,突然有一种,神书我竟然也能写一章的错觉。


ggtree is an R/Bioconductor package for visualizing tree-like structure and associated data. After 5 years of continual development, ggtree has been evolved as a package suit that contains tidytree for tree data manipulation, treeio for tree data input and output and ggtree for tree data visualization. Ggtree was originally designed to work with phylogenetic tree and it has been expanded to support other tree-like structure which extends the applications of using ggtree to present tree data in other disciplines. This article contains five basic protocols describing how to visualize trees using the grammar of graphics syntax, how to visualize hierarchical clustering result with associated data, how to estimate bootstrap values and visualize the values on the tree, how to estimate continuous and discrete ancestral traits and visualize ancestral states on the tree, and how to visualize a multiple sequence alignment with a phylogenetic tree. The ggtree package is freely available at https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/ggtree.


  1. 介绍了如何使用图形语法,通过叠加图层画出复杂的树图
  2. 介绍如何把样本信息在层次聚类结果上呈现出来
  3. 介绍如何把bootstrap值变成分类变量,并用不同形状的点呈现出来
  4. 介绍了估计祖先状态(连续型和离散型),把连续型映射为枝的渐变颜色,把离散型状态用饼图呈现在树上
  5. 介绍了把树和多重序列比对结果画在一起


2020年至今发表了两篇文章,和两章书,写书方面,不单单是打卡了Wiley出版社的Current Protocols,也打卡了Springer的Methods in Molecular Biology系列。

