

2017-06-21 翻吧君 翻吧
在上一篇讲解《唐朝》的翻译时,翻吧君犯了一个错误,将”这一时期,经济发达,商业繁荣,社会秩序稳定,甚至边境也对外开放。“一句的英文译使用了倒装句,但在”边境也对外开放“却用了一个形容词open to the immigration。 正确的应该是the border open to the immigration。对于此错误造成的误导表示歉意,同时也感谢很多同学以及老师的指正!









The Song dynasty was an era of Chinese history that began in 960 and continued until 1279



The Song Dynasty began in 960 and continued until 1279.






It was an era that the economy grew substantially and rose to one of the leading economies in the Earth. 

对于“蓬勃发展”一词,可以“thriving development”。在这一句里,科学、科学、技术、哲学和数学的“发展”更多地是按“进化论”的角度来看的,即是累积式变化。因此,development一词能很好地揭示这种变化规律。柯林斯在线辞典的解释是:

Development is the gradual growth or formation of something. 生长、发育



If something flourishes, it is successful, active, or common, and developing quickly and strongly.



Technology, science, philosophy, mathematics and engineering flourished over the course of the Song.


Science, technology, philosophy and mathematics flourished.


不过,这个拆分句子,显得这一个意群内在的联系不够紧凑(即第二句与第一句的“an era”的关联性不强),句子与句子之间的关系非常松散。可以尝试合成一个句子:

It was an era that the economy grew substantially to be one of the leading economies in the Earth, and science, technology, philosophy and mathematics flourished.  





It was the first government in world history to issue banknotes

This dynasty also saw the first known use of gunpowder.


The Song was the first government in the world history to issue banknotes and saw the first know use of gunpoweder and movable-type printing. 




本句的重点并不在于人口的增长以及城市化, 而是偏重于城市人口增长,城市里就有了“热闹的娱乐场所”。 在选择句型结构时,则要强调人口增长与娱乐场所之间内在的“因果关系”。 

在翻译“人口增长迅速”时,考虑到后面接着“越来越多人住进城市”,不一定必须用一个句子(the population grew/expanded rapidly),可以用一个名词短语(rapid expansion of population )。

“越来越多的人住进城市”中的“住进”即是"移居"(move),可译成more and more people moved to urban cities.


cities had lively entertainment quarters. 


 With rapid expansion of the population, more and more people moved to ruban cities, where there were lively entertainment quarters. 



这一句是典型的中文句式,在形式上,是以“总”(社会生活多种多样)带“点”(人们聚集在一起观看和交易珍贵艺术品),而在语义层面 ,则是两个分开的,可以译成两句话。


Social life during the Song was vibrant. Citizens gathered to view and trade precious artworks, the populace intermingled at public festivals and private clubs, and cities had lively entertainment quarters. 


Social life during the Song was vibrant. Citizens gathered to view and trade precious artworks



这两句是与宋朝的行政体制(civil service system)有关的。“体制”其实就是“system”,选拔可以用“select”,“任用”一词可用“appoint”或“assign”来表示,甚至也可用“recruit"。

"竞争性考试",其实就是科举制(civil service examination),可以译成competitive civil service examination.

在维基百科中,对于宋朝的civil service system有如下的描述:

(The civil service system of recruiting official) was based upon degrees acquired through competitive examinations,in an effort to select the most capable individuals for governance.


During this period, its civil service system was advanced as such government officials were all selected through competitive civial service examination. 




The Song dynasty began in 960 and continued until 1279. It was an era that the economy grew substantially to be one of the leading economies in the Earth, and science, technology, philosophy and mathematics flourished. The Song was the first government in the world history to issue banknotes and saw the first known use of gunpoweder and movable-type printing. With rapid expansion of the population, more and more people moved to ruban cities, where there were lively entertainment quarters. During this period, the civil service system was advanced as such government officials were all selected through competitive civial service examination. 


The Song Dynasty started in 960, and continued until 1279. In this era, Chinese economy grew greatly, and became the largest economy in the world. Science, technology, philosophy and mathematics boomed. Song China was the first country to issue paper money in world history. The Song Dynasty was the first to use gunpowder and to invent movable-type printing. Population grew rapidly. More and more lived in cities. There were lively places for fun. There were many forms of social life. People got together to watch and trade valuable artifacts. The system of the government of the Song Dynasty was the most advanced in the world at that time. Government officials were chosen and employed through competitive exams.



Initiated from AD 960 to AD 1279, the Song dynasty was an era when China’s economy boosted substantially to become the most advanced economy in the world. It’s also an era that both science and technology, philosophy and mathematics flourished. This dynasty also saw the first known use of banknote, gunpowder as well as the invention movable-type. During the Song dynasty, the population of China grew quickly and more and more people surged in to cities, where settled bustling entertaining sites. The social life were abundant and varied, people gathered together to visit and trade valuable works of art. The government system of Song dynasty that all the government officials were selected and appointed through completive tests, was also unrivalled in world at that time



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