

2018-01-03 编译/张思琦 翻吧

JAPAN is prone to fads—usually in fancy desserts or fashion ripe for Instagram. A less photogenic one has hit finance: investing in assets screened for ESG (environmental, social and governance) factors. In 2014-16 funds invested in ESG assets grew faster in Japan than anywhere else (and not just because of better reporting and a low base).

日本常追逐风潮——这些风潮常见于Instagram上的高档甜点和流行时尚。最近金融界有不太上镜的风尚,即对经过环境、社会和治理(environmental, social and governance,简称ESG)因素筛选后的资产进行投资。2014至2016年间,日本投资于环境、社会和治理资产的资本增长速度是全球最快的(而且不仅是因为报道数量更多以及基数低的问题)。

Today Japan’s sustainable-investment balance is $474bn, or some 3.4% of the country’s total managed assets—low compared with Europe or America, but high for Asia. The shift is driven from the top down, rather than, as elsewhere, by ethically minded individual investors.


When he returned to power in 2012 with a plan to revitalise the economy Shinzo Abe, Japan’s prime minister, wanted to reform Japan’s conservative business culture. A code for institutional investors was introduced in 2014, followed by one on corporate governance a year later. The government’s aim is not only to get firms to distribute some of their vast piles of cash, but to shake up boards that tend to see their job as rubber-stamping management decisions.


The big boost for ethical investing in Japan came from the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF), the world’s biggest public-sector investor, with $1.3trn of assets under management. In 2015 GPIF signed the UN’s Principles for Responsible Investment. This year it invested 3% of its holdings in socially responsible assets, using three ESG indices. Smaller investors have started to follow suit.

在日本,道德性投资的巨大推动力来自于政府养老金投资基金(Government Pension Investment Fund,简称GPIF),是全球最大的公共部门投资者,管理着1.3万亿美元资产。2015年,日本政府养老金投资基金成为联合国责任投资原则(The UN’s Principles for Responsible Investment)的签约方。今年,日本政府养老金投资基金采纳了环境、社会和治理这三个指标,将3%的资产投资于社会责任资产。一些相比较小的投资者也开始纷纷效仿。

Hiromichi Mizuno, GPIF’s chief investment officer, says the decision to invest in three ESG indices is for the long-term future, rather than with an eye on short-term returns or to support government policy: “The more companies pay attention to the sustainability of the environment, society and governance, the more likely investors are to find investment opportunities in them.”


Analysts say GPIF is setting a trend for sustainable investing not just in Japan but globally. It has said it wants to increase its allocations in ESG funds to 10% of its assets. Earlier this month it called for proposals for ethical funds to manage its foreign equity investments.


Nick Benes, who heads the Board Director Training Institute of Japan, an educational body, says he is “all for” the enthusiasm for ESG in Japan. But he frets that Japanese companies are focusing on environmental and social aspects at the expense of governance. “That is the real driver of sustainability,” says Mr Benes. “But here it’s a big, boldEand S, and a small, plain G.”


Japanese companies tend to score well on environmental concerns: they are very energy-efficient, for example. Social issues such as empowering women are receiving more attention. (One of GPIF’s chosen indices represents companies that are gender-diverse.) But governance is a work in progress; some still see requirements for disclosure and outside directors as undue interference. A series of scandals this year at companies including Kobe Steel and Nissan, a carmaker, suggests there is still work to do.










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