
达蒙、阿弗莱克等响应inclusion rider 这个条款究竟是什么?

2018-03-16 董静 翻吧

据英国广播公司13日报道,好莱坞影星马特•达蒙和本•阿弗莱克的电影公司将在电影合同中附加inclusion rider条款。


此前,《黑豹》主演迈克尔•B•乔丹宣布,将在所有其制作公司“Outlier Society”制作的电影中附加inclusion rider条款。

珍珠街电影公司战略推广主管、演员兼制片人范生•考斯克•迪吉奥瓦尼( Fanshen Cox DiGiovanni)在推特上为乔丹点赞。

她说道:“我代表珍珠街电影公司、马特•达蒙、本•阿弗莱克、珍妮弗•陶德,德鲁•温顿宣布,今后我们的所有作品中将附加上inclusion rider条款。”

关注了第90届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼的网友对inclusion rider应该并不陌生。

3月5日,“科恩嫂”弗兰西斯•麦克多蒙德凭借《三块广告牌》获封最佳女主角。她在发表获奖感言时表示:“I have two words for you: inclusion rider.(我要留给大家两个词:inclusion rider。)”

“科恩嫂”的一番话让inclusion rider受到热议。当晚,“inclusion”成了韦氏词典网站搜索最多的单词,#inclusionrider话题也登上推特热搜。


I just found out about this last week. There has always been available, to everybody that does a negotiation on a film, an inclusion rider, which means that you can ask for and/or demand at least 50 percent diversity in not only the casting but also the crew.

我上个星期刚知道inclusion rider条款,所有谈电影片约的人都可以把这个条款加进去,这么做意味着你呼吁或要求演职人员都保持至少有50%的多元性。

我们可以将inclusion rider理解为“包容性附则”,根据维基百科的定义:

An inclusion rider or equity rider is a provision added to a contract of an actor to ensure that casting and production staff meet certain levels of diversity, for example regarding the inclusion of women, people of color, LGBT people and people with disabilities.


这个概念最先由美国南加州大学教授史黛西•史密斯(Stacy Smith)提出。


A-listers, as we all know, can make demands in their contracts, particularly the ones that work on the biggest Hollywood films. What if those A-listers simply added an equity clause or an inclusion rider into their contract?



The real goal is to counter bias in the auditioning and casting process, she said, explaining that the contract could also stipulate that if the film ultimately failed to meet the requirements, the distributor would have to pay a “penalty” to a fund that supports female directors and other underrepresented groups.

正如Boston Global在一篇报道中所言,Inclusion rider并不是配额问题,也与光学或政治正确性无关。

It’s not about quotas, optics, or political correctness. Inclusion means leveling the field and doing what is right, as well as financially sound, in Hollywood and beyond.



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