

2018-04-10 翻吧君 翻吧

The Chinese government placed the ___1___ on more than 100 products including pork, fruit and other goods. The ___2___are to take effect immediately.China's finance ministry said the move was in reaction to U.S. tariffs on steel and ___3___ imports announced in March. China's most recent move adds to complex ___4___ involving the U.S., Europe and Japan. They say that China's government unfairly supports some companies. This support, they say, is like a ___5___ that makes China's exports less costly and unfairly competitive. iolThe group also says that state support for Chinese companies vates China's requirements under the rules of the World Trade Organization.




Charcoal is one of the biggest informal businesses in Africa. It is the fuel of choice for the continent's fast-growing urban poor, who, in the absence of electricity or gas, use it to cook and heat water. ——How illegal charcoal fuels war and harms the environment, The Economist,March 31, 2018

参考译文:木炭交易是非洲最大规模的一种地下经济。由于电力和燃气供应不足,木炭成为非洲大陆上快速增长的城镇贫穷人口用来烧水做饭的燃料来源。——非法木炭生意燃起点火 破坏环境,《经济学人》,2018年3月31日

解析:这两句英文有两个重点需要注意。1)一个是名词charcoal的翻译。虽然字面上charcoal是“木炭”,但其表语却用了informal business来定性。在翻译时,charcoal就不能单纯地指“木炭”之物,而应该是charcoal business。informal business其实是与formal economy相对应的,即在广义上的非正规经济不仅仅包括那些不合法/非法的企业,还包括了不合法/不被保护的劳动雇佣关系。这些企业的生产和经营没有纳入到国家税务或财政体系之中。 2)第二句的英文是一个强调句型,且带了一个定语从句。但在中文里,更多地还是要体现语义表达地通顺与流畅。在结构上,将介词状语 in the absence of electricity or gas当作中文里的原因状语,use it to cook and heat water当作the urban poor的连动词。to cook and heat water 更为地道的中文表达是“烧水做饭”。



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