

2018-04-22 王毅 翻吧




Q: What are the outcomes of your visit this time?



Wang Yi: I had in-depth talks with Foreign Minister Taro Kono yesterday. This morning, after an eight-year hiatus, China-Japan high-level economic dialogue was restarted. Just now I also exchanged in-depth views with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The general feeling is that both sides have realized that the current situation of improvement in China-Japan relations does not come by easily and is worth doubly cherishing. China attaches importance to the positive information released by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the Japanese government during this period on improving relations with China. China is willing to meet Japan halfway, not only keep the momentum of improvement, but also make the progress of improvement constantly go forward, so as to open up new prospects for China-Japan relations.



During my meeting with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe just now, I also stressed another point of view. Looking around the world today, the international situation is filled with uncertainties. The improvement of China-Japan relations should become an important part in safeguarding the overall situation of peace and stability of this region. Both sides should view and promote the improvement of China-Japan relations from such a broad perspective and long-term vision. Of course, in order to achieve this goal, both sides must abide by various principles set forth in the four political documents between China and Japan, well safeguard the political foundation of bilateral relations, and in particular, properly deal with various problems that may affect or interfere with the progress of the improvement in China-Japan relations. Take historical issues for example, and Taiwan-related issues as well, there have been lots of experience and lessons in this regard and China does not want the efforts of both sides to improve bilateral relations to be interrupted again.



As to the economic relations between the two sides, China has introduced to Japan the progress made in the “Belt and Road” construction. China holds an open attitude towards the participation of Japan in the “Belt and Road” construction in a proper way. The two sides have conducted detailed discussions in this regard. Just now, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe reiterated again the positive attitude towards the “Belt and Road” construction. Meanwhile, he also expressed the willingness to start with concrete project cooperation. China is willing to work together with Japan to find appropriate projects and carry out trilateral cooperation. In such aspects as building high-quality infrastructure, China and Japan share a common view. Both sides hope that the infrastructure is of high quality. The two sides can combine advantages of each other to better address the urgent need for infrastructure in this region and other regions. The Japanese side has put forward to establish a platform for exchanges and cooperation between the governments and the peoples. China also holds an open attitude and hopes that the platform will soon be established.



The China-Japan high-level economic dialogue has been suspended for eight years during which international economic situation and the respective economies of China and Japan have undergone significant changes. Therefore, China has made a proposal that the two sides should, at a new starting point, discuss promoting mutually beneficial cooperation in the future. In accordance with the respective development needs of the two countries as well as the current trend of world development, we have proposed the key areas of China-Japan economic cooperation in the next step including energy conservation and environmental protection, scientific and technological innovation, high-end manufacturing, finance, sharing economy, and healthcare and elderly care. We believe that these areas enjoy broad cooperation space and huge cooperation potential, which will not only benefit the peoples of the two countries but will also provide new impetus for regional development.



In addition, both sides agreed that we should push forward the process of regional economic integration. Both sides should make greater efforts to speed up the negotiation on the Free Trade Area among China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (ROK) as well as expedite the negotiation on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership so as to achieve concrete results at an early date. The two sides also had full discussions regarding the current trade protectionism. As Japan relies on trade as its foundation, Japan understands better the importance of upholding the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO). I told my Japanese counterparts that the position taken by China now is not only to safeguard China’s legitimate rights and interests, but also to safeguard the rules of the WTO, the global free trade system and the common interests of all countries in the world, including Japan. The consensus reached by the two sides is that, faced with the rise of protectionism, both sides pledge to take actions to safeguard the global free trade system with the WTO as its core, and to work together to build a more open world economy. Both Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Foreign Minister Taro Kono expressed warm welcome to and spoke highly of the measures for further expanding China's opening up announced by President Xi Jinping at the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2018 not long ago. China is willing to work with all countries in the region, including Japan, to jointly promote economic globalization towards a more open, inclusive, balanced, universally beneficial and win-win direction.



Question: Have China-Japan relations begun to improve in an all-round way?



Wang Yi: We hope that the first official visit to Japan by Foreign Minister of China after an eight-year hiatus will become an important step in pushing China-Japan relations back to the track of normal development. On this basis, we should continue consolidating and advancing the momentum of improvement. We should not only bring China-Japan relations back to the correct track as soon as possible, but also further open up new prospects for the healthy and stable development of China-Japan relations in line with the direction set forth in the four political documents between China and Japan and based on the consensus reached by both sides on regarding each other as cooperative partners rather than threats.



Question: As regards high-level exchanges in the next stage, what has been specifically discussed with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan?



Wang Yi: We had some discussions in this regard. It is very clear to all of you that the reason why China-Japan relations have been stagnating or become even worse over the past few years is that bilateral relations have been disturbed by many issues. The experience and lessons are worthy of learning, the core of which is whether Japan can correctly treat the development and growth of China. The gradual resumption of high-level exchanges will come as a natural result of the continuous improvement of China-Japan relations. The first thing to consider is the trilateral leaders’ meeting of China, Japan and the ROK, which may be held in Japan next month. If China-Japan relations continue to get improved, Premier Li Keqiang will not only attend the trilateral leaders’ meeting of China, Japan and the ROK, but also may pay an official visit to Japan. Both Foreign Minister Taro Kono and I expressed that the two sides should work together to make all preparations for it and create necessary conditions for a suitable atmosphere and environment.



Question: What have you discussed with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe concerning the issue of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)?



Wang Yi: Prime Minister Shinzo Abe talked about the issue of the Korean Peninsula at the very beginning. He put forward and emphasized the importance of the nuclear issue of the Korean Peninsula to Japan for several times, and also mentioned the “kidnapping” issue. I stated the position of the Chinese government to him. At present, the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue has clearly eased from a situation of a crippling crisis, and has returned to the direction of the denuclearization. This is the result of the concerted efforts made by all parties including China, which deserves the welcome and support of the international community. At the same time, the DPRK proposed that its reasonable security concerns should be addressed. And China thinks that it is a justified requirement. Therefore, China believes that all parties should follow the “dual-track approach” to advance the process of the political settlement of the nuclear issue on the Peninsula. In other words, all parties should promote and realize the denuclearization of the Peninsula on the one hand, and promote and establish a peaceful mechanism on the Peninsula on the other hand so as to achieve the packaged solutions in the end. This is the fundamental way to realize the long-term stability and peace of the Peninsula. China is willing to work together with other parties to continue playing constructive roles in this regard.



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