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语言迁移研究: 问题与思考

被引频次  837

戴炜栋, 王栋上海外国语大学
摘  要   语言迁移一直是应用语言学、第二语言习得和语言教学领域有争议的论题。在过去几十年里, 人们对其在外语教学领域的认识几经反复。近年来, 人们对迁移的作用有了进一步的认识, 迁移可能和其它一些我们尚未完全了解的因素交互起作用, 因此围绕迁移研究仍有很多理论和实际问题。本文针对制约迁移研究的四个核心问题(定义、比较、预测和概括)进行讨论并提出作者的看法。



被引频次  781

郭纯洁, 刘芳南京航空航天大学
摘  要  本文旨在解释母语在第二语言学习者目的语输出过程中对学习者认知处理的影响。本研究的理论框架基于对十二名不同英语(第二语言)水平的学生用“有声思维”法看图作文的结果所作的分析,通过对测试结果进行定性分析,建立了两个思维流程图式模型。笔者讨论了母语在第二语言输出过程中对各思维流程的影响作用,指出母语对第二语言输出最大的影响在于它对学习者认知处理的三大作用:理解中介、检索中介和形式判断、分析中介。笔者认为这三大功能用现有的迁移理论都不能得到满意的解释,因此建议用母语参与一词替代语言迁移。


母语水平对二语写作的迁移: 跨语言的理据与路径

被引频次 531

王立非, 文秋芳,南京大学

摘  要  本文探讨中国大学生的母语能力对二语写作的影响, 采用三种英、汉语测试工具收集数据, 确定了10个潜在变量和16个可测变量。文中用线性结构方程模型软件进行建模统计测量, 描绘出母语对二语写作的影响路径图。研究发现, 汉语水平变量通过直接或间接路径对学习者的英语写作能力产生影响, 其中汉语写作能力、汉语词汇能力和汉语语篇能力三个变量对英语写作影响显著, 由此可以预测71.8%的英语写作变异。其次, 英语水平在汉语能力变量向英语写作能力的迁移中起着制约作用。英语高分组显示, 汉语写作能力和汉语词汇能力可以预测62.3%的英语写作变异; 低分组显示, 英语写作受到汉语语篇和词汇能力两个变量的影响, 预测力为21.6%。



被引频次  442

摘  要  我国学生英语写作中普遍存在着汉语负迁移的现象, 语法、词汇及其表达处处留下汉语干扰的痕迹, 这严重地妨碍了学生英语写作交际能力的提高。究其根源, 还在于学生的语言输入不足。本文针对这一现状, 试图从第二语言习得理论的角度探讨背诵输入对排除母语干扰、克服英语写作中的负迁移所起的重要作用, 强调背诵输入在当前英语写作教学中应有的地位。



被引频次  435

摘  要  第二语言习得研究表明, 母语迁移是影响第二语言习得的重要因素之一, 它将影响到对第二语言的音位、词汇、词法、句法和语篇等各个子系统的学习。自20世纪40、50年代以来, 国内外的母语迁移研究者们借助于对比分析和实证研究对影响第二语言习得的各种语言和非语言因素及其相互关系和相互作用进行了卓有成效的研究。



被引频次  414


摘  要   学习者的第一语言在外语课堂上起什么作用, 是外语教师关心的问题。心理语言学和第二语言习得研究在这方面成绩斐然, 只是研究的重心大都在语言的负迁移, 对母语的积极作用、正面影响关注不多。本文的意图是提出问题, 并借助心理语言学的研究成果作初步探讨。



被引频次 338

摘  要  本文研究汉语疑问句探询功能的迁移。用疑问句的形式表达陈述性的内容或指令性的内容, 这时疑问句的探询功能就迁移到陈述功能或指令功能上来。迄今为止, 疑问句陈述功能的用法是作为反法疑问句在修辞学里研究的, 指令功能的用法是作为间接言语行为在语用学里研究的。本文认为, 疑问句探询功能的减退与迁移, 都是疑问句语用嬗变链上的相互联系又相互区别的现象; 迁移成为陈述功能或指令功能, 本质上都受疑问句运用过程中同一因素的影响, 受同一机理的制约。本文拟提出"疑问句语用嬗变理论模型", 对这些功能及体现这些功能的疑问句现象作出统一的分析。观察表明, 疑问句探询功能的减退与迁移是一种跨语言现象, 所表现出的语法-语义-语用特征, 在汉语及其他许多语言中有着基本类似的表现。我们希望这一理论模型具有跨语言的解释力。



被引频次  320

摘  要   本文根据语言共同性与语言标记性理论,结合作者在第二语言教学实践中所收集到的第一手资料,对第二语言习得中母语迁移现象进行了分析。结果表明:与对比分析假设相比较,语言标记性理论对于解释母语迁移现象以及第二语言习得者所面临的学习困难有较明显的优势



被引频次  269


摘  要  第二语言学习中母语迁移的作用不可忽视。本文通过英汉语对比, 探讨了中国学生学习英语过程中汉语(普通话)在语音、语法、词汇等方面的负迁移对英语学习的影响, 同时对前人较少论及的迁移的其他几种表现形式促进、回避、过度使用等也进行了初步探讨, 以求对母语迁移这个复杂的现象有个全面的了解, 最终得出结论: 汉语迁移对中国的英语学习者尤其是初学者影响颇具。

TOP 10


被引频次  229

摘  要  本文试图探讨母语策略与母语迁移之间是否存在必然性。笔者设计了较为全面的母语策略问卷, 发现大学一年级学生在整个写作过程中多采用母语策略, 这与他们所处的特殊阶段有关。本文从写作结果的角度分析了母语策略与母语迁移的关系。由此, 在写作教学中我们可以得到一些启示

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仅选Web of Science核心合集




Musical Training Influences Linguistic Abilities in 8-Year-Old Children: More Evidence for Brain Plasticity

Cited frequency  448

Moreno S,Marseille University

Abstract  We conducted a longitudinal study with32nonmusician children over9months to determine1) whether functional differences between musician and nonmusician children reflect specific predispositions for music or result from musical training and2) whether musical training improves nonmusical brain functions such as reading and linguistic pitch processing. Event-related brain potentials were recorded while8-year-old children performed tasks designed to test the hypothesis that musical training improves pitch processing not only in music but also in speech. Following the first testing sessions nonmusician children were pseudorandomly assigned to music or to painting training for6months and were tested again after training using the same tests. After musical(but not painting) training, children showed enhanced reading and pitch discrimination abilities in speech. Remarkably, 6months of musical training thus suffices to significantly improve behavior and to influence the development of neural processes as reflected in specific pattern of brain waves. These results reveal positive transfer from music to speech and highlight the influence of musical training. Finally, they demonstrate brain plasticity in showing that relatively short periods of training have strong consequences on the functional organization of the children's brain.


Short-Term Music Training Enhances Verbal Intelligence and Executive Function

Cited frequency  406

Moreno SBaycrest, Rotman Res Inst, TorontoBialystok E,York University (et al,)
Abstract  Researchers have designed training methods that can be used to improve mental health and to test the efficacy of education programs. However, few studies have demonstrated broad transfer from such training to performance on untrained cognitive activities. Here we report the effects of two interactive computerized training programs developed for preschool children: one for music and one for visual art. After only20days of training, only children in the music group exhibited enhanced performance on a measure of verbal intelligence, with90%of the sample showing this improvement. These improvements in verbal intelligence were positively correlated with changes in functional brain plasticity during an executive-function task. Our findings demonstrate that transfer of a high-level cognitive skill is possible in early childhood.


Interactive Book Reading in Early Education: A Tool to Stimulate Print Knowledge as Well as Oral Language

Cited frequency  312

Mol SELeiden UniversityBus AG,  Eotvos Lorand University Leiden Universityde Jong MT, Leiden Unibersity
Abstract This meta-analysis examines to what extent interactive storybook reading stimulates two pillars of learning to read: vocabulary and print knowledge. The authors quantitatively reviewed31(quasi) experiments(n=2, 049children) in which educators were trained to encourage children to be actively involved before, during, and after joint book reading. A moderate effect size was found for oral language skills, implying that both quality of book reading in classrooms and frequency are important. Although teaching print-related skills is not part of interactive reading programs, 7%of the variance in kindergarten children's alphabetic knowledge could be attributed to the intervention. The study also shows that findings with experimenters were simply not replicable in a natural classroom, setting. Further research is needed to disentangle the processes that explain the effects of interactive reading on children's print knowledge and the strategies that may help transfer intervention effects from researchers to children's own teachers.


Noninvasive brain stimulation improves language learning

Cited frequency  289

Flöel AUniversity Munster
Abstract Anodal transcranial direct current Stimulation(tDCS) is a reliable technique to improve motor learning. We here wanted to test its potential to enhance associative verbal learning, a skill crucial for both acquiring new languages in healthy individuals and for language reacquisition after stroke-induced aphasia. We applied tDCS(20min, 1mA) over the posterior part of the left peri-sylvian area of19young right-handed individuals while subjects acquired a miniature lexicon of30novel object names. Every subject participated in one session of anodal tDCS, one session of cathodal tDCS, and one sham session in a randomized and double-blinded design with three parallel versions of the miniature lexicon. Outcome measures were learning speed and learning success at the end of each session, and the transfer to the subjects' native language after the respective stimulation. With anodal stimulation, subjects showed faster and better associative learning as compared to sham stimulation. Mood ratings, reaction times, and response styles were comparable between stimulation conditions. Our results demonstrate that anodal tDCS is a promising technique to enhance language learning in healthy adults and may also have the potential to improve language reacquisition after stroke.


Processing abstract language modulates motor system activity

Cited frequency  283

Glenberg AM Univ WisconsinSato M,Univ Parma
Abstract Embodiment theory proposes that neural systems for perception and action are also engaged during language comprehension. Previous neuroimaging and neurophysiological studies have only been able to demonstrate modulation of action systems during comprehension of concrete language. We provide neurophysiological evidence for modulation of motor system activity during the comprehension of both concrete and abstract language. In Experiment1, when the described direction of object transfer or information transfer(e. g., away from the reader to another) matched the literal direction of a hand movement used to make a response, speed of responding was faster than when the two directions mismatched(an action-sentence compatibility effect). In Experiment2, we used single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation to study changes in the corticospinal motor pathways to hand muscles while reading the same sentences. Relative to sentences that-do not describe transfer, there is greater modulation of activity in the hand muscles when reading sentences describing transfer of both concrete objects and abstract information. These findings are discussed in relation to the human mirror neuron system.


Massively Multilingual Sentence Embeddings for Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Transfer and Beyond

Cited frequency 250

Artetxe  MUniv Basque
Abstract  We introduce an architecture to learn joint multilingual sentence representations for93languages, belonging to more than30different families and written in28different scripts. Our system uses a single BiLSTM encoder with a shared byte-pair encoding vocabulary for all languages, which is coupled with an auxiliary decoder and trained on publicly available parallel corpora. This enables us to learn a classifier on top of the resulting embeddings using English annotated data only, and transfer it to any of the93languages without any modification. Our experiments in cross-lingual natural language inference(XNLI data set), cross-lingual document classification(MLDoc data set), and parallel corpus mining(BUCC data set) show the effectiveness of our approach. We also introduce a new test set of aligned sentences in112languages, and show that our sentence embeddings obtain strong results in multilingual similarity search even for low-resource languages. Our implementation, the pre-trained encoder, and the multilingual test set are available


The home language environment of monolingual and bilingual children and their language proficiency

Cited frequency 232

Scheele AFUniv Utrecht 
Abstract  This study investigated the relationships between home language learning activities and vocabulary in a sample of monolingual native Dutch(n=58) and bilingual immigrant Moroccan-Dutch(n=46) and Turkish-Dutch(n=55) 3-year-olds, speaking Tarifit-Berber, a nonscripted language, and Turkish as their first language(L1), respectively. Despite equal domain general cognitive abilities, Dutch children scored higher than the bilingual children on a L1vocabulary test, and Moroccan-Dutch children had higher second language(L2) vocabulary skills compared to Turkish-Dutch children. Multigroup analyses revealed strong impact on both L1and L2skills of language specific input in literate and oral activities. Finally, indications were found of positive cross-language transfer from L1to L2as well as competition between L1and L2 input.


Ultimate attainment in L2inflection: Performance similarities between non-native and native speakers

Cited frequency  220

Hopp, HUniv Mannheim

Abstract  This paper reports four experiments that test whether persistent problems of second-language(L2) learners with L2inflection, such as case or subject-verb agreement, are the consequence of age-related grammatical impairment of L2morphosyntax or differences in processing efficiency between natives and non-natives. Fifty-nine L1English, Dutch and Russian advanced to near-native L2speakers of German were tested on their ultimate attainment of case marking, subject-verb agreement and gender concord. Different off-line and on-line tasks were employed. Cross-linguistic and cross-experiment comparisons of native and non-native performance show that native-like ultimate attainment of L2inflection is possible for postpubescent learners in L2grammar and L2processing. Non-target-like L2inflection is systematically related to L1transfer and limitations in L2processing efficiency. In conjunction, these findings argue against a critical period for morphosyntax in L2acquisition; rather, they suggest that non-native and native grammars and processing systems are fundamentally identical, with L2systems being computationally less efficient due to L1influence. (C) 2009Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


The role of the second language in third language acquisition: the case of Germanic syntax

Cited frequency  218

Bardel CStockholm UniFalk Y, Univ Nijmegen
Abstract  In this study of the placement of sentence negation in third language acquisition(L3), we argue that there is a qualitative difference between the acquisition of a true second language(L2) and the subsequent acquisition of an L3. Although there is considerable evidence for L2influence on vocabulary acquisition in L3, not all researchers believe that such influence generalizes to morphosyntactic aspects of the grammar. For example, Hakansson et al. (2002) introduce the Developmentally Moderated Transfer Hypothesis(DMTH), which incorporates transfer in Processability Theory(PT). They argue against syntactic transfer from L2to. L3. The present study presents counter-evidence to this hypothesis from two groups of learners with different Us and Us acquiring Swedish or Dutch as L3. The evidence clearly indicates that syntactic structures are more easily transferred from L2than from L1in the initial state of L3acquisition. The two groups behave significantly differently as to the placement of negation, a difference that can be attributed to the L2knowledge of the learners in interaction with the typological relationship between the L2and the L3.

TOP 10

Cross-linguistic transfer of oral language, decoding, phonological awareness and reading comprehension: a meta-analysis of the correlational evidence

Cited frequency  205

Melby-Lervåg M University Oslo Lervåg  A,  Univ Oslo
Abstract  We present a meta-analysis of cross-linguistic transfer of oral language (vocabulary and listening comprehension), phonology(decoding and phonological awareness) and reading comprehension. Our findings show a small meta-correlation between first (L1) and second (L2) oral language and a moderate to large correlation between L1and L2 phonological awareness and decoding. This is interpreted in terms of the complexity of oral language compared with phonological awareness and decoding, where the limited number of letter-sound combinations are easier to learn. There were also large variations in the L1-L2 correlations for all language domains. The variation of decoding was moderated by writing system and instructional language. Further, the meta-correlation between L1decoding and L2reading comprehension was small to moderate, and decreased reliably with age, while the correlation between L1oral language and L2 reading comprehension was close to0. Overall, we argue that the results can be explained from both interdependence and contrastive perspectives.

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Besson Mireille, Scharf Maria, Martin Alia, Lervag Arne, Chobert Julie, Marie Celine, Catherine, Chen Xi, Robert J, Moreno Sylvain, Santos Andreia, Shoen Daniele, Morales Julia.

\ 单位分析 /

以100篇论文的所有作者单位为数据,高引作者单位如下:Univ Reading, Univ Nottingham, Univ Oslo, Leiden University, York Univ, Miami Univ, Marseille Univ, Univ Iowa, Northwestern Univ.

\ 篇名分析 /

以100篇论文的所有篇名为数据,分词后统计词频(筛选):transfer, musical training, bilingual influences, multilingualism, literacy, syntactic transfer, proficiency, awareness, language acquisition, English.

\关键词分析 /

以100篇论文的所有关键词为数据,分词后统计词频(筛选):language, transfer, L2learning, reading comprehension, training, language processing, acquisition, language development, literacy, biligual processing, speech, music, awareness, crosslinguistic influence.

\ 期刊分析 /

以100篇论文的所有期刊为数据,分词后词频排名(筛选):Language Learning, Lingua, Second Language Research, Journal of Educational Psychology, Journal of Neurolinguistics, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Applied Psycholinguistics.



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好书推荐|郑艳群 《汉语课堂教学结构和过程建模研究》(留言赠书)












审    核:心得小蔓





