
活动通知 | Janet Enever教授讲座

SCRELE 英语教学研究基地 2022-04-24




Janet Enever教授讲座

应上海市英语教育教学研究基地的邀请,瑞典于默奥大学名誉教授、伦敦国王学院客座教授Janet Enever博士将于6月16日在线上举办学术讲座,欢迎广大中小学英语教师、英语教研员、高校师生及科研人员参加!


Why do primary foreign language teachers need to know about policy?


2021年6月16日 19:00-20:30


Recently, one of my MA students told me that she had been very puzzled as to why I had included a session on language policies in the module. Reassuringly, by the end of the module, she reported that she now understood how important it was to know about policy – where ideas come from, how policy is formed and how it gets implemented.

In this talk I hope to map out some of those processes, shedding light on why policies may or may not be successful and the agency of teachers in effective implementation. I will adopt a global perspective, exploring examples of major policy reform in a number of countries to critically examine their strengths and weaknesses. The presentation draws on a frame proposed by Johnstone (2018) to explore four main issues: the aims and values of policy; societal factors which may affect implementation; provision factors related to finance and resources and the implementation process factors necessary to achieve satisfactory implementation. Adopting a socio-political perspective (Ricento, 2015), I aim to shed light on the extent to which policies prioritise the United Nations Sustainable Development goals of achieving equity for all in educational provision (UN, 2015).  Finally, recognising the central role of the teacher in the process of implementation, I will consider the role of teacher agency in adjusting policy requirements to the realities of complex contexts in which policy may need to be re-shaped to more fully meet the needs of children. 



Janet Enever is Professor emerita Umeå University, Sweden and visiting professor in language education, King' s College London. Her research interests include primary foreign language learning, global forces and the politics of language policy. She has advised on primary language policy developments in a number of countries in Asia, Europe and South America. Recent publications include Policy and Politics in global primary English (2018) and Global language policies: Moving English up the educational escalator, Policy overview (2020). In 2015 she established the AILA Research Network in early language learning (ELL-ReN). Currently, she co-edits the Multilingual Matters book series 'Early Language Learning in School Contexts' (with Dr Annamaria Pinter) and the journal 'Language Teaching for Young Learners' (with Prof. Dingfang Shu & Prof. Rod Ellis).

