
Am I qualify for China work permit? Class A,B or C? -2023 update

VisaInChina 美西咨询Visa 2023-07-18

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The “Foreign Work Permit (FWP)” policy started since 1st April 2017. According to that policy, it divided the foreigner who works in China into 3 categories. Category A (Talent), Category B (Specialty), Category C (Normal). You have to reach at least Category C, then you can successfully obtain the FWP and working residence permit (which are necessary permits to work legally in Shanghai). 

In January 2023, the shanghai government further expanded the scope of Category A and B. In following article, VisaInChina will introduce you the most update FWP categories in detail. Beside that, we will also give you a quick way to assess which category you might qualify in different scenario (which covers 80%+ situations).

Quick Way to Assess:

  • If your gross salary is over 600,000RMB/year, focus on A.

  • If your gross salary is over 400,000RMB/year, focus on B2.

  • If you have BA degree + 2 years working experience, focus on B1.

  • If you are an English teacher, focus on B3.

  • If you are fresh graduate of BA, focus on C1 or B4.

  • If you are fresh graduate of MA, focus on B4 or C2.

  • If none of above situations, then focus on B4 or B5.

  • Still not sure? You can ask help from VisaInChina team

2023 Update Criteria of FWP - Category A, B and C:

Category A: 

The most popular Category-A expat is following <High Incoming Earners>:
Gross salary is over 600,000RMB/year and paying Incoming tax based on that amount.

And other Category-A criteria, please check following links (paste this link to your browser to open, or scan the Q-code below):



B1: You have Bachelor degree and 2 years full time related work experience after graduation.

B2: You are a Technology Worker and Your gross salary is equal or over 4 times of shanghai average wage in society (In Shanghai, it's about 33,400RMB/Month, the government will check your income tax receipt next year).

B3: You are a foreign language teacher (native speaker) in China. You have Bachelor or higher degree and 2 years full time teaching experience (if your major is Education, Language or Teaching or if you have recognized TEFL certificate, then 2 years full time teaching experience can be exempt).

B4. Personal comprehensive quality – score over 60 points, score sheet below:

B5. 62 Job positions (In Trail), covering 4 industries of <Integrated Circuit>, <Biomedicine>, <Artificial Intelligence -AI>, <Finance>. which are ugently needed in shanghai.


C1. Fresh graduate in Shanghai (or a fresh graduate from top 500 overseas university) within 2 years, have a bachelor diploma. Employed by a company registered in Shanghai Free Trade Zone (FTZ) or Zhang Jiang national innovation demonstration zone, Lingang special area or Hongqiao central business district, any of the 5 new towns (Jiading, Qingpu, Songjiang, Fengxian and Nanhui) or to be employed by any company included in shanghai sci-tech innovation occupation list.

C2. Fresh graduate in China (or a fresh graduate from top 500 overseas university) within 2 years, have a Master or higher diploma (scores reach 80/100 or B+/B over average). Employed by a company registered in Shanghai

C3. French Intern <1000 plan as internship> or German intern <DIHK program> in Shanghai company. (Internship less than 6 month)





  • 外国员工税前年薪大于等于60万元人民币,关注A类。
  • 外国员工税前年薪大于等于40万元人民币,关注B2类。
  • 外国员工有学士学位+ 2年相关工作经验,关注B1类。
  • 招聘一名外籍英语老师,关注B3类。
  • 外国员工是本科应届毕业生,关注C1或B4类。
  • 外国员工是硕士应届毕业生,关注B4或C2类。
  • 如果以上情况都不符合,建议关注B4或B5类。
  • 自己无法判断?那找您在美西的咨询师来帮助您。








B1 - 外国人有学士学位,以及学士学位毕业后2年全职相关工作经验。

B2 - 外国技术工人并且平均工资收入不低于本地区上年度社会平均工资收入4 倍的外籍人才(以上海为例,税前月薪大于等于33400元,政府机关下一年度会检查外国人相应的个人所得税税单)。

B3 - 外国语言教学人员。外国语言教学人员应从事其母语国语言教学,并取得大学学士及以上学位且具有2年以上语言教学工作经历。其中,取得教育类、语言类或师范类学士及以上学位的,或取得所在国教师资格证书或取得符合要求的国籍语言教学证书的(如公认的TEFL 或TESOL证书,则可以免除2年以上语言教学工作经历的要求)。

B4 - 个人综合评定超过60分,积分表如下:

B5. 《集成电路》,《生物医药》,《人工智能》及《金融》4大产业里面的62个上海急需紧缺型岗位。





VisaInChina.com (Meshing Consultancy Services Co., Ltd) is a legally registered company established for over 20 years, we are a legally license agency for Foreigner's Work Permit (FWP) registered in the Shanghai foreign expert bureau. Only the company who has following <Human resources service license> can legally provide the China work permit agency service.


Meshing Consultancy Services Co.,Ltd.

Add: Room 410, KYMS building C2, No.101 E Shan road, Pudong, Shanghai China. -

Operation Time: Monday to Friday 9AM-6PM 

Telephone1: 021-51699039

Telephone2: 021-63075776

Emergency: 13501828752

E-mail: info@visainchina.com

Website: http://www.VisaInChina.com

