
WUE·纽约 |一位纽约音乐人的疫情日记(1)

地球er 地球公场 2022-08-09









Glenn Ianaro(格伦)便是一位纽约的音乐人。受“地球公场(We-UnitedEarth)”之约,他从二月底就开始记录“疫情下的纽约生活”。我们从他的纯个人视角的记录,可以了解一些纽约艺术工作者的真实处境。Glenn也是一位观念上的地球公民,他的日记会持续记录,我们也会分期向大家分享。



Glenn Ianaro is a New York City based recording and mix engineer. He has also worked closely with several artsist in China and on several Chinese films as mix engineer. He has watched the global pendemic unfold first through the eyes of his friends in China and now in front of him in American epicenter of New York.

Glenn Ianaro是纽约的录音和混音工程师。他曾经与中国的几位艺术家在华语电影里有过密切合作。在疫情之初,他借由中国朋友的视角目睹了这场“大流行病”的爆发;而现在,这场流行病蔓延到了纽约,出现在他面前。


 Glenn Ianaro 在纽约和WUE一起发声






摄影  Glenn Ianaro 

我目前在离纽约5小时车程的佛蒙特州的一座山上。这里十分偏僻,杳无人迹,似乎只有我们几个音乐人:我,老朋友Freddi,还有几个特地来和我们一起录制音乐的人。我们要准备两周后(3月12号)在纽约百老汇大道灯塔剧院(Beacon Theatre, Broadway, New York)的一场演出。


摄影  Glenn Ianaro 









Love rocks NY(爱撼动纽约)慈善音乐会开始彩排了,这场音乐会是为了支持纽约的一个非营利组织God’s Love We Deliver(传播上帝之爱) ,一起帮助这座城市里有需要的人们。我们的乐队19个人,还有所有技术工作人员以及制作人员在SIR录音棚会面。漫长而精彩的一周就这样开始了。




我们开始在灯塔剧院(Beacon Theatre)摆放设备。每个人都非常忙碌,因为下午2点乐队就要开始彩排,我们得提前安排好所有设备。









图源  Beacon Theatre Instagram


就在下午,我们听说政府取消了所有500人以上的公共集会。但是,所有的艺术家们都已经来了,至少在赶来的路上,就连Pedrito Martinez(古巴艺术家,是一名打击乐手、鼓手、歌唱家、舞蹈家以及指挥家)也像走迷宫一样,不断转机,绕过了关闭的机场和边境,在世界上绕了一大圈之后来到这里。




摄影  Glenn Ianaro




摄影  Glenn Ianaro 





2020年1月26日的 卡内基音乐厅 每晚音乐会如常上演,新一年的演出原本都排到了年末。

摄影  Ohia 






我住在纽约SOHO艺术区,这里离纽约中国城(Chinatown)很近。今天,我在家附近走了走,感觉一切照旧。供应早饭和午饭的餐馆依旧忙碌,人们还在街上,好像在享受美好的天气,似乎不太在意政府发出的Stay Home的警告。我去了附近的食品店,也感觉一切正常。


摄影  Glenn Ianaro 

直到我走进Whole Foods(全食超市,美国大型食品连锁超市),才开始感觉到有点不一样了。罐装和冷冻食品都已被抢购一空,零食和瓶装饮料也通通告罄;不过肉、蛋等新鲜的食品还很充足,真正的应急食品,比如能量粉和能量棒也都还有不少。


我感到自己还算幸运,因为我家里就有一个很好的录音棚,混音也可以通过远程制作而成。我的客户对此没有意见,所以我还不用太担心。我多买了一些咖啡,这样很长一段时间内我都不用再来Whole Foods买东西了。









摄影  Glenn Ianaro 




纽约中国城(Chinatown )街景,大多数店铺都已经关门

图源 raylivez  Instagram




2020年1月30日 纽约街头药店口罩早已售空

摄影  Ohia  






摄影  Glenn Ianaro 

今天是圣帕特里克节(St. Patricks Day)(美国一年一度的传统节日,为了纪念爱尔兰守护神圣帕特里克,是爱尔兰的国庆节。美国每年的3月17日,都会举行圣帕特里克大游行)。但是街上没有游行,两天前,犹犹豫豫的政府终于下决心取消了这次游行。当然,餐馆和酒吧也都关闭了。



摄影  Glenn Ianaro 
















以下为Glen Ianaro 的“纽约疫情记录”的英文原文

February 27 - March 6 

In Pawlet, VT.

I’m up in a very remote part of Vermont which is 5 hours' driving from New York, on the side of a mountain with no people around.  I’m here with Freddi, a longtime friend and artist that I have been working with.  It's just he and myself, and anyone we invite up to record music with us. We're going to prepare for a show two weeks later (March 12) at the Beacon Theatre, Broadway, New York.

People are now becoming generally concerned about the virus. The New York area has had several cases now and the stock market has become unstable over the past week. Freddi is becoming increasingly concerned as he has an infant daughter living in NYC and is currently planning to relocate back to the city from VT. 

We heard about one confirmed case that has broken quarantine, but overall it seems there is not a lot of testing. It is just a theoretical threat for most people. I have been following the outbreak since early January, and though I know more information than most people, the threats seem far far away in this idyllic setting. 

However, there is news that makes me cautious. One singer who came to work with us thinks that She had the Virus as early as January. (You know, the United States CDC has acknowledged that among many patients with influenza virus, some are actually patients with COVID-19.)She and her entire family (except the children) fell extremely ill to a mysterious respiratory infection. 

It has been 6 weeks for her now, and she still can tell her lungs were damaged. There was no test available for her at the time, nor had she been travelling. She could however have been around others that passed it along… or it could be a completely different unrelated respiratory illness. 

All is possible and all is unknown, but we wonder.

March 9 


I spent about a week in the mountains, rehearsing and relaxing. Then I returned to New York to prepare for the show a few days later.

Rehearsals begin for the Love Rocks NY charity concert supporting the local non-profit God’s Love We Deliver to feed the needy in NYC. We assemble the 19piece band at SIR studiosalong with all the technicians and production staff to begin what is to be a long and exciting week. 

Many of us have not seen one another since last year’s concert and the feeling is of joy and trepidation. We know we are supposed to be careful around others, perhaps not shake hands and hug etc… 

As we are all going to be in tight quarters for the next 4 days, we let those precautions slide, though we see a lot more “elbow-bumps” instead of handshakes. There is a big jar of Purell, and everyone is washing their hands regularly. We just continue on as planned.

March 10 


Load In begins at the Beacon Theatre. Its all hands on deck as we need to set up all the equipment before a 2pm start for the band rehearsals. 

We don’t feel much has changed in the way of the virus, but we do hear New York has some more cases. A total of 142 people have been confirmed up to March 9.

March 11


Artist rehearsals begin. We are increasingly aware of a substantial rise in the number of confirmed cases. We make sure alcohol wipes are readily available and that all artists attending the rehearsal have a nice spray of sanitizer before entering the stage. 

Many artists are wearing gloves to handle the microphones. The audio team is diligently sanitizing each microphone after use by anyone. I sanitize the keyboards before and after anyone new plays them. Those made us a bit reassured.

March 12


Concert day, and the final day of artist rehearsals. We are proceeding as planned while the fate of any gatherings in the future is uncertain. 

In the afternoon we learned of the Governors decision to halt all public gatherings over 500 people. All artists are in the house or already nearby. Even Pedrito Martinez( a Cuban percussionist, drummer, singer, dancer, bandleader, songwriter……) had made a maze of connecting flights through closing airports and borders from across the world to be there. 

The promoters decide to pivot at the 11th hour to cancel the entire ticketed audience and livestream the event on YouTube. We are each allowed to invite a friend or family member to be in the audience section for a private seating. 

The concert starts roughly on time and everyone comes together to perform a fantastic show, seemingly unaware of the empty theater in front of them. The mood stays energetic even as we are all squished shoulder-to-shoulder together backstage and knowing the impending threat of infection in this environment, regardless of the amount of sanitizer available. 

Likewise, nobody seems to be dwelling that their careers are quickling stopping for the foreseeable future. There will be no performances after tonight for at least 2 months, likely longer. The artists and staff alike are all facing a future without income during what is usually the beginning of their busiest season. 

All everyone could think about is that we have a job to do, and we are creating awareness and raising funds for a good cause, and tomorrow we can all rest. Worry about the details later.

March 13


I awoke to numerous messages that the concert was one of the best they have ever seen. Likewise the streaming views were far greater than expected. 

We were the last major concert in America for a long time, and we did a great one. 

The good news ended there as the long long weekend begins. The infection numbers are rising and the governor is deciding to reduce gatherings to under 10 people. I can’t keep from thinking that it is just a matter of time before we hear that someone at the concert has the coronavirus. 

I start Day 1 of a 3 day water fast today to reset after the stress of the previous weeks work and to prepare for the upcoming challenges.

March 14


I live in the SOHO Art District in New York, very close to New York Chinatown.

I take a walk around the neighborhood and it feels like business as usual. Brunch spots are filled and people are just enjoying the beautiful weather. Very little attention seems to be paid to the warnings of the governments. I go to my local grocery store and all seems normal. 

I then decide to go to a large Whole Foods grocery store and there I can sense a different feeling. Canned and frozen goods are largely gone, as are snacks and bottled drinks. Fresh food is all in plenty, as are true emergency foods such as nutrition powders and bars. 

I know this is going to be a long battle, and from talking with many musician friends that they are all out of work through the summer now. 

I seem fortunate that I have a very capable home studio and my mixing work can be done in isolation and my clients are comfortable with me working that way. I won’t worry too much, but I’ll get a little extra coffee so I don’t need to go back to Whole Foods for awhile. 

It is interesting to walk around a grocery store during a water fast. I look at all the foods, but I don’t eat any and I’m not really hungry. Maybe in the eyes of others, I'm like a latecomer who have lost the chance to stock up.

March 15


I’m taking time to reconnect with my journaling and make a list of projects I can do while I have more time off. I’m actually looking forward to productive days ahead. 

I went to my friends home today to help them do some preparation for a trip. They are in a higher risk group and have an option to leave New York City and spend this prolonged time in a safer and more comfortable environment. I am helping to set up a computer for music making so he can work on creative projects while in isolation. 

It was a difficult decision to make to leave their home, but it seems to be the right choice now. This does not look like a short time, and the opportunity to not be stuck in a New York Apartment and to have sunshine in a less populatedenvironment is too great to pass up. According to The New York Times, many rich people in New York have chosen to run away from New York. Of course, this also brings risks to small towns in the outskirts.

Also with my friends, I break my fast and eat some salad and bread with them. It is great to eat again.

On the way home, I saw a notice on the local animal shelter that animals are available by appointment. 

March 16


Restaurants are ordered to close the next day. I decide to go out for food, perhaps for the last time in many months. I discovered a Chinese restaurant that has closed several years before, now moved to a new location. 

I’ve dearly missed this restaurant and their comfortable food. I went in and ordered several dishes to eat for lunch and dinner. The food was great and even better was getting to reconnect with the owners. The Chinese owners seemed to remember me, and they were glad that someone come and ate at this time. Because many cases of discrimination against Chinese people have occurred in Chinatown recently.

As we were talking, a couple came in selling boxes of face masks. They saw me talking with the owners and after some time, the wife came to me and gave me 2 masks, asking me to keep safe and to wear it if I need to be around people. I was really touched by their generosity as masks are difficult to come by in much of the city. 

I continued on to the post office to send a package to my family. My family is in Pittsburgh, PA and so far there is not really much concern with the virus there. They just know it is happening elsewhere in the country.  Inside, very few people had masks on. Pretty much only half of the Asians in the room. 

I overheard a postal worker talking to her child on the phone while at the grocery store. She was instructing her daughter to get food, and the daughter was upset there weren’t snacks left and the soda was all gone. I can’t help thinking people are preparing for a hurricane and not a virus. 

On the way home, I saw the boss from the High Tech Repair Shop and he was discarding a broken Samsung TV. I’ve been looking for one to disassemble for a home project I want to do. I was delighted that he gave it to me and I carried it home.

March 17


Today is St. Patricks Day, but there is no parade. Two days ago, the hesitant government finally resolved to cancel the march.

Of course, the restaurants and bars are closed. Weather is beautiful and cherry blossoms are peaking through. This closure hasn’t kept everyone off the streets. People are gathering, playing and going about the day like a summer Saturday. New Yorkers don't seem to take this seriously.

I see a notice at a restaurant downstairs. That while they are closed, they can make soup if you call them and order a day in advance. They have listed many options for soup and their ingredients and health benefits in both English and Chinese. 

While this helps them for their business, this is also a great service to the community that needs something wholesome. This restaurant hadjust opened for business 2 weeks prior to the close of all restaurants ordered by the government.

The pandemic has severely hit the restaurant industry.

March 20


Up to March 20, NYC coronavirus cases hit 5,151, increasing more than 1,000 cases compared to yestoday. These days, I have been worried that New York will order us to stay home, and I am also discussing with friends how to deal with long-term quarantine.

The order to stay home for all non-essential workers is given. The routes in and out of the city are however open. 

I discovered today that 1 person from the production staff at the concert has been confirmed with the Coronavirus. I was fearful that this would happen. I must watch my ownhealth, and am concerned for the others at the show. Many people involved are older, past their 60’s and could be at a higher risk. 

This evening I’m starting to not feel well. My throat doesn’t feel right and I have a headache. I’m getting concerned. 

March 21


Knowing about my situation, my friend planed to visit from Philadelphia. I ask her to delay so I can see how I feel after I wake up. 

I start to feel better after I wake up. I think it was caused by anxiety. I begin reorganizing my apartment so It is more functional for me to live & work during this time of isolation.

My friend decided to come to New York because she thinks now New York is dangerous and I am in need of help.

we make a plan to take a day of rest and go hiking where we won’t encounter many people.

So, I begin to wait for her knock, worrying about the band members and the New Yorkers in the news who are comfirmed positive. 

(Updated to March 21,

To be continued)


撰稿/地球公民 Glenn Ianaro

翻译/地球公民 Melanie

编辑/地球公民 Cici

主编/ 地球公民 Ohia












