


A Chinese master of Chopin


December 19, 2016

Yundi, once the youngest-ever pianist to win the International Chopin Piano Competition, discusses his rise to new heights.

李云迪曾是有史以来赢得肖邦国际钢琴比赛(International Chopin Piano Competition)的最年轻的钢琴家,他谈到了自己进入新高度的过程。

Li Yundi, or just Yundi, as he’s now known, is one of China’s foremost pianists and arguably the world’s greatest living interpreter of Chopin. He shot to fame at the age of 18 when he became the youngest winner of the International Chopin Piano Competition. Since then, he’s become a staple at concert halls around the world.


The Chinese media like to compare him with Lang Lang, Yundi’s onetime rival. The rivalry has gradually lost meaning, though, since it’s clear the two could not be more different. Yundi prefers to let his music do the talking. Lang Lang’s interpretations are full of fireworks and technical brilliance; Yundi is patrician, elegant and restrained. Lang Lang branched into fashion, celebrity and film early on in his career; Yundi has just begun to venture outside the world of his beloved Chopin nocturnes.


Yundi recently answered some questions from SupChina about his life and music.


Rebecca: Why Chopin? When a musician has such a heavy focus in his repertoire, it’s usually a gut-level connection, to the point where you feel as though this music is why you chose the profession to begin with. Is that true for you as well?


Yundi: Sure, it’s kind of like an inner voice that leads me to choose Chopin. No matter how long it’s been, this voice still echoes in me. Chopin’s music is magical, connecting incredible notes together, and it’s full of misery and sacredness.


Rebecca: It's really interesting that you describe Chopin's music that way. Most people associate it with romance and passion, and I’m sure you’ve heard that, too. How did you arrive at your interpretation of the music?


Yundi: Chopin’s music is definitely romantic and passionate. For me, however, I've listened to Chopin's music at bedtime since I was a kid. I'd describe it as an inner surge that brings my own interpretation. Besides, as my experience grows over time, I always come up with a new interpretation of his music. From: LearnAndRecord


Rebecca: As one of the top classical musicians in China and the world, it seems you've had to play the role of ambassador both at home and abroad, starting from the time you trained in Germany to the present day. How do you feel about this role, and has that feeling changed over time?


Yundi: I’m really honored and pleased to be an ambassador for cultural exchange, especially for classical music. I love to hear that many Chinese people, especially the young generation, begin to love classical music after coming to my concerts. Also, I always play some Chinese pieces as an encore when I perform abroad. In this way, I want to show the audience around the world some Chinese music. I’ve felt greater responsibility as time goes on, as more children in China are playing the piano now.


