

Nanjing vows thorough investigation, zero tolerance amid outrage over discovery of Japanese war criminals’ memorial tablets in a local temple

Global Times

The government of Nanjing, capital of East China's Jiangsu Province, on Saturday vowed thorough investigation and zero tolerance in a case where some memorial tablets of Japanese war criminals were found in a local temple and triggered public outrage in China.


The case deeply hurts Chinese people's feelings, which is shocking and caused the huge outrage, read an announcement from the government. Local authorities set up a special investigation group on Friday midnight and held relevant personnel and departments accountable.


It is of an extreme vile nature no matter whoever did it or out of what intention. The government said, vowing thorough investigation and zero tolerance. 


The awful Nanjing Massacre is the darkest page of Nanjing's history. On this land where 300,000 Chinese civilians and disarmed soldiers were brutally murdered, no behavior to "memorialize" perpetrators will be tolerated, the government said.


The case caught public attention on Thursday after a netizen took to social media platforms and said memorial tablets of at least four notorious Japanese war criminals who were involved in the Nanjing Massacre during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1931-45), including key perpetrators Matsui Iwane and Hisao Tani, were enshrined at the Xuanzang Temple in Jiuhua Mountain Park.


