
Nano Research Young Innovator Awards in NanoEnergy 2019

Nano Research NanoResearch 2019-06-26

1. Robert Baker

Ohio State University, USA

Email: baker.2364@osu.edu

2. Shannon Boettcher

 University of Oregon, USA

Email: swb@uoregon.edu

3. Ardemis Boghossian

Swiss federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland

Email: ardemis.boghossian@epfl.ch

4. Hye Ryung Byon

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea

Email: hrbyon@kaist.ac.kr

5. Judy Cha

Yale University,USA

Email: judy.cha@yale.edu

6. Guanglei Cui

Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Email: cuigl@qibebt.ac.cn

7. Dehui Deng

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Acedemy of Sciences,China

Email: dhdeng@dicp.ac.cn

8. Qiang Fu

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Acedemy of Sciences,China

Email: qfu@dicp.ac.cn

9. Jinlong Gong

Tianjin University,China

Email: jlgong@tju.edu.cn

10. Elad Gross

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Email: Elad.Gross@mail.huji.ac.il

11. Shaojun Guo

Peking University, China

Email: guosj@pku.edu.cn

12. Liangbing Hu

University of Maryland, USA

Email: binghu@umd.edu

13. Yongsheng Hu

Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,China

Email: yshu@iphy.ac.cn

14. Xiaoqing Huang

Soochow University, China

Email: hxq006@suda.edu.cn

15. Kristie Koski

University of California, Davis, USA

Email: Koski@ucdavis.edu

16. Yanguang Li

Soochow University, China

Email: yanguang@suda.edu.cn

17. Yongye Liang

Southern University of Science and Technology, China

Email: liangyy@sustc.edu.cn

18. Ding Ma 

Peking University, China

Email: dma@pku.edu.cn

19. Karthish Manthiram

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Email: karthish@MIT.EDU

20. Karl Mayrhofer

Max-Planck-Institut Für Eisenforschung GmbH, Germany

Email: k.mayrhofer@fz-juelich.de

21. Ying Shirley Meng

University of California, San Diego, USA

Email: shirleymeng@ucsd.edu

22. Eranda Nikolla

Wayne State University, USA

Email: erandan@wayne.edu

23. Chinedum Osuji

University of Pennsylvania, USA

Email: cosuji@seas.upenn.edu

24. Zhangquan Peng

Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Email: zqpeng@ciac.jl.cn

25. Xiaoming Sun

Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China

Email: sunxm@mail.buct.edu.cn

26. Jin Suntivich

Cornell University, USA

Email: jsuntivich@cornell.edu

27. Aleksandra Vojvodic

University of Pennsylvania, USA

Email: alevoj@seas.upenn.edu

28. Dingsheng Wang

Tsinghua University, China

Email: wangdingsheng@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

29. Dunwei Wang

Boston College, USA

Email: dunwei.wang.1@bc.edu

30. Shuangyin Wang

Hunan University, China

Email: shuangyinwang@hnu.edu.cn

31. Changzheng Wu

University of Science and Technology of China, China

Email: czwu@ustc.edu.cn

32. Hui Wu

Tsinghua University, China

Email: huiwu@tsinghua.edu.cn

33. Yujie Xiong

University of Science and Technology of China, China

Email: yjxiong@ustc.edu.cn

34. Yuan Yang

Columbia University, USA

Email: yy2664@columbia.edu

35. Wei You

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

Email: wyou@unc.edu

36. Guihua Yu

University of Texas at Austin, USA

Email: ghyu@austin.utexas.edu

37. Yan Yu

University of Science and Technology of China, China

Email: yanyumse@ustc.edu.cn

38. Jovana Zečević

Utrecht University, Dutch

Email: J.Zecevic@uu.nl

39. Qiang Zhang

Tsinghua University, China

Email: zhangqiangflotu@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

40. Tierui Zhang

Techinical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Acedemy of Sciences,China

Email: tierui@mail.ipc.ac.cn

41. Xinbo Zhang

Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Email: xbzhang@ciac.jl.cn

42. Yanfeng Zhang

Peking University, China

Email: Yanfengzhang@pku.edu.cn

43. Jing Zhao

University of Connecticut, USA

Email: jing.zhao@uconn.edu

44. Gengfeng Zheng

Fudan University, China

Email: gfzheng@fudan.edu.cn

It is our great pleasure to announce awardees of the 2019 Nano Research Young Innovators (NR45) in nanoenergy. Congratulates the 44 outstanding young investigators under 45! They were selected through a competitive process by an award committee from our editorial board. Nano Research sets this NR45 award to young researchers in various fields related to nanoscience and nanotechnology, in recognition of their distinguished accomplishments and/or potential to make substantial contributions to their field. All the awardees were invited to submit research or review papers that underwent through a rigorous peer-review process. Nano Research will publish a Special Issue featuring their work shortly. We will announce the selection details of the next NR45 award in the end of this year.


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