
YCIS Shanghai IB Results 喜提2个满分,上海耀中学生在IB考试中再创佳绩!

YCIS Shanghai YCISShanghai 2023-03-02

Another year, another set of fantastic results for our latest cohort of graduating students! This year, YCIS Shanghai students entering the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) achieved an average score of 38 out of a maximum of 45, which is 5 points higher than the world average of 33.02.


Building upon last year’s success, two of our graduates scored an incredible 45 out of 45! Alexandra (YCIS Pudong) and Kerry (YCIS Puxi) were delighted to receive top marks. The pair have spent a combined 21 years at YCIS Shanghai, and their teachers were thrilled to hear of their results — a culmination of their great progress over the years. Their achievements were the cherry on top of the wonderful effort of the whole of the Class of 2021.

继去年我校学生斩获满分后,今年,我们又有两位2021届毕业生获得了令人难以置信的45分满分的成绩!Alexandra (浦东校区)和Kerry (浦西校区)对自己所取得的满分成绩都表示非常兴奋。更值得一提的是,这两位同学加起来已经在上海耀中度过了21年!当老师们得知他们的成功也激动不已,这是对他们多年来不断进步所给予的最高褒奖,也是对全体2021届毕业生付出的努力的最好回报。

“I'm really delighted and proud of all that our hard-working students have accomplished despite the uncertainties they have experienced. Their results illustrate how well prepared they are for a lifetime of learning. Their achievements in part come from their strength of character, positive mindset, and determination to succeed." — Mr David Potter, YCIS Puxi IB Coordinator

上海耀中浦西IB课程主任David Potter表示:“尽管经历了种种不确定因素,但学生们还是通过自己的努力取得了成功,我感到非常高兴和自豪。这样的成绩也表明了他们为终身学习做好了充分的准备。他们的成就来自于坚韧的性格、积极的心态和争取成功的决心。"

“I’m thrilled with this incredible set of results, which is highly reflective of the hard work, ability, and resilience of this cohort. Several of these students have been with us since ECE and Primary, meaning that this is a whole school celebration. These students are now exceptionally well prepared for the next stage of their education in terms of academics, motivation, and a willingness to embrace their potential.”  — Mr Matthew Grady, YCIS Pudong IB Diploma Coordinator

上海耀中浦东IB课程主任Matthew Grady先生说:“我对这一令人难以置信的结果感到非常欣喜,这高度反映了大家的努力、能力和适应力。这些学生中有一些从幼儿园和小学就开始和我们在一起,所以这值得整个学校一起庆祝。毕业生们现在无论从学术、动力还是潜力上都已经整装待发,为下一个阶段的学习生涯做好了充分准备。”

At their graduation last month, CEO and School Supervisor, Dr Betty Chan Po-king made some memorable remarks that the students can take with them wherever they go next: “I am sure you are all anxious and eager to leap into the future. Wherever you are, in all your pursuits, be curious and creative, be bold and intuitive, be confident and persistent. It is alright to be aggressive and assertive in attaining your goals, but remember, always be guided and grounded by integrity and compassion. This is how YCYW people differentiate and shine.”

在上个月的毕业典礼上,机构行政总裁兼校监陈保琼博士给同学们留下了一些睿智的建议,让同学们无论到哪里都能铭记于心:“ 你们必定热切渴望跃进未来。无论你身在何处追逐梦想, 请保持好奇心和创造力, 带着勇气和敏锐的触角前行, 相信自己并坚持不懈。积极进取地追寻目标当然可以,但请记住,凡事都要以诚信和同情共感为本。正是这些特质让耀中耀华的成员脱颖而出和发光发亮!”

We are excited to follow this latest cohort on their academic journeys at university and their careers beyond. All the best to the Class of 2021!


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