

法与译 2024-07-01

The following article is from 律商周刊 Author 杰克逊滕

写 在 前 面




4. 美国法

在投资合同中设置估值调整条款的主要目的是为了降低投资风险。在风险投资的发源地美国,投资机构和被投资的目标企业一般会采用或参考使用美国风险投资机构协会(National Venture Capital Association)拟订的《风险投资示范合同》(“示范合同”)。[1] 该示范合同采用优先股作为投资工具。[2]

根据美国风险投资机构协会在其官网上的最新内容,示范合同包括10份文件,涵盖了投票协议(Voting Agreement)、投资条款清单(Term Sheet)、股权购买协议(Stock Purchase Agreement)、优先购买权和共同出售权(Right of First Refusal and Co-sale Agreement)、标准法律意见(Model Legal Opinion)、管理权证书格式文本(Management Rights Letter)、投资者权利协议(Investor Rights Agreement)、补偿协议(Indemnification Agreement)、公司章程(Certificate of Incorporation)、以及政策样本(Sample H.R. Policies)。[3] 其中,包括投资条款清单中的部分法律文件中含优先清算条款、投票权、保护性条款、反稀释保护条款(Anti-dilution Provisions)、以及赎回权(Redemption Rights)等能够保护投资方权益的内容。[4] 而目前境内外使用的各类涉及股权投资的法律文件均或多或少地参考借鉴了以上文件及其记载的条款。

该示范合同以美国特拉华州普通公司法(Delaware General Corporation Law)为准据法,而特拉华州被称为美国的“公司天堂”。下面选取特拉华州公司法中涉及赎回补偿安排的相关制定法进行介绍分析。


Section 151. Classes and series of stock; redemption; rights

第151节 股份的类别与系列;赎回;权利[5] 

(a)   Every corporation may issue 1 or more classes of stock or 1 or more series of   stock within any class thereof, any or all of which classes may be of stock   with par value or stock without par value and which classes or series may   have such voting powers, full or limited, or no voting powers, and such   designations, preferences and relative, participating, optional or other   special rights, and qualifications, limitations or restrictions thereof, as   shall be stated and expressed in the certificate of incorporation or of any   amendment thereto, or in the resolution or resolutions providing for the   issue of such stock adopted by the board of directors pursuant to authority   expressly vested in it by the provisions of its certificate of incorporation.   Any of the voting powers, designations, preferences, rights and   qualifications, limitations or restrictions of any such class or series of   stock may be made dependent upon facts ascertainable outside the certificate   of incorporation or of any amendment thereto, or outside the resolution or   resolutions providing for the issue of such stock adopted by the board of   directors pursuant to authority expressly vested in it by its certificate of   incorporation, provided that the manner in which such facts shall operate   upon the voting powers, designations, preferences, rights and qualifications,   limitations or restrictions of such class or series of stock is clearly and   expressly set forth in the certificate of incorporation or in the resolution   or resolutions providing for the issue of such stock adopted by the board of   directors. The term “facts,” as used in this subsection, includes, but is not   limited to, the occurrence of any event, including a determination or action   by any person or body, including the corporation. The power to increase or   decrease or otherwise adjust the capital stock as provided in this chapter   shall apply to all or any such classes of stock. 


(b) Any stock of any class or series may be made subject to redemption by the corporation at its option or at the option of the holders of such stock or upon the happening of a specified event; provided however, that immediately following any such redemption the corporation shall have outstanding 1 or more shares of 1 or more classes or series of stock, which share, or shares together, shall have full voting powers. Notwithstanding the limitation stated in the foregoing provision:


(1) Any stock of a regulated investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 [15 U.S.C. § 80 a-1 et seq.], as heretofore or hereafter amended, may be made subject to redemption by the corporation at its option or at the option of the holders of such stock.


(2) Any stock of a corporation which holds (directly or indirectly) a license or franchise from a governmental agency to conduct its business or is a member of a national securities exchange, which license, franchise or membership is conditioned upon some or all of the holders of its stock possessing prescribed qualifications, may be made subject to redemption by the corporation to the extent necessary to prevent the loss of such license, franchise or membership or to reinstate it.

Any stock which may be made redeemable under this section may be redeemed for cash, property or rights, including securities of the same or another corporation, at such time or times, price or prices, or rate or rates, and with such adjustments, as shall be stated in the certificate of incorporation or in the resolution or resolutions providing for the issue of such stock adopted by the board of directors pursuant to subsection (a) of this section.



(3) The holders of preferred or special stock of any class or of any series   thereof shall be entitled to receive dividends at such rates, on such   conditions and at such times as shall be stated in the certificate of   incorporation or in the resolution or resolutions providing for the issue of   such stock adopted by the board of directors as hereinabove provided, payable   in preference to, or in such relation to, the dividends payable on any other   class or classes or of any other series of stock, and cumulative or   noncumulative as shall be so stated and expressed. When dividends upon the   preferred and special stocks, if any, to the extent of the preference to   which such stocks are entitled, shall have been paid or declared and set   apart for payment, a dividend on the remaining class or classes or series of   stock may then be paid out of the remaining assets of the corporation   available for dividends as elsewhere in this chapter provided.


(c) The holders of the preferred or special stock of any class or of any series thereof shall be entitled to such rights upon the dissolution of, or upon any distribution of the assets of, the corporation as shall be stated in the certificate of incorporation or in the resolution or resolutions providing for the issue of such stock adopted by the board of directors as hereinabove provided.



§ 160. Corporation's powers respecting ownership, voting, etc., of its own stock; rights of stock called for redemptio


(a) Every corporation may purchase, redeem, receive, take or otherwise acquire, own and hold, sell, lend, exchange, transfer or otherwise dispose of, pledge, use and otherwise deal in and with its own shares; provided, however, that no corporation shall:

(a) 每家公司都可以购买、赎回、收受、获得或以其他方式取得、拥有并持有,出售、出借、置换、转让或以其他方式处分,质押、使用及以其他方式经营自己的股份并与其进行交易;但是,公司不得从事下列行为:  

(1) Purchase or redeem its own shares of capital stock for cash or other property when the capital of the corporation is impaired or when such purchase or redemption would cause any impairment of the capital of the corporation, except that a corporation other than a nonstock corporation may purchase or redeem out of capital any of its own shares which are entitled upon any distribution of its assets, whether by dividend or in liquidation, to a preference over another class or series of its stock, or, if no shares entitled to such a preference are outstanding, any of its own shares, if such shares will be retired upon their acquisition and the capital of the corporation reduced in accordance with §§ 243 and 244 of this title. Nothing in this subsection shall invalidate or otherwise affect a note, debenture or other obligation of a corporation given by it as consideration for its acquisition by purchase, redemption or exchange of its shares of stock if at the time such note, debenture or obligation was delivered by the corporation its capital was not then impaired or did not thereby become impaired;

(1) 当公司资本受损时,或者当购买或赎回自己的股份将导致公司资本受损时,以现金或其他资产购买或赎回本公司的资本股份的;但对于在资产分配时(不论是股息分配还是清算分配)优先于另一类别或者系列的任何公司股份,公司(不含非股份公司)可以用资本购买或赎回自己的股份,或者,如果没有任何如上优先股时,可以购买那些将在被收购后取消、而公司资本根据第243和244条随之减少的那些自己的股份。若在回购、赎回或置换其自己的股份时,给付本票、无担保债券或者公司其他债务凭证作为对价的,如果公司交付本票、无担保债券或者债务凭证时公司资本并没有处于受损状态,也没有因此而受损的,本款规定并不导致本票、无担保债券或者其他债务凭证无效或受到其他不利影响。

(2) Purchase, for more than the price at which they may then be redeemed, any of its shares which are redeemable at the option of the corporation; or



a. In the case of a corporation other than a nonstock corporation, redeem any of its shares, unless their redemption is authorized by § 151(b) of this title and then only in accordance with such section and the certificate of incorporation, or

b. In the case of a nonstock corporation, redeem any of its membership interests, unless their redemption is authorized by the certificate of incorporation and then only in accordance with the certificate of incorporation.


a. 公司(不含非股份公司)回购其股份,除非回购经本编第151(b)条授权并严格按照该条和章程的规定进行的;或

b. 非股份公司回购其成员的权益,除非该回购经公司章程授权并严格符合章程的规定。

(b) Nothing in this section limits or affects a corporation's right to resell any of its shares theretofore purchased or redeemed out of surplus and which have not been retired, for such consideration as shall be fixed by the board of directors.


(c) Shares of its own capital stock belonging to the corporation or to another corporation, if a majority of the shares entitled to vote in the election of directors of such other corporation is held, directly or indirectly, by the corporation, shall neither be entitled to vote nor be counted for quorum purposes. Nothing in this section shall be construed as limiting the right of any corporation to vote stock, including but not limited to its own stock, held by it in a fiduciary capacity.

(c) 属于公司自己的或者另一家公司的资本股股份,如果其中具有选举该另一家公司董事的表决权的股份过半被公司直接或间接持有的,则公司资本股股份既无表决权,也不得计入法定人数。本条规定并不限制公司针对其以受托人身份持有的股份(包括但不限于本公司股份)所享有的表决权。

(d) Shares which have been called for redemption shall not be deemed to be outstanding shares for the purpose of voting or determining the total number of shares entitled to vote on any matter on and after the date on which written notice of redemption has been sent to holders thereof and a sum sufficient to redeem such shares has been irrevocably deposited or set aside to pay the redemption price to the holders of the shares upon surrender of certificates therefor.



[1] 北京市大成律师事务所,北京市律师协会风险投资委员会组织编译:《美国风险投资示范合同(中英文对照本)》前言页第2页(2006年12月)。

[2] 虽然根据《特拉华州普通公司法》第151条第(1)款和第(2)款的规定,只要章程中有明确规定,任何类别的股份都可以赎回,但是实务中(如美国《风险投资示范合同》)一般仅规定A股优先股股东享有赎回权。

[3] 这10份文件可以从https://nvca.org/resources/model-legal-documents/上免费获取。

[4] 北京市大成律师事务所,北京市律师协会风险投资委员会组织编译:《美国风险投资示范合同(中英文对照本)》(2006年12月),第10-23页。

[5] 本条译文参见:徐文斌:《特拉华州普通公司法》,中国法制出版社,2010年版,第50-54页。

[6] 本条译文参见:徐文斌:《特拉华州普通公司法》,中国法制出版社,2010年版,第59-60页。


滕云律师目前或曾经提供过法律服务的知名客户包括:东方国际集团、上海临港集团、江苏省高科技投资集团、界面财联社、上海航天技术研究院、捷豹路虎(中国)、Travelport(NYSE: TVPT)、来实建筑系统、巴布豆儿童用品、交银金融租赁、招银金融租赁、国银金融租赁、中航租赁、中信资产管理、渤海银行、江苏银行、工商银行、华澳信托、台湾富鑫创投等。



