

高行云 Sociological理论大缸 2021-02-04



Seth Abrutyn(2019)质疑学界主流使用涂尔干的Anomie一词——(1) the anomic division of labor, (2) anomic suicide, (3) Mertonian strain, and (4) the micro-level symbolic-cultural versions—reveals that disruption and disintegration,脱离了涂尔干原先构想(基于deregulation)。为此他想提出一个general theory,称之为:The Social Psychology of Disintegration


相较于挖涂尔干的概念,也有学者在挖涂尔干的人生。Andrew Abbott(2019)在Sociological Theory发表了Living One’s Theories: Moral Consistency in the Life of Émile Durkheim,挖了涂尔干700多页的私人信件,指出他的理论与他的人生是多么融贯协调一致,但涂尔干儿子在一战中突然离世,让他如何将这种人生经验纳入到理论之中。


社会学史角度研究社会学家也有产出。The American Sociologist.最近一期组织讨论:理论界中女性地位。于是McDonald, L.把所有的主流社会学理论教材批了一通,认为瑞泽尔、亚历山大等人的社会学理论教材全部是sexist。即使一些教材加了女性人物,也不过是后来的事情。


以“无聊三论”为题毕业于芝加哥大学社会思想委员会的Silver曾著有The Moodiness of action,如今他又发展action theory,但这次是将齐美尔加入马克思,将“异化”这个古老概念复活出来,将之视为forms of self‐world relationships,不再局限于生产的资本/劳动关系中,而是考虑到生产的多个面向(如land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship.)。




原来被视为社会学或现代社会科学开端的14世纪阿拉伯人Ibn Khaldun,真的有被拿来做实证研究、Morteza Hashemi拿来分析硅谷各企业的兴衰,发表在 The Sociological Review 


不光是古老学问被经验复活。布迪厄理论的改造也往经验上再发展。尽管英美双方都有Elder-vass等人都在努力协调惯习(布迪厄)和反思性(Archer),但其实经验研究上的融合并不多见。Wimalasena and Marks(2019)这篇文章是以斯里兰卡为例,说明被视为habitus主导的传统地方也依赖对于仪式等内容的反思性发展。这文章在理论上当然没有什么再推进了。



英雄主义:Frisk在老牌期刊Sociology上最近发表的文章,从What makes a hero角度回答英雄主义社会学是什么样的?他提出的框架是要great men和 hero stories; heroic actions; and hero institutions结合起来,进而指出这个领域往往会有三个潜在的假设性问题:英雄总是男性气质、现代化会让英雄不再、英雄并非社会现象(而非个人现象)the underlying masculine character of heroism; the presumed disappearance of the hero with modernisation; and the principal idea of heroism as a pro-social phenomenon.


殉道:年轻学者(刚找到教职)的Clayton Fordahl开始继续把他的博士论文发表出来,研究“献身殉道”(martyrs)在国家现代建构与宗教的现代转型过程中的意义——is not an individual tactic, but an instance of the collective creation of sacrifice in instances of contested authority


崩溃:大部分爱情,都是还没开始就已结束。田野工作或民族志,也一样。如何理解这种broken experience?Contreras最近在Qualitative Sociology上发表新文:The Broken Ethnography: Lessons from an Almost Hero,以他研究芝加哥帮派为例讲出自己心路历程。他说: how difficult gang research in Los Angeles County placed me in a broken ethnography, one where I became disillusioned and questioned my abilities and resolve.




Cognitive and Systems Concepts of Culture如何整合,这个还能出几本书的、近年的热点题目了。索绪尔和皮尔斯?文化人类学和认知神经科学?Norton, Matthew.追随William Sewell,把文化与实践的辩证关系继续发展,想化解:intersubjective cultural systems (from the big—religion, law—to the small—interaction orders) and of the cognitive dimensions of culture (from the small—social cognition, individual motivation—to the s maller—patterns of neuronal activation)


帝国史/殖民主义社会学大佬Julian Go在European Journal of Sociology 发表新文 “Anticolonial Nationalism From Imagined Communities to Colonial Conflict.”  利用协调Nationalism两种取向:以想象共同体为代表的文化—认知取向,和以政治经济学为代表的精英冲突取向。他用了124个案例的ime-series regression analysis 得出,在1700-1878年,安德森是对的,但在之后到1900年阶段,精英冲突是对的。



Abbott, Andrew. 2019. “Living One’s Theories: Moral Consistency in the Life of Émile Durkheim.” Sociological Theory 37(1):1–34.

Abrutyn, Seth. 2019. “Toward a General Theory of Anomie The Social Psychology of Disintegration.” European Journal of Sociology 60(1):109–36.

Contreras, Randol. 2019. “The Broken Ethnography: Lessons from an Almost Hero.” Qualitative Sociology 42(2):161–79.

Frisk, Kristian. 2019. “What Makes a Hero? Theorising the Social Structuring of Heroism.” Sociology 53(1):87–103.

Hashemi, Morteza. 2019. “Bedouins of Silicon Valley: A Neo-Khaldunian Approach to Sociology of Technology.” The Sociological Review 67(3):536–51.

Go, Julian and Jake Watson. 2019. “Anticolonial Nationalism From Imagined Communities to Colonial Conflict.” European Journal of Sociology 60(1):31–68.

McDonald, Lynn. 2019. “Sociological Theory: The Last Bastion of Sexism in Sociology.” The American Sociologist 1–12.

Norton, Matthew. 2019. “Meaning on the Move: Synthesizing Cognitive and Systems Concepts of Culture.” American Journal of Cultural Sociology 7(1):1–28.

Silver, Daniel. 2019. “Alienation in a Four Factor World.” Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 49(1):84–105.

Wimalasena, Lakshman and Abigail Marks. 2019. “Habitus and Reflexivity in Tandem? Insights from Postcolonial Sri Lanka.” The Sociological Review 67(3):518–35.




Frère, Bruno and Daniel Jaster. 2019. “French Sociological Pragmatism: Inheritor and Innovator in the American Pragmatic and Sociological Phenomenological Traditions.” Journal of Classical Sociology 19(2):138–60.

Luc Boltanski and Laurent Thévenot challenged the hegemonic structuralist approach in the 1980s by developing their own pragmatic framework.

de la Fuente, Eduardo. 2019. “After the Cultural Turn: For a Textural Sociology.” The Sociological Review 67(3):552–67.

Timans, Rob, Paul Wouters, and Johan Heilbron. 2019. “Mixed Methods Research: What It Is and What It Could Be.” Theory and Society 48(2):193–216.

Mahoney, James and Rodrigo Barrenechea. 2019. “The Logic of Counterfactual Analysis in Case-Study Explanation.” The British Journal of Sociology 70(1):306–38.

---- Online first时候读过,集合论读得挺晕

Segre, Sandro. 2019. “Howard S. Becker’s Symbolic Interactionism.” The American Sociologist.

Urbina, Dante A. and Alberto Ruiz‐Villaverde. 2019. “A Critical Review of Homo Economicus from Five Approaches.” American Journal of Economics and Sociology 78(1):63–93.

Delanty, Gerard. 2019. “The Future of Capitalism: Trends, Scenarios and Prospects for the Future.” Journal of Classical Sociology 19(1):10–26.

----Varieties of capitalism, systemic crises of capitalism, catastrophic collapse, low growth capitalism and post-capitalism. 



Zhang, Hexuan and Sarah M. Corse. 2019. “Staging Communism: State Control and the Chinese Model Opera.” American Journal of Cultural Sociology 7(1):79–100.


Treiman, Donald J. and Andrew G. Walder. 2019. “The Impact of Class Labels on Life Chances in China.” American Journal of Sociology 124(4):1125–63.

Abend, Gabriel. 2019. “Moral Decisionism and Its Discontents.” Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 49(1):59–83.


Hu, Anning and Xiaogang Wu.【胡安宁、吴晓刚】 2019. “Science or Liberal Arts? Cultural Capital and College Major Choice in China.” The British Journal of Sociology 70(1):190–213.

Sun, Yanfei.[【孙砚菲】 2019. “Reversal of Fortune: Growth Trajectories of Catholicism and Protestantism in Modern China.” Theory and Society 48(2):267–98.








