
WhatsApp 知多少

Mike外贸说 Mike外贸说 2021-01-15



Many of us use WhatsApp to talk with friends and business partners, but don't know its origin and direction of development.


Actually, Facebook had acquired this messaging company called WhatsApp in Feb. 2014 by $19 billion, since when WhatsApp hadn't been an individual messaging service provider.


After the acquisition of WhatsApp by Facebook, independent mobile phone IM class applications gradually reduced. 

So why Facebook spent such big price to acquire WhatsApp?

They may mean to pay more attention to the users of Mobile. 

But we have to say that they also killed a strong opponent to a certain degree.


Some of us deal with Instagram. But maybe you don't know that Instagram had been acquired by Facebook, too. 

In my opinion, Facebook doesn't mean to earn money only. Instead, they meant to kill some powerful competitors.

So judging from this aspect, Facebook is very forward-looking.

那么问题来了? (挖掘机技术哪家强?---滚!!!)

So here comes the question. ( Which company is more skilled in excavator? Fu*k Off and don't waste my time )


So here comes the question,  what can we do by knowing this?


Sure it is useful. If you can understand the relationships between different platforms, it will be a great help to your operation planning and help you gain more potential value.


Take a simple example, many of us use WhatsApp as a chatting tool only, but seldom will anyone use its sharing button.


So where is the sharing button?


You'll find it on the left corner of the WhatsApp page. You can share pictures, words and even videos there, which will be open to all your connections on WhatsApp. 

Don't miss this advertising way, my brothers, and sisters.


Mike 不是叫你放弃youtube, 而是告诉你除了油管以外的另一种操作方式。

Another example, many people upload videos onto Youtube and then paste video link of Youtube onto Facebook.

Do you know Facebook and Youtube are competitors? 

Why not upload your videos onto Facebook directly to gain more attention?

I don't mean to ask you to give up Youtube, instead, I am telling you a different way besides Youtube.


I think these two examples have explained much of that. But if you still don't understand, just quit, pls, you are still too young.



So here comes the question. You talked much, but WeChat is not included.

Yup, Ready to talk about it now.


As you can see that WeChat is a much powerful tool for chatting and payment. But actually, it is nothing if compared with WhatsApp or Facebook. But what I mean is, you don't need to care about its development, since it has users, you can use them all.


As you can see WhatsApp gets unstable, why not go find some other tools?

有人说这是国家搞得,你错了,这个跟国家没关系,你去WhatsApp官网看看,这是人家新出台的政策,无法满足网络条件的无法使用 ,之前的确是没有这个规定的。你要是说工具,那国家政策的确起到了一定的影响作用,导致很多工具完蛋了。

Someone says that it is the result caused by Nation Policies. You are wrong, my friend. It is nothing to do with our nation. You can check its website, then you can find such explanation as below pic. You can't use this tool if your network cannot meet its requirements.

If you talk about tools for network, yup, the new policies issued by Chinese Government had a great impact on it indeed, which ruined many tools.


But I'd like to talk further on WhatsApp, rather than its origin only.



If you read News, then you may know that data from WhatsApp hasn't been used completely by Facebook after its acquisition.


Due to doubt that whether the users agree with data use, 28 Data Protection Departments from EU asked Facebook to stop using data from WhatsApp.


But according to the reports from Reuters in April. 2017,  EU urge Facebook to commit this deal, allowing them to use data collected by WhatsApp in messaging transfer.


Just think about it. If someday in the future, the way of data use is like this:

Facebook combine its Users' Data and WhatsApp's Users Data together into a new data system, and these data can be tracked and used easily by users, then it'll be very easy for you to find your connections on either of these two platforms and send invitations directly.



Another thing is, what if Facebook moves their attention and work from Messager to WhatsApp as the main communication tool off the Facebook page.  

Of course, this is just my imagination. But we need to be forward-looking.

So I'd like to advise those who wanna quit this tool to pay more attention to the possible ways to use it.


What if one day they give WhatsApp a new function--Payment?

PS: Mike 希望自己带给大家的都是思维模式,而不是行为模式,师傅领进门,修行看个人




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