
Inaugural WCIH Sports Day

WCIH WellingtonCollegeHZ 2020-10-12

On Friday, October 26th 2018, Wellington College International Hangzhou held our inaugural Sports Day, where all of our founding Wellingtonians participated in a range of fun athletic events. Parents, staff and other community members gathered in the pavilion to show their support, and it was fantastic to see them cheering and encouraging our young athletes. 

Sports Day 2018 was a fun event, and a taster of things to come. The community involvement made the day even more special. 

Below let’s review our Wellingtonians’ great performances.

Mr. Paul Rogers, Founding Executive Master at Wellington College Hangzhou, and Mr. Jonathan Mills, Head of Pre-Prep and Prep School, chaired and commentated from the pavilion

Parents gathered in the pavilion to wait for the games to start

Wellingtonians were divided by House and the games began with a House Parade

Final numbers being tallied by the House tutors

Let the Games Begin!

Parents got up-close and personal, joining their children on the sports field to cheer them on and capture every moment of the action

Awards will be handed out in the coming week’s assembly. Besides the winning House, there will also be individual awards as well. Naturally, parents are welcome to join us and celebrate at the award ceremony.

Wellington College International Hangzhou

Wellington College International Hangzhou officially opened its doors to pupils in September 2018, offering a world-class international education for children of expatriate families from the ages of 5 to 18. In Pre-Prep and Prep-School, the College follows the English National Curriculum, which is enhanced through the cross-curricula International Primary Curriculum. In Senior School, pupils will complete the IGCSE and then choose to follow either the IB Diploma Programme or A Levels, depending on their needs. As with all Wellington College schools, the Wellington Values and Identities form the core of the holistic education provided by Wellington College International Hangzhou.

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