
eLearning: Keeping a Learning Community Connected

WCIH WellingtonCollegeHZ 2020-10-12

The bond between teachers and their pupils is a very special one. Whether it be for only one school year or for longer, teachers build a level of trust and support for children that can be remembered for the rest of their lives. We all have a special teacher we remember many years into the future. At such a difficult time like this, with the stress and uncertainty of the COVID-19 virus and the quarantine regulations required, maintaining those connections between pupils and teachers is critical. Seeing the joy as a child’s face lights up when they see their teacher, even if only via the internet, is testament to the bonds they have built. 

For the past few weeks, Wellington College International Hangzhou pupils have been maintaining those relationships, as well as their academic progress, by taking part in rigorous eLearning programmes. All teachers across the Wellington College China group of schools have used a myriad of advanced technologies to ensure that children are being delivered a best in-class eLearning experience through an integrated learning platform. This learning platform includes their online learning plan and timetable, online classroom, video lessons, live interactive instruction, online assignments and individual feedback, as well as one-on-one tutoring for those pupils who require more careful guidance. 

To learn more about the Wellington College China eLearning platform, please click HERE.

In doing our best to replicate the unique Wellington approach to holistic education, a wide range of additional resources and services have been rolled out to make the delivery of eLearning not just a temporary solution to a problem, but a robust, enjoyable and rigorous educational provision that will ensure our pupils continue to thrive throughout this challenging time. 

    Ms. Fryer – Year 1

“It has been a new challenge teaching Year 1 in this eLearning style, but that is part of the excitement of being a teacher! We have been working hard in all of our subject areas and the children continue to enjoy the face-to-face time with their teachers and school friends. In English, we have been story writing and learning about biographies. The children read about Julia Donaldson and learned to pick out key information about her life to record. In maths, we have focused on addition, subtraction and fractions. We revised telling the time and capacity. I know the children have had an array of interesting specialist classes and continue to have Chinese lessons daily. We look forward to returning to school but in the meantime, I am delighted to report positive attitudes, hard work and a lot of support for each other in Year 1”

Ms. Macleod – Year 4 

“In my time as a teacher, I have never had to do anything other than face-to-face learning. Alongside the children in my class, I have had to overcome some obstacles to do this effectively. Year 4 have constantly shown an eagerness and willingness to learn. They have developed their ability to learn independently and engage with an online learning platform. I couldn’t be more proud of the respect that they show to me and each other in each of our online lessons, and the integrity they show when they attend lessons and return work of a great standard in a timely manner. I am sure we are all looking forward to getting back to school, but I hope year 4 can reflect on this time and see the skills that they have developed!”

    Mr. Tucker – English

“In Key Stage 3 English, pupils have been able to use this time to practice and hone their skills. It has allowed them to develop strong independent learning habits and focus on their own learning. This change has undoubtably been a challenge, but our pupils have risen to the occasion and really developed as a result. Year 7 pupils have used this time to learn about the Victorian gothic era and literary style. They have replicated stories and scripts from their reading and have experienced how it would feel to be a professional writer. Year 8 pupils have used this time to read Oliver Twist. This has required pupils to really work hard to identify what they do and do not already know from their reading. However, the benefits of eLearning have allowed them to look at other sources, such as the film version as well as play and novel versions of Oliver Twist. Naturally, the eLearning process has required pupils to work in diverse and new ways, but this experience has been far from detrimental. In fact, it has led our learners to be more astute, more independent and more knowledgeable about how they work well. It is through times like this that our pupils truly gain the Wellington Identities”

Even PE lessons have remained, with the PE department diligently recording the required activities and monitoring pupil progress. 

Click to watch the video above

Mr. Schulze – P.E. 

“All pupils have weekly exercises to practice and perform. Younger pupils perform exercises designed to maintain and develop their cardiovascular fitness, hand/eye coordination and flexibility. Older pupils perform exercises designed to increase muscular endurance while increasing cardiovascular fitness. All movements have varying levels of difficulty, giving pupils an opportunity to challenge themselves at a level that suits them.  Pupils meet with the teacher twice a week to discuss their progress and raise questions and/or concerns they have about the exercises eLearning provides the pupils an opportunity to carry out vital physical training to help their development and has enabled the pupils to become independent learners, while giving parents a unique chance to become directly involved in the lessons”

In such a short time, Wellington and Huili schools around China appear to have achieved the impossible. We have moved the entire curriculum to a smooth, online delivery that maintains face to face contact and helps children not only educationally, but also socially and emotionally as they navigate this difficult time with their parents. 

Please be reminded that our team remains in place and ready to be contacted at any time. Below is a list of useful contacts, should you need to communicate with the school;

General Enquiries:                      


Academic Team:

Laura Liang, EA to Principal



  • Phone: 

    +(86-571) 8239 6366

    +(86) 136 1653 0633 

  • WeChat:

  • Email:



Teacher communications:           

For existing parents with questions about eLearning, please contact your child’s teacher through TChat

Wellington College International Hangzhou

Wellington College International Hangzhou officially opened its doors to pupils in September 2018, offering a world-class international education for children of expatriate families from the ages of 2 to 18. In Pre-Prep and Prep-School, the College follows the English National Curriculum, which is enhanced through the cross-curricula International Primary Curriculum. In Senior School, pupils will complete the IGCSE and then follow the A Level Programme. As with all Wellington College schools, the Wellington Values and Identities form the core of the holistic education provided by Wellington College International Hangzhou.

To submit an online Enquiry Form


