
Flink on YARN部署快速入门指南

Apache Flink是一个高效、分布式、基于Java和Scala(主要是由Java实现)实现的通用大数据分析引擎,它具有分布式 MapReduce一类平台的高效性、灵活性和扩展性以及并行数据库查询优化方案,它支持批量和基于流的数据分析,且提供了基于Java和Scala的API。


  本文将简单地介绍如何部署Apache Flink On YARN(也就是如何在YARN上运行Flink作业),本文是基于Apache Flink 1.0.0以及Hadoop 2.2.0。

  在YARN上启动一个Flink主要有两种方式:(1)、启动一个YARN session(Start a long-running Flink cluster on YARN);(2)、直接在YARN上提交运行Flink作业(Run a Flink job on YARN)。下面将分别进行介绍。

Fflink YARN Session

  这种模式下会启动yarn session,并且会启动Flink的两个必要服务:JobManager和TaskManagers,然后你可以向集群提交作业。同一个Session中可以提交多个Flink作业。需要注意的是,这种模式下Hadoop的版本至少是2.2,而且必须安装了HDFS(因为启动YARN session的时候会向HDFS上提交相关的jar文件和配置文件)。我们可以通过./bin/yarn-session.sh脚本启动YARN Session,由于我们第一次使用这个脚本,我们先看看这个脚本支持哪些参数:

[flink]$ ./bin/yarn-session.sh
     -n,--container <arg>   Number of YARN container to allocate (=Number of Task Managers)
     -D <arg>                        Dynamic properties
     -d,--detached                   Start detached
     -jm,--jobManagerMemory <arg>    Memory for JobManager Container [in MB]
     -nm,--name <arg>                Set a custom name for the application on YARN
     -q,--query                      Display available YARN resources (memory, cores)
     -qu,--queue <arg>               Specify YARN queue.
     -s,--slots <arg>                Number of slots per TaskManager
     -st,--streaming                 Start Flink in streaming mode
     -tm,--taskManagerMemory <arg>   Memory per TaskManager Container [in MB]

各个参数的含义里面已经介绍的很详细了。在启动的是可以指定TaskManager的个数以及内存(默认是1G),也可以指定JobManager的内存,但是JobManager的个数只能是一个。好了,我们开启动一个YARN session吧:

./bin/yarn-session.sh -n 4 -tm 8192 -s 8

上面命令启动了4个TaskManager,每个TaskManager内存为8G且占用了8个核(是每个TaskManager,默认是1个核)。在启动YARN session的时候会加载conf/flink-config.yaml配置文件,我们可以根据自己的需求去修改里面的相关参数(关于里面的参数含义请参见Flink官方文档介绍吧)。一切顺利的话,我们可以在https://www.iteblog.com:9981/proxy/application_1453101066555_2766724/#/overview上看到类似于下面的页面:

启动了YARN session之后我们如何运行作业呢?很简单,我们可以使用./bin/flink脚本提交作业,同样我们来看看这个脚本支持哪些参数:

[iteblog@www.iteblog.com flink-1.0.0]$ bin/flink
The following actions are available:
Action "run" compiles and runs a program.
  Syntax: run [OPTIONS] <jar-file> <arguments>
  "run" action options:
     -c,--class <classname>               Class with the program entry point
                                          ("main" method or "getPlan()" method.
                                          Only needed if the JAR file does not
                                          specify the class in its manifest.
     -C,--classpath <url>                 Adds a URL to each user code
                                          classloader  on all nodes in the
                                          cluster. The paths must specify a
                                          protocol (e.g. file://) and be
                                          accessible on all nodes (e.g. by means
                                          of a NFS share). You can use this
                                          option multiple times for specifying
                                          more than one URL. The protocol must
                                          be supported by the {@link
     -d,--detached                        If present, runs the job in detached
     -m,--jobmanager <host:port>          Address of the JobManager (master) to
                                          which to connect. Specify
                                          'yarn-cluster' as the JobManager to
                                          deploy a YARN cluster for the job. Use
                                          this flag to connect to a different
                                          JobManager than the one specified in
                                          the configuration.
     -p,--parallelism <parallelism>       The parallelism with which to run the
                                          program. Optional flag to override the
                                          default value specified in the
     -q,--sysoutLogging                   If present, supress logging output to
                                          standard out.
     -s,--fromSavepoint <savepointPath>   Path to a savepoint to reset the job
                                          back to (for example

我们可以使用run选项运行Flink作业。这个脚本可以自动获取到YARN session的地址,所以我们可以不指定--jobmanager参数。我们以Flink自带的WordCount程序为例进行介绍,先将测试文件上传到HDFS上:

hadoop fs -copyFromLocal LICENSE hdfs:///user/iteblog/


./bin/flink run ./examples/batch/WordCount.jar --input hdfs:///user/iteblog/LICENSE




./bin/flink run ./examples/batch/WordCount.jar     \
          --input hdfs:///user/iteblog/LICENSE     \
          --output hdfs:///user/iteblog/result.txt 



Rrun a single Flink job on YARN

  上面的YARN session是在Hadoop YARN环境下启动一个Flink cluster集群,里面的资源是可以共享给其他的Flink作业。我们还可以在YARN上启动一个Flink作业。这里我们还是使用./bin/flink,但是不需要事先启动YARN session:

./bin/flink run -m yarn-cluster -yn 2 ./examples/batch/WordCount.jar      \
          --input hdfs:///user/iteblog/LICENSE                            \
          --output hdfs:///user/iteblog/result.txt

上面的命令同样会启动一个类似于YARN session启动的页面。其中的-yn是指TaskManager的个数,必须指定。

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