

版画君 观澜版画 2024-07-07



Beautiful Encounter—Contemporary Prints Invitational Exhibition of China & Hungary

展览时间 Exhibition Dates:


展览地点 Exhibition Place:


No.3 Exhibition Hall of the China Printmaking Museum

主办单位 Organizer:


Culture,Radio,Television,Tourism and Sports Bureau of Shenzhen Longhua District


Budapest Printmaking Artists Association in Hungary

承办单位 Conductor:


China Printmaking Museum




"Civilizations are colorful through exchange, Civilizations are enriched by mutual learning." This year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Hungary. Hungary was among the first nations to recognize the newly founded People's Republic of China and the first European country to jointly pursue the "Belt and Road" initiative with China. Over the years, the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries have continued to develop, deepening exchanges and cooperation in various fields, allowing the flowers of civilization to bloom competitively.


In September 2023, a delegation from Shenzhen Longhua visited Europe, aiming to further promote exchanges and cooperation between Shenzhen and Europe in various fields such as economic and trade investment, technological innovation, and cultural and sports tourism. During the visit, the China Guanlan Original Printmaking Base, a cultural emblem of Shenzhen and a window for global printmaking exchanges, engaged in in-depth discussions with Budapest Printmakers Association, the Kárpát-haza Gallery, Hungary National Strategy Research Institute, and the Hungary Zen Wu Cultural Center. They signed a letter of intent for cooperation, jointly promoting the artist residency and creative programs at the Guanlan Printmaking Base, and cooperation on international exhibition exchanges, strengthening the artistic and cultural ties between the two regions. This exhibition is an active practice of the China Guanlan Original Printmaking Base and the China Printmaking Museum to build a platform for appreciation, exchange, and research of print art from China and Hungary, pushing forward Sino-Hungarian art exchanges and marking the beginning of deeper cooperation between the two sides.


Hungary, as one of the significant forces in European art, possesses a rich and colorful cultural and artistic heritage. The development of its art, while absorbing various artistic styles and techniques from different European regions, firmly continues and passes down its national cultural traditions, forming art forms with unique characteristics and charm. Meanwhile, actively participating in international exchanges, leads Hungarian culture and art remain vibrant and thriving in the contemporary era.


Since the inaugural Guanlan International Print Biennial in 2007 which received print works from Hungary, and the Guanlan Printmaking Base established in 2008, Hungarian artists have actively participated in the artist residency program. Over the past decade, Hungarian artists have developed deep friendships with the printmaking base, maintaining long-term artistic exchanges akin to the blending and merging of colors and impressions in printmaking. They have been important witnesses and supporters in the development and growth of the Guanlan Printmaking Base and the Chinese Printmaking Museum, exemplifying the enduring power of art to transcend national boundaries and cultural differences.


This exhibition is organized by Shenzhen Longhua Cultural, Radio, Television, Tourism, and Sports Bureau and the Budapest Printmakers Association, featuring works mainly from the collection of the Chinese Printmaking Museum as well as special donations by the Budapest Printmakers Association for this collaborative exhibition. The exhibition showcases around 140 prints, including over 70 works by Hungarian artists and 58 by Chinese artists. These artists are influential figures in their respective creative fields, and their artistic achievements and theoretical reflections will undoubtedly promote the creation and development of contemporary printmaking, highlighting the speculative, contemporary, and global nature of print art. Through exploring and comparing forms, languages, and the collision and resonance of ideas and inspiration, we believe this will let us better appreciate each other's art and understand each other's cultures.


Hungary is where Eastern and Western cultures meet, and beauty is a common theme when the East meets the West. As the glittering lights of the "Pearl of the Danube" intertwine with the rippling blue waves of the Guanlan River, it represents an encounter of beauty. We hope this exhibition will provide audiences with a new visual experience with aesthetic pleasure. Guanlan Printmaking Base and China Printmaking Museum will continue to diligently polish the window of international artistic exchange, making it broader and clearer, and contribute to the promotion of cultural exchanges and mutual understanding among human civilizations.

部分展览作品Featured Works

梦想家 Dreamer

西蒙·佐尔特 Simon Zsolt丨匈牙利 Hungary

丝网版 Silkscreen丨51*46cm丨2010年

桥 XX Bridge XX

索莫贾伊·吉斯·蒂伯 Somorjai Kiss Tibor丨匈牙利 Hungary

丝网版 Silkscreen丨20*27.3cm丨1999年

航行是必须的 Navigare Necesse Est

吉兹·克里斯托夫 Giczy Kristóf丨丨匈牙利 Hungary

凹版 Intaglio丨44*24.5cm丨2012年

纪念 Memento

帕托·卡罗利 Pató Károly丨匈牙利 Hungary

凸版 Relief丨83*62cm丨2020年

软硬形态 II Soft and Hard Forms II

桑多尔·杰尔菲 Sándor Győrffy丨匈牙利 Hungary

丝网版 Silkscreen丨100x70cm丨1994年

灌木丛 Thicket

卡罗伊·帕托 Károly Pató丨匈牙利 Hungary

凸版 Relief丨100x70cm丨2024年

未来编织者 Future weaver

阿提拉·丹卡 Attila Danka丨匈牙利 Hungary

凸版 Relief丨52x75cm丨2019年

背对背 Face Back Face

贝阿特丽克丝·韦格瓦里 Beatrix Végvári丨匈牙利 Hungary

丝网版 Silkscreen丨100x70cm丨2010年

平行局面 II Paralel Situations II.

查巴·帕尔 Csaba Pál丨匈牙利 Hungary

丝网版 Silkscreen丨100x70cm丨2023年

漂浮房屋 - 与窗户 Floating Houses – With Windows

亚历山德拉·纳达什 Alexandra Nádas丨匈牙利Hungary

石版 Lithography丨50x70cm丨2008年

小镜子 Small mirror

阿鸽 A Ge丨中国 China

凸版 Relief丨45.3x41.5cm丨1991年

无题 Untitled

布日固德 BuRiGuDe丨中国 China

丝网版 Silkscreen丨51x76cm丨2014年


单镓 Shan Jia丨中国 China

丝网版 Silkscreen丨47x90cm丨2016年

奔腾 Pentium

曹丹 Cao Dan丨中国 China

凹版 Intaglio丨65.5x91.5cm丨2004年


Open the Door: Abundant Blessings Follow Good Deeds

郝平 Hao Ping丨中国 China

丝网版 Silkscreen丨80x55cm丨2015年

凝玉北方 Northern Jade

于承佑 Yu Chengyou丨中国 China

凸版 Relief丨52x76.5cm丨2017年

夜阑花语 Midnight Flower language

宋源文 Song Yuanwen丨中国 China

丝网版 Silkscreen丨60x80cm丨2015年

理想国之三 Republic No.3

庞辛森 Pang Sinson丨中国 China

丝网版 Silkscreen丨57x77cm丨2016年

游曳之一 Drifting No.1

许浩宇 Xu Haoyu丨中国 China

平版 Lithography丨40x55cm丨2014年


孔祥云 Kong Xiangyun丨中国 China

凹版 Intaglio丨59.2x44cm






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