
Dad Drops Son At School Then Vanishes After Learning He’s Not...

SOLUTIONS SolutionsConsulting 2022-08-30

A five-year-old boy has been abandoned at his kindergarten in China after his father discovered he was not his biological son.

The little boy, identified in local media reports by the pseudonym “Xiao Rui”, was abandoned at the kindergarten by his father after he dropped the child off for the day.

When no one arrived to collect the boy that afternoon, staff contacted his parents and relatives, but none of them wanted him back.

The boy’s teacher, surnamed Chen, said Xiao Rui was enrolled at the kindergarten in April this year, and that his father brought him to the kindergarten in Guangxi province, and picked him up at the end of each school day.

When no one arrived to collect the boy that afternoon, staff contacted his parents and relatives, but none of them wanted him back.

The boy’s teacher, surnamed Chen, said Xiao Rui was enrolled at the kindergarten in April this year, and that his father brought him to the kindergarten in Guangxi province, and picked him up at the end of each school day.

The father continued to speak to the school on the phone after this but refused to collect the boy. When Chen went to the house where the boy had lived with his parents she found it empty. The whereabouts of the boy’s mother is also unknown.

Chen called the local police for help and they contacted Xiao Rui’s grandfather and uncle, but both declined to take the little boy.

The news has triggered outrage in China with many people shocked by the behaviour of the boy’s parents.

“How innocent the boy is! The mum was unbelievably irresponsible,” wrote one person on the original news post on Weibo.

“Obviously, the father had talked with his wife and relatives and no one wanted the boy, which forced him to leave the kid in the kindergarten,” said another.

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