
The numbers in the patent application number mean differently?

SOLUTIONS SolutionsConsulting 2022-08-30

Shocked! The number of the patent application number each number represents a different meaning! How much do you know about patents? What are the types of patents? What is the use of filing a patent? Today, Solutions is giving you a small lesson on patents.

1. Invention patent(The entire process is expected to take 24 months)

Duration of protection: 20 years

Scope of protection: 40 technical points 

Type: product invention, method invention, process invention, model invention

2. Utility model patent(The whole process is expected to take 7-11 months)

Duration of protection: 10 years

Scope of protection: 10 technical points

Type: Structural modification

3. Design patents(The whole process is expected to take 3-4 months)

Duration of protection: 10 years

Scope of protection: Design

Type: Design 

What is the use of patents?

1. Protected by law, protecting the fruits of invention and creation, monopolizing the market

2. Ensure the safety of its own production and sales, and prevent opponents from counter-suing infringement

3. The state has certain supportive policies for patent applications

4. Promote the upgrading of products and improve the technical content and quality of products

5. If an enterprise has multiple patents, it is the embodiment of the strong strength of the enterprise, an intangible asset and intangible publicity

6. Patented technology can be sold (transferred) as a commodity, which can increase its economic value

7. Having a certain number of patents is also used as an important indicator in the listing and other evaluation of enterprises


If you need more information about patents, please feel free to contact Solutions. We will be happy to assist you.

