
Why will Chinese trademark registrations decrease this year?

SOLUTIONS SolutionsConsulting 2023-05-26

The website of the State Intellectual Property Office released key statistics on intellectual property in March 2023. Compared with the same period in 2022:

The number of invention patents granted   increased by 2,200 


The number of utility models patents granted

 decreased by 166,800 


The number of design patents granted  increased by 12,500 


By March 2023, the total number of patents in force reached 18.3976 million.

According to the type of the patentee, statistics have been carried out on the power of patent in March 2023, and the power of utility models of the five types of patentee have all decreased.

The number of trademark registrations in March 2023 decreased by 1,141,200 compared to 2022 (↓52.73%).

Why the decline in trademark registrations?

1. The review standards for trademark registration are becoming more and more stringent, and some similar trademarks may be rejected because they do not meet the standards;

2. Many trademarks have been maliciously registered, and the country severely cracks down on this behavior;

3. As the number of trademark registration applications increases, many applications are rejected;

4. Before registering a trademark, no professionals were found to conduct a risk assessment.

In such a general environment, finding a professional trademark registration company or purchasing a trademark has gradually become a priority. Want to increase your success rate? Want to minimize risk? If you have any ideas, please contact SOLUTIONS.

If you need any more information, feel free to contact SOLUTIONS. We will be glad to assist you.


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