
New technology! What goes beyond facial payment?

SOLUTIONS SolutionsConsulting 2023-06-15

Do not scan code, do not swipe card, do not brush face! Now you can pay by brushing your palms!



According to wechat open public claims: wechat brush palm Pay officially released. Users can now swipe their hands on the face brushing device.

What is wechat brush palm?

You need to bind your personal wechat account to the device first and input your palm pattern. When consuming, point your palm at the scanning area of the payment device, and the payment can be completed after confirmation.

Compared with face payment, palm payment is more secure and accurate. Different from fingerprint recognition to take the skin pattern of the finger belly, palm pattern reading is the palm blood vessel pattern, which can avoid exposure and reproduction.

The user will be the membership card, campus card, traffic card, ticket electronic code and palm binding, you can brush the palm to verify the membership identity, convenient consumption, through the gate. At present, we are gradually inviting businesses to jointly create brush palm application scenarios.

"Brush palm" ride service online

It is reported that the press conference of Beijing Rail Transit Daxing Airport Line was held in Beijing on May 21. At the meeting, it was announced that the "brush palm" ride service of the Daxing Airport Line of Beijing Rail Transit was officially launched. After registering for the "brush palm" ride service, passengers can "brush palm" ride on the subway line.

Passengers only need to enter the palm print in the palm registration machine at the automatic ticket office of each station of Daxing Airport Line, and open the "palm brush ride" ride function after completing the authorization of the wechat mini program "Beijing Metro Brush Ride".

One netizen said:

"Hands will do, it's not a joke!"

"This is so convenient!

“The progress of science and technology is controlled by the palm of your hand.”

Do you have any new ideas about "palm brushing" payments?

If you need any more information, feel free to contact SOLUTIONS. We will be glad to assist you.


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