
Do you want to have a personal bank account in China?

SOLUTIONS SolutionsConsulting 2023-08-21

How can foreign friends who

work, study or settle in China

lack a Chinese bank account?

In China, you can use your mobile phone as a wallet, you can swipe your face to pay, "Chinese payment" method is so convenient! To pay with a smartphone APP, you only need to bind a bank card that has opened an account in China, and you can enjoy these conveniences.

Can foreigners apply for

bank cards in China?

It's okay.

Banks with high online shop coverage:

Banks with high online shop coverage:

● Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC)

● Bank of China (BOC)

● China Merchants Bank (CMB)

● Agricultural Bank of China (ABC)

● China Construction Bank (CCB)


What are the advantages of

opening a bank account?

1. Use convenient electronic payment in China

In China, from big cities to small villages. Electronic functions via wechat or Alipay are already widely used.

2. Easy currency deposit and exchange

If you work or do business in China, open a personal bank account where you can deposit your salary and spend it at any time. Plus. By applying for a multi-currency account, you can exchange currencies in real time to avoid capital losses caused by exchange rate fluctuations. It's also easier to send money to your overseas account.

3. Higher personal and property safety protection

It's not safe to carry around a lot of money or coins. Having a personal bank account can increase the security of your property without fear of being stolen.

Basic information for opening

a bank account:

1. Original passport with validity period

2. Original work permit

3. Labor contract or employment certificate

4. Tax Identification Number

5. Original residence permit

6. Phone number in my name

7. Temporary Residence registration form

* Foreigners who hold a Chinese permanent residence ID card can open a bank account directly without providing other information.

If you need any more information, feel free to contact SOLUTIONS. We will be glad to assist you.


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