
The Government Issued New Policy to Attract Foreign Investment

SOLUTIONS SolutionsConsulting 2023-08-21


In order to encourage all regions to introduce supporting measures 

according to local conditions, the government has stepped up efforts to attract foreign investment. On August 13, The State Council issued the "Opinions on Further Optimizing the Foreign Investment Environment and Increasing Efforts to attract Foreign Investment".

Policy measures are proposed

in 6 aspects:


Improve the utilization of foreign


We will intensify efforts to attract foreign investment in key areas, give full play to the leading role of the service sector in expanding opening up through comprehensive trials and demonstrations, expand channels for attracting foreign investment, support the gradual transfer of foreign-invested enterprises, and improve mechanisms for promoting the construction of foreign-invested projects.


Guarantee the national treatment of 

foreign-invested enterprises.

Ensure participation in government procurement activities in accordance with the law, support equal participation in the formulation of standards in accordance with the law, and ensure equal access to support policies.


Continue to strengthen foreign 

investment protection.

We will improve the mechanism for protecting the rights and interests of foreign investors, strengthen administrative protection of intellectual property rights, intensify administrative law enforcement of intellectual property rights, and standardize the formulation of foreign-related economic and trade policies and regulations.


Improve investment and operation 


We will improve the residence and stay policies for foreign employees of foreign-invested enterprises, explore a convenient cross-border data flow security management mechanism, coordinate and optimize law enforcement inspections for foreign-invested enterprises, and improve service guarantees for foreign-invested enterprises.


Increase fiscal and tax support.

We will strengthen the guarantee of funds for promoting foreign investment, encourage foreign-invested enterprises to reinvest in China, implement relevant preferential tax policies for foreign-invested enterprises, and support foreign-invested enterprises to invest in areas encouraged by the state.


Improve ways to promote foreign 


We will improve the mechanism for attracting foreign investment, facilitate overseas investment promotion, expand channels for foreign investment promotion, and optimize the evaluation of foreign investment promotion.

These measures will create a more optimized investment environment for foreign investors and effectively boost foreign investment confidence.

If you need any more information, feel free to contact SOLUTIONS. We will be glad to assist you.


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