
Please note the validity of your visa!

SOLUTIONS SolutionsConsulting 2023-10-23

For foreigners in China with these 5 types of visas, please pay attention to the validity of your visa!

Entered on a business M visa

Foreigners applying for a business visa can usually get a visa that can stay in China for 30-180 days, because the opening of business visas in all regions cannot be agreed on, and some regions still have a single valid business visa. If the validity period is about to expire, it is recommended to contact the inviting unit in advance to provide relevant materials to cooperate with the extension.

Required supporting materials

When submitting a certification letter issued by a local inviting or receiving unit or individual, the unit that has not filed a record shall also submit a registration certificate. The period of stay may be extended not to exceed 180 days.

Hold a T visa

Where the foreigner's reason of residence is terminated and he/she needs to continue to stay for humanitarian reasons, he/she shall submit his/her residence certificate and relevant supporting materials, and may issue a stay certificate with a stay period of no more than 30 days.

Due to the relaxation of entry visa application requirements, the extension of stay visas will be gradually tightened, and those who need to continue to stay without reasonable reasons will not be accepted. Therefore, if foreigners holding T visas need to continue to stay and not leave the country, it is recommended to apply for a work residence permit or a reunion residence permit as soon as possible.

Family visit Q1/Q2 visa

Hold Q1 visa (30 days), after entry, you can apply for long-term reunion residence permit at the place of residence or residence of your Chinese immediate family members; However, for foreigners who still hold a single family visit Q2 visa (60-180 days), they need to continue to stay for a period of time due to matters that cannot be handled in time. Try to apply for Q2 visa extension (some other regions have gradually eliminated the convenience of Q2 transfer to long-term residence)

Required supporting materials

Q2 visa holders should submit the letter, identity certificate, and family member relationship certificate issued by the visited person at the time of extension (it is recommended that the family proof documents handled overseas should be handled in advance by the embassy level three certification, otherwise it may cause uneven documents and lead to normal renewal). The period of stay may be extended not to exceed 180 days.

S visa for short-term personal business

Foreigners working in China for short-term family visits can apply for short-term family visits of 60-180 days. However, if you intend to stay in the country for a certain period of time, you can apply for a visa extension or apply for a residence permit for private business.

Required supporting materials

For S2 visa holders, family visitors shall submit a letter issued by the person being visited, a foreigner's residence certificate and a proof of family relationship. Other personnel shall submit relevant proof of handling private affairs or having humanitarian reasons. The period of stay may be extended not more than 180 days for those visiting relatives, and not more than 90 days for other persons.

L visa for travel to China

L visa issued to persons entering the country for tourism. Group L visas may be issued to those who enter the country as group tourists.

Warm reminder

If you plan to continue to stay in the country for a period of time, it is recommended to know in advance whether the renewal requirements are met, be sure to remember to bring valid documents and materials to the immigration Bureau for extension and renewal procedures in advance, if you can not renew, it is best to leave before the expiration date. In order to avoid the situation of overdue, affect the qualification of applying for a visa in China.

Foreigners who hold these five types of visas, if they need to stay in the country for a long time, can consider applying for a reunion residence permit or a work residence permit.

Basic requirements for applying for a residence permit for reunion:

1. Provide domestic Chinese family members (such as children, parents, spouse, spouse parents, grandparents, grandparents, etc.)

2. Provide proof of relationship with Chinese family members (birth certificate, marriage certificate, notarial certificate of immediate family relationship, etc.)

Basic requirements for applying for work and residence permit:

1. Must be at least 18 years of age, in good health, no criminal record, have a confirmed employer in the territory, and have the necessary professional skills or appropriate level of knowledge to perform their work.

2. The work is in line with the needs of China's economic and social development, and is an urgent domestic shortage of professionals.

3. If laws and regulations provide otherwise for foreigners to work in China, such provisions shall prevail.

If the individual visa time is limited and it is not clear what materials to provide in order to convert the visa extension or long-term residence within the validity period of the visa, to avoid causing a bad overstay record, please contact us.

If you need any more information, feel free to contact SOLUTIONS. We will be glad to assist you.


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