
Sept 15-17 Wisdom of the Body Retreat in Anji Mountains

Iza & Mandy Yoga for life 2023-09-23
A weekend in the mountain where we journey into wholeness and sacred sexuality through the myth of Baubo: the Greek Belly Goddess. This retreat is for women who are like us - seekers. Together through the vehicle of movement, breath, nature, and depth psychology, we will help you tap into the wisdom of your body. This retreat invites you to explore yourself as a woman – your desires, fears, challenges, body, mind, spirit, and power – while immersed in nature.

“And I said to my body softly, ‘I want to be your friend.’ It took a long breath and replied, ‘I’ve been waiting my whole life for this.’” ~Nayyirah Waheed

One of our fave poems… You might ask why? I am Iza, a holistic coaching psychologist who works with the body's wisdom. I am Mandy, a yoga/meditation teacher who offers women a space to explore and love their bodies. Our expertise in women's wellness and movement will guide us in re-defining sisterhood and celebrating our wholeness through reviving lost traditions.

What to expect at this retreat? 

- Explore the mysteries of feminine wisdom through studying the story of The Greek belly goddess Baubo from the book << Women who run with wolves>>.‍

- Practicing yoga/meditation/breathing to embody the Baubo story.

- Journaling, creativity exersice 

- Embodied dance and tibetan singing bowl ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

- Eating wholesome meals (vegetarain), laughing, and group discussion with like minded women

PS: You don't need to read the book << Women who run with wolves>> beforehand, but if you do it will help you deepen your understanding (we can send you a PDF version of the story if you wish to read beforehand).

What will happen during the retreat? 

Iza will retell a story from the book Women Who Run with Wolves, written by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes, and she will interpret the archetypes and symbols. We will have a discussion and activities to demonstrate how these operate in your inner and outer worlds. Our behavior and interactions with the world around us are shaped by unconscious dynamics and conditioning that we are not aware of. Without bringing awareness to these patterns, we risk repeating them in our relationships, work, and other areas of life.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” -Carl Jung.

Mandy will create yoga movement and meditation practice to faciliate participants listening to their body's wisdom.

What will you gain from committing to this retreat? 

- Embody the Baubo Archetype within.

- Choose and act from your Sense of Knowing.

- A support network of like-minded women and a space to be yourself and to know you belong. 

- Deepen the connection to your Body’s Wisdom.

- Transform the disempowering stories that keep you from owning and embodying your power.‍‍

- Experience the power of giving, receiving, and being witnessed in sisterhood.‍

- Connect to your unique flavor of sensuality and heal body/sexual shame.

- Yoga/meditation technique to help you connect with your body in your daily life‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

Who is this retreat open to?

Women who are seekers and want to understand themselves better and live more fulfilled lives. 

What is the Baubo myth about?

This myth is our avenue to reclaiming our sacred sexuality. Baubo is a Greek Goddess who represents the archetype of the Sacred Fool. She has no head but nipples, and her vulva is her mouth. Baubo lifted Demeter (another greek goddess) from depression, and she also appears in the Egyptian story of Isis and Osiris as a fearless, honest, and potent medicine for grief and makes Isis laugh again. Baubo comes into our lives to ridicule our perceived stress of lives lived too far from a more natural state of being.

Pictures/videos from our previous Womens' Retreat 

Feedback from our previous Women's Retreat 


Price list 

Early bird price‍‍‍‍

Shared bedroom for 2 person (2 single beds or 1 big bed, all rooms facing mountain side): 2900RMB/person

Normal price ‍‍

Shared bedroom for 2 person (2 single beds or 1 big bed, all rooms facing mountain side): 3100RMB/person

*Add extra 750RMB for a private room‍‍‍

First 5 bookings of each retreat enjoy early bird price, grab your seat before it gets sold out! 

We depart from Shanghai at 6pm on day 1.  

① The Location 


Welcome to 'heavenly' Anji mountains

Anji is located in Huzhou, Zhejiang province. It is about 4 hours drive away from Shanghai and is at the northwest part of Zhejiang province. The whole Anji town is 75% covered with mesmerizing bamboo forest containing over 40 different species of bamboo (considered to be the most worldwide). It has been designated a pilot county for tourism, ecological and green building construction. 

Our secluded home for the retreat is in a quiet village called Caojiawu at Anji Tianchi. To get to the retreat hotel we need to drive around mountains after mountains for about 45mins and half way at the mountain is our home...far away from noise and overlooking massive lush bamboo forrest, expect to be greeted by mesmerizing mountains, endless bamboo forests and a sky full of stars...(on a clear day).  

Over the past 5.5 years, Anji Mountain has been our go-to place for retreats, more than 650 yogis joined us in this part of Anji for a journey into yoga, mindfulness and themselves....

We choose this beautiful secluded mountain location for retreat because Mother Nature is our greatest teacher...

Past retreat participants enjoyed this part of Anji so much and some of them even call it a ‘paradise’….. This is a perfect place for a inward journey and Yoga for Life's favourite spot to do retreats!

Accomodation--Luxurious hotel with amazing mountain view and outdoor swimming pool! All rooms face mountain side!

Serene Hiking Trail (rarely visited!) nearby 附近无人烟的古道徒步

Mother Nature around us 旅修地附近的自然风光

Chilling by the swimming pool (May to Oct activity ) 山里戏水 (5-10月份的活动)

Farm to table home made vegetarian meals prepared with love! There is no set menu, we eat whatever that's grown at the village and seasonal! 

② The Plan


"What exactly will we be doing?" one might ask.

Day 1

18:00 | Meet and gather at the Marriott Shanghai Hongqiao Hotel for private van. If you can't make it at 6PM please let us know in advance

19:00 | Setting intention for the Retreat in the bus and sharing if you wish

22:00 | Arrive at Anji (estimated time)

23:00 | Bed time (Practice Silence) 

Day 2 

08:00-8:45 | Light Breakfast 

08:45-10:15 | Yoga/meditation/breathing session

10:15-10:25 | Tea/Snack

10:25-12:25 | 1st workshop of Wisdom of the body

12:55 | Mindful lunch

13:50- 17:00 | Mindful walking in the forrest/reflection/ journaling/ reading/meditation 

17:00-19:00 | 2nd workshop of Wisdom of the body

19:00-20:00 | Mindful dinner

20:00-21:30 | Walking meditation + Embodied dance + Tibetan singing bowl

22:00 | Bed time

Day 3

07:00-07:30 | Tea/snack time

07:30-09:00 | Chakra vowel sound chanting+ Yoga/meditation

09:00-09:30 | Breakfast

09:30-12:00 | 3rd workshop Wisdom of the body

12:00-13:15 | Nature walk/swimming/packing time ‍‍‍

13:15-14:00 | Eye gazing meditation, beauty report & closing retreat 

14:00 | Lunch 

15:00 | Return to Shanghai

③ The Packing List


Am I overpacking? Am I underpacking? Am I missing something?Calm your packing nerves with this list. 

Equipment to bring 需要带的装备:

-       Passport/ID (very important)身份证件

-       Yoga mat (very important)  瑜伽垫

-       A notebook and pen (a must) 一个笔记本和笔(必须要带)

-       Comfortable clothes for Yoga practice 练瑜伽的舒适衣服

-       Comfortable shoes for walking/hiking, bring shoes that's waterproof and anti-slippery if it rains. 舒适方便徒步的鞋子, 如果下雨请带防滑防水鞋

-       Sunscreen/hat/sunglasses 防晒霜/帽子/太阳镜

-       Swimming suits 泳衣 (Outdoor swimming is usually open from May to Oct 泳池一般会在5月到10月开放)

-       Warm clothes for chilly morning and evening (temperature is 5 degree lower in the mountains). 山里早晚清凉(气温要比城市低5度),带上暖合的衣物。

-       Own toothbrush and paste (more environmental friendly) 自带牙膏牙刷,环保。

-       Drinking bottle to refill water 自带喝水的瓶子

-       Mosquito Repellent 防蚊花露水

-       We provide green tea/gogi berry tea/lemon ginger tea at the retreat. If you are a coffee drinker please bring your own coffee. 


-       Please bring medicine if you normally get car sickness. 你如果晕车的话请自带晕车药 。

-       Open mind : ) 开放的心态:)

④ The Details


During designated meal times, we will be observing Noble Silence. This means practicing mindful eating, where talking and the use of cellphones are not encouraged.  

If you are new to practicing Noble Silence, you can gently observe your breath entering in and going out of your nostril. Observe your body sensations (e.g. eating, walking, etc.) when you are silent, this is to help take your attention away from a busy mind.   

Our yoga classes will be adjusted by the instructor based on the level of the group as a whole. All schedules are subject to change based on local weather and any other conditions that may occur.  

During free time, you may choose to journal, reflect, practice meditation, or explore the surrounding area on your own. 

⑤ The Price List


Early bird price 早鸟价

Shared bedroom for 2 person (2 single beds or 1 big bed, all rooms facing mountain side): 2900RMB/person

2人共享一间房 (2张单人床或一张大床, 所有房间全部是面朝大山): ¥2900/人

Normal price 原价

Shared bedroom for 2 person (2 single beds or 1 big bed, all rooms facing mountain side): 3100RMB/person

2人共享一间房 (2张单人床或一张大床, 所有房间全部是面朝大山): ¥3100/人

*Add extra 750RMB for a private room  加750元升级为单人间

First 5 bookings of each retreat enjoy early bird price, grab your seat before it gets sold out! 

What Does My Package Include? 


a) Transportation to and from Shanghai (private van) as well as driver's daily allowance 

   上海来回的交通费用(包车) + 司机每日的津贴

b) Vegetarian Meals (Vegan upon request) as listed on the schedule 

    行程里列出来的素食餐 (如果是全素食主义者,请提前跟我们沟通)

c) Guiding & Coaching


d) Accommodations 


e) *Other personal expenses are not included (e.g. tourists attraction entrance fees etc)

    *不包括别的个人开支 (例如旅游景点的入场费)

Cancellation Policy 


1) Cancellations made more than 7 days before the trip will receive a 50% refund. 离旅修开始还有7天前取消行程,可以得到50%的退款.

2) Cancellations made 4-7 days before the trip will receive a 20% refund. 离旅修开始还有4-7天前取消行程,可以得到20%的退款.

3) Cancellations made within 4 days before the trip will receive no refund. 离旅修开始只有4天前取消行程,不予退款.

**These retreats will only be held if 8 or more people sign up. If we don't get enough participants we will notify you one week beforehand and full refund will be given back to you.  这个旅修是 8个人报名成团,如果人数不够我们会提前一周通知你,并且全额退款。

** Please note that your booking is confirmed when full payment is made. Seats are limited, if you are unable to join the retreat you can transfer your spot to your friend. Please kindly note that you can't reschedule to another retreat.  我们收到全款后会帮你锁定位置。名额有限,报名成功后不退,不延,可自行转让.

⑥Your Retreat Facilitator 旅修导师 

Izabela Misiuk (Iza)

Iza is a Coaching Psychologist (MSc in Applied Psychology and Coaching), relationship coach (the Gottman Method), ICF accredited, women’s circle facilitator, Depth Psychology workshop facilitator, and the co-creator of selfgrowthcourses.com & Thriveinshanghai Wechat platform, where she share her wisdom and knowledge to help others design a soulful and fulfilling life. Her areas of practice is around relationships, life transition, growth mindset, boundaries, feminine & masculine consciousness, and life purpose.

Mandy Yang

Mandy is one of the few certified Forrest Yoga Teachers in China. She is also trained in Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Vipassana Meditation and Zen tradition.  She is a RYS 500 hours teacher and a dedicated meditator(6 years of training in Vipassana and Zen Meditation).

After experiencing the healing power of yoga against high work stress from her previous jobs, as well as her own depression/anxiety/trauma, her passion in life is to teach, share and help others heal (and transform).  Mandy teaches with love, warmth, empathy, intuition, familiarity and authenticity. At her class, she mirrors her students, feeling what they feel and tailors an experience unique to each of them based on her own insights into being. 

Mandy has been running yoga retreats in China and Southeast Asia since 2017. She takes participants to secluded and beautiful retreat venues in nature. Once in retreat Mandy will facilitate you in a deep, unique and profound transformational journey; a journey that will positively impact your life long after you have said goodbye. 

Written by 文字 / Mandy & Iza


Founder and Yoga/Meditation Instructor at Yoga for Life Shanghai

Yoga for Life Shanghai 的创业人


