
Upcycling | 跳出买买买的怪圈?让升级回收帮你收妖

2017-06-08 Upbeing

不知道各位和小编是否有同样的经历,买东西喜欢买奇奇怪怪的,为的就是要和别人不一样。 去咖啡店装小清新的时候,也会对店里的陈设颇有要求。


Often, the most unexpected and creative design comes from the those commonly used items.


而这些四处可见的物品很多都是我们的闲置, 很多时候我们都拿他们没办法。 可能是因为它们陪伴我们久了有了感情,也可能是想着总有一天我会再用到它。而结果往往是我们囤积的越来越多, 但如果你的脑洞足够大,你可以赋予这些闲置物品创造新的职能。

We all thave stuff that no longer serves any purpose , but still we don't know how to get rid of it. Either it's "maybe I will use it some time later" or " it's still working" or just have some sentimetnal value to it. Then it winded up with hoarding, but if you are creative enough, you can solve the problem by reusing your old stuff, and transform it into something new.


This is what we call the Upcycling

你不仅继续用上了它们,不至于把它们立刻扔到垃圾桶或是永久的积灰堆放, 还能给自己创造出独一无二的物品。 岂不是一件超酷的事儿。

Besides serving a purpose repurposed items add this lovely touch of creativity and coziness to the space. Heck, most of the time, upcycled things become even cooler than they originally were.

脑洞不够大? 不知道具体怎么升级回收手上的物品?


In order to help you get started, we find some creating upcycling ideas for you to repurpose your old things and make it with your own talent.


Using an old ladder as a bookshelf.


Using old bottles as shades for pendant lamps.


Make a lamp with hot glue and disposable spoons.


Use discarded keys to create unique key sculptures.


Convert a discarded piano into a very cool shelf.


Create guitar pics out of credit cards (or anything else).


Convert folding chairs into a shelf and closet.


Old Cassette Tape Into Purse


Ruler Clip-Art Rail


Record Clock art


King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain    "126 x 96"     2015     19,278 recycled wine corks Collection of the Spanish Royal Family.  Madrid, Spain


Why Upcycling


Greater than recycling

普通的回收通常意味着降级回收,制造出来的产品质量将会降低, 而升级回收则能保留材料的质量, 往往比普通回收要浪费得更少。 例如, 当铝罐被回收时, 罐头将被剥离,切碎,压碎,烧制,熔化并重新制成为比原来的质量略低的新罐头。而相比之下,如果您将罐子升级回收成诸如饰品配件或贺卡装饰之类的东西,那么您将获得比原始商品更好的原始商品,而不需进行大量的加工回收。

Recycling often means the downgrading of the quality of a material, upcycling retains the material’s quality, often with less waste than when you recycle. For example, when you recycle aluminum cans, the cans go through an industrial process of being stripped, shredded, crushed, burned, melted and re-shaped into new cans that are generally of a slightly lower quality than the original can, but if you upcycling the cans into a decoration lamp , it will become a unique product, even cooler than the what it used be .


Save you buying new stuff

估计很多人和小编一样,常常陷入某宝无法自拔,但是一旦在准备扔掉某些物品钱思考一下是否能给他们赋予新的生命,你的世界就会大不同。 因为创造出来的新物品注定是独一无二的,并且还能省钱。从此,再也不用陷入买买买的死循环。

If you can make use of old items, it might save you buying new things – thus, reducing the need for more goods to be manufactured.


Buy time for earth 


As you start to transform idle items into cooler stuff, you start to throw less, in such way, you are buying time for our earth.

创造力! 创造力 ! 创造力!

Being Creative ! 

在这个人工智能让我们的工作岌岌可危的年代, 升级回收能发挥我们的想象力,创造力。 说不定哪天我们还能开个升级回收小卖部。

Upcycling will sir up your creativeness, in this repidly changing world , creative spirit is one of most quailities we need, and it feels good to see possibility in used things.

这个月我们将会举办干垃圾升级回收工作坊, 用垃圾艺术装置提升身边人的环保意识,欢迎带着垃圾来找我们玩,一起搞事!

This Month we are going to have an Upcycling workshop on June 25, Trash transformer , bring your dry refuse and join us to make the impossibe comes true.

中学生项目经理带你做垃圾版“变形金刚” | 咸鱼集市

今夏我们也将走进四川丹巴, 其将升级回收物尽其用的理念带入当地, 加入我们👇👇

This summer , we are also going to Sichuan Daba, bring the Upcycling concept to the local , welcome to join !

Cosplay 般的项目孵化营是什么节奏? | 社区行动学院

在 Upbeing 我们为学生们打造量身定制的社会创新项目,帮助学生在做中学,发掘自身潜能和天赋,提前探索自己未来的专业和职业,成为具有国际竞争力的创变者&世界公民。

