

Upbeing 2020-10-02


当代城市的女性们可能要愤愤不平了 😑

而乡村里的女性因为没有宽容的社会环境,其创造力更是无法发功 😳

How can we grow together as change makers from different ethnic, economic, and cultural backgrounds, and evolve in a way that does not bash, disempower or leave others behind? How can our efforts to make sustainable and empowered living contagious, inspiring and be on purpose?

🤔 Upbeing相信每个人都有创造的潜力,更相信即使现在没有创造力也可以通过更大范围的城乡协作与共创,从社会问题中,汲取其中的就业机会或商机,同时提升自己的社会影响力

Let’s start by empowering women to express their creative confidence and courage towards things that matter the most. Lets begin by building a platform that allows them to do so.


Upbeing is oragnizing the United-Actions Academy in August in Danba village to support Local Villlage Women in finding their inner creative voice, courage and strength.

7月22日,下周六,和我们一起,用系统式的探索,突破固化思维,以环保卫生巾这个小的入手点,为自己,为身边的女性,也为丹巴的女性,一起摸索出一条创新的绿色经济之路。我们将在八月份的 Upbeing 社区行动学院-四川丹巴之行,带上大家的行动计划,与当地女性一起探讨她们新工作的可能性💪

On July 22nd, next Saturday, we’re inviting YOU in an incubation style collaborative playground to help us design a powerful platform to Give Underprivilege Women Voice Through Creative Collaboration, compassion& Designing a legacy that Uplifts and Empowers Women for the The Bottom Up

Join us for an Interactive Collaborative Workshop Focused on environment-friendly sanitary napkins, to find a innovative green-economy road for Danba Women , we might bring the project to Danba for Upbeing United-Action Academy - Danba, Sichuan in this August.


Project Manager

本次Upbeing404行动村系列活动- We for She 依然将由中学生主导,参与全程的筹备以及组织。 


Some of the most powerful innovative ideas today are coming from the imaginations of our youth.

The We for She workshop will lead by youth. Through their angle of view, we will gain some fresh ideas, to explore more possibilities for empowering women in rural places.

🏡 7月22日进入404行动村指南:

Guide to Upbeing Action Village System Exploration lab

📒 Upbeing 404行动村村民手册

Upbeing 404 Action Village Villagers handbook


We will make an electronic handbook to let more people know about the issues of Danba in Sichuan province, therefore we decided to interview the local opinion leader and experienced guide. He will share stories and his opinion about the issues in Danba .

📝 Upbeing 404行动村村志

Upbeing 404 Action Village chronicles


These issues also will show us that we have to change our thought process and improve our critical thinking skills. But to solve these problems one organisation or community is not enough to advocate change, we need to collaborate on a higher level, encourage co-creation, see the big picture in order to achieve a bigger goal. During these activities we would like to gather organizations and cases regarding the female creative power and action all around the world, draw inspiration from them and accordingly encourage more co-creation.

These cases will also provide a better understanding of the Upbeing systematic world, where we solve issues based on the connection of these four modules: ecology, economy, society, education

👭👬We for She👭 女性创造力之路系列工作坊

Journey to the female creative power

整个工作坊是相互递进式的, 打开你的边界后进行系统式的探索,在共创中制定出行动计划,拥有实质的输出,并庆祝所有人的付出。

Step1. 打开边界,身心合一: 创新无惧自我表达工作坊

A Woman's Role in Shaping a Better World - Healing The Feminine Dichotomy with Fearless Creative Expression

工作坊指导老师 Lead by : Tbird Luv

Fearless Creative Expression 创始人

Founder of Fearless Creative Expression at Ridgely Productions


  • 探索如何应对新挑战,掌握正向能量。

  • 重新撰写自我,从自我价值和爱出发,学习如何原谅,陈述需求和设定边界。

  • 探索培养耐力,激励人们在塑造现实中承担责任。

  • 采取强有力的策略,释放过去的痛苦,从而整合性得创造。

  • 学习如何尊重我们的个人力量,并承认在生活中的哪些地方我们失去了同自我接触的机会。

  • 深入了解并创造同自我核心价值观相一致的的生活

  • 活出自我的最大潜力实际上可以帮助别人,并同时创造更好的生活


During the workshop we will:

  • Explore how to take on new challenges and master them motivated positive energy.

  • Practice the importance of re-writing our sacred autobiography; from a place of self worth and love that knows how to forgive, state her needs and set boundaries.

  • Discover ways to cultivate stamina, endurance and motivate humanity to take responsibility in shaping their realities.

  • Engage in powerful strategies to release past hurts so to integrate the lessons and create amazing work in the world.Learn how to honor our personal power and acknowledge where in our lives as women we have we lost touch with our self worth.

  • Deep dive into how to live an impeccable life that is in alignment with your core values of your highest self no matter how scary or unfamiliar this may seems.

  • Examine how living our fullest potential actually helps others and creates a better humanity.


Step 2.系统与整合:404系统式探索工作坊

System and integration: 404 System Exploration Workshop

为什么卫生巾一定就是一次性的? 我们是否可以有一种更健康的以及更环保的方式来对卫生巾做出改革?


Upbeing 404 Action village created an innovative workshop to inspire systematic and holistic thinking, focus on solution based approach, based on feasibility and set-up an environment for high-effciency activities. We will focus on environmental health napkins from four modules (ecological, education, economic, social)to have a depth of the exchange and discussion, integration and innovation.


Step 3. 庆祝:“一个都不能少”团队行为艺术

No one left out - participatory group art 


We advovate immersive and collaborative creation where everybody has to partcipate in the collective artform. We believe that everybody has unique way to express and create. 


时间 Time

7.22 2pm-5pm

地点 Place


Cheers Hub, No206 Rushan rd, Shanghai 

着装要求Dress Code


Confortable cloth for easy body stretching 

早鸟价 Early bird 


两人套票 two people


现场购票 on spot



Click read more or Scan the QR code to buy the tickets

// 关于404行动村 //

About 404 Village  

Upbeing 希望通过建设404行动村,连接大家一起整体看世界,为看见与感知整体建立一座虚拟的社区,按照自身的天赋和兴趣去采取行动,哪怕试错(404)就是会时不时出现在我们的生活中,我们也能拥抱这个必经之路,完整地接纳自己。我们连接更多的人和地球上的其他部分,不再孤立地看待问题和解决问题, 延展自己的觉知.

404 Action Village is for building up a virtual community to provide a worldview of everything is connected and how we do things according to our own gifts and interests, the trial and error (404) will be embraced here. You take action according to your inner authority,connect with more people and the other part of the world, no longer solve problems in isolation, and extend your awareness.


Our activities

Projects Playground| 12岁的二次元少女对活动物料的不可持续 say no

Jam for Good|吃瓜群众被扶正了,以致于音乐共创画面太美


scan the QR code below to follow  the latest social innovation projects .


在 Upbeing 我们为学生们打造量身定制的社会创新项目,帮助学生在做中学,发掘自身潜能和天赋,提前探索自己未来的专业和职业,成为具有国际竞争力的创变者&斜杠青年。

At Upbeing we generate and scale up action in social innovation areas to accelerate progress towards a sustainable and fun society where we advocate achieving human's full potential.

