
(Bilingual)项目式学习 | 让中学生来告诉你doo+ 的创始人是如何炼成的?

Upbeing Upbeing 2020-10-02


还记得六月 Upbeing 在首届 doo+vibe 举办的Trash Transformer工作坊 么?👀

Do you still remeber the Trash Transformer workshop we had at doo+vibe this June?

当时工作坊的项目经理 Cici 和她的小伙伴 👯 在举办完工作坊后立马就加入了 Upbeing 社创之声电子杂志小组🎤,采访了大会的发起者 ,一枚意大利大帅哥 Enrico~ 👱

Cici, the project manager of the workshop and her friend Tracy interviewed the founder of doo+, Enrico Iaria.

🙃 请感受一下什么叫做365度无死角的帅....


Enrico 是一枚不折不扣的社会创新家,社会创新这个概念对很多小伙伴们来说还是有点陌生,我们先通过下面的视频来看看Enrico是怎么理解社会创新的吧~

Enrico is a social entrepreneur, passionate about social innovation. 

What is social innovation? 

There are still a lot of people who are not completely clear about what social innovation is, so here is a short video which briefly introduces the main idea. 


从采访前期的背景调查 👉  问题准备 👉  到最后面对面采访, 两位小伙伴配合默契,思路敏捷,成功得完成了此次的采访活动~。 

Conducting this interview required some preparation including background research, drafting questions and sourcing the necessary equipment.

Our two brave journalists did all the work necessary to make this interview very successful.


You are so enthusiastic about social innovation. What made you decide to involve yourself in it? And when did you get exposed to these concepts for the first time? 


I don’t feel right when I’m doing something that doesn’t generate any benefits for the people around me. I don’t feel like I am part of something, I don’t feel like I am part of a community. I believe that what I do should always be valuable to those people around me and not merely benefit myself.

Enrico Guest Speaker at Dobe We

Enrico 作为演讲嘉宾出席Dobe We

其实,当我第一次真正谈起慈善事业和社会企业的时候,都不知道自己原来说的就是慈善和社会企业,那个时候我还很小,大概十一二岁。记得那时我告诉自己的父母,我想要创立自己的企业,虽不清楚具体是哪个领域, 但我想要尽全力得让我做的事能给社区带来价值并且去解决一些问题。

It’s funny because the first time I talked about philanthropy and social entrepreneurship, I wasn't even aware that I was talking about this concept. I was very young, probably around 10 years old. I had already in my mind I wanted to be an entrepreneur, and I remember telling my parents something like “I don’t know what kind of business I will build when I grow up, but what I am sure about is that I will try my best to connect it with some of the social problems we have around us.”

Adventures in Hawaii



My parents asked me “what are you talking about?”, and I said: “what if I take some of my future company’s profit and give them back to the society, invest this money in solving social problems, wouldn’t it be beautiful?” I had no clue I was talking about some of the basic concepts of social entrepreneurship.


Around that age I was living with my family in the big city called Palermo, in Sicily, and I had the opportunity to visit people living in very disadvantaged conditions. I will never forget about this one couple that had 11 kids and lived in a tiny space smaller than a standard room with no regular income. I was lucky to realize that a lot of people around us face similar daily challenges; some of them even more critical ones. 

那天对我的影响很大,我一直在想如何才能帮助那些人。 几年后, 我和几个朋友组成了一个小队,同时我发起了一个叫做“ENIA 基金”的项目。这个项目期初只是想要聚合那些想要解决社会问题的组织,成为一个帮助他人的平台。在我父亲的帮助下, 我们开始将玩具,衣服以及其他生活用品分发给到那些家庭,同时也和一些当地的社区组织合作。 这是我踏出社会企业创业的第一步。

That day was very significant. I couldn’t stop thinking about possible ways to help those people. A few years later I brought together a group a friends and  started a project called “ENIA Foundation”. It was a very simple initiative to create a platform that helps those people in need with the help of organizations that mission was related to solving social problems. With the support of my father, we started to deliver toys, clothes and items to those families and then partnered with some local organizations specialized in those services. This was definitely my first step towards understanding the concept of social impact, and to some extent my first step on the path of becoming a social entrepreneur.

Enrico Guest Speaker at J-Life

Enrico 作为演讲嘉宾出席J-Life


We attended one of your talks about Social Innovation at Dobe We, and we were very impressed that you became General Manager of a very prestigious European luxury brand when you were only 26, and after 2 years, you just resigned. We are very curious, what really made you to quit? You had a great job but you still chose a different path, how do you feel about this decision now? 

Enrico during his experience at Wolfers

Enrico 在 Wolfers 期间的工作照片

我感觉棒极了!  觉得很幸运,能够成为这么大一家公司的GM。同时也感到很庆幸在那样的年纪可以取得一定的成绩。 这对我的成长是一个巨大的机会。 


I feel great! I was very lucky to be the GM of such a big company and I felt very honored to have this chance at that age. It surely represented a huge opportunity for me to grow. I had an amazing job and it didn't feel bad being involved in media and engaging with Chinese celebrities. But something didn't feel completely right... in the end I was merely contributing to the growth of a multinational company and I wasn't personally contributing in building any practical social value. 

Enrico during his experience at Wolfers

Enrico 在 Wolfers 期间的工作照片



Eventually I realized that the most important resource is not money, it‘s time. I decided to quit, and once I realized that I took a very quick decision. I wasn’t focused on those materialistic things I would miss, I was extremely focused on the value I was going to build instead. 

Enrico during his experience at Wolfers

Enrico 在 Wolfers 期间的工作照片


Why have you come to China? What are the main differences between social innovation and entrepreneurship in China and Italy? 

因为挑战。 因为在中国我并没有任何的关系和朋友, 也不懂中文,但是我向往能够去到这样一个不同的环境中锻炼自我。

Challenge. I didn’t know the language, I had no connections or friends, but I’ve been always fascinated about the possibility of learning from such a different and intriguing culture and developing myself within this competitive environment.

Mentoring section in Hawaii



Talking about social innovation: the main difference between China and the Western world is that in Western countries the non- profit sector has developed for hundreds of years and then social enterprises came up. 


In China, we had everything within a few decades, and all of a sudden, the concept of social entrepreneurship has been gradually emerging. The situation is still very confusing for many but there are positive trends, and I believe China will represent a very fertile environment for passionate social innovators. 


How would you explain the concept of social innovation to students?

doo+ vibe Shanghai 2017 Preview

2017 doo+Vibe 大会照片



Social innovation is a new solution to an existing social problem.

If I would need to explain it to students I would say: focus on those problems we see around us, in our community and try to find better solutions to solve them. In the end, this is how I got started. 

doo+ vibe Shanghai 2017 Preview 

2017 doo+vibe 大会现场照

doo + vibe是你的第一个大型社会创新活动吗? 你能告诉我们更多关于这个倡议的动机吗?

Is doo+ vibe your first big social innovation event? Can you tell us more about it and your motivation for this initiative? 

doo+ vibe Shanghai 2017 Preview

2017 doo+vibe 大会现场照

Doo + vibe是今年6月在上海推出的第一个大型社会创新活动。 赋能给每个人和每个具有社会目的的组织。 在会上我们举办了一系列的圆桌会议,研讨会,创业公司,投资者小组,生态挑战...这是一个充满活力和真正独特的体验,一个致力于建立起社会创新影响力的协作空间,让社创的参与者聚集在一起阐述他们正在处理的社会挑战的核心,发展新的联合合作,共同塑造我们渴望看见的改变。

Doo+ vibe was the first big scale social innovation program that we launched in its preview version in Shanghai last June. Empower every person and every organization with a social purpose to achieve more is at the very core of doo+. Roundtables, workshops, startups pitch, investors panels, eco-challenges... this first program was a vibrant and truly unique experience, a space built for collaboration and dedicated to social impact, within which many major players in our global ecosystem got together to dive deep into the core of the social challenges they are addressing, develop new joint cooperations and shape together those changes we expect to see around us. 

doo+ vibe Shanghai 2017 Preview 

2017 doo+Vibe 大会现场照

那doo+ 是做了很久么?

How long did it take to prepare for doo+ vibe? 

doo+ vibe Shanghai 2017 Preview

2017 doo+vibe 大会现场照

我们花了六个月的时间去筹备,所有的参与方和团队都非常的棒 。对于我们的团队来说,这是美丽的六个月,它给我们带来了一些特别的东西。

It took us six beautiful months and it has been an amazing teamwork commitment that brought us to a unique and special result. 

doo+ vibe Shanghai 2017 Preview 

2017 doo+vibe 大会现场照


What makes doo+ so unique? 


The people and partners involved and each single member of doo+ team. 

doo+ team 

doo+ 团队


We saw you have an amazing team. How do you attract so many people to join your team? Can you share your insights on how to motivate them?

doo+ team

doo+ 团队


Yes, you’re right, we have a beautiful team. How I motivate them? “Small but meaningful”, this is what I repeat every day. I try my best to keep everyone extremely focused on the value we are delivering.

doo+ vibe Shanghai 2017 Preview 

2017 doo+vibe 大会现场照

你的下一步是什么? doo +的愿景是什么?

What are your next steps? What is the vision for doo+? 

我们现在正在做的是扩大doo +。6月24日的doo+vibe一个非常成功的试运行,超出了我们的期望。 所以接下来我们将把它带到更大的范围。  我们在今年秋天将推出两款新产品,并带到第二个中国的城市。

We are going to bring doo+ and our current programs to a larger scale, launch two brand-new programs in the coming fall and implement some of them in another Chinese city. 

doo+ team

doo+ 团队


What’s the most important characteristic to have when working within a social startup environment? 

决心, 因为失败乃成功之母,同时也要有紧迫感,去专注于我们要面对的挑战,以及我们想要传达的价值。 

Determination, if we fail 10 times we gotta be determinate enough to stand up 11 times and be ready to start again; combined with focus, on the challenge we are addressing and on the value we are delivering; together with an extreme sense of urgency. 

Enrico with Italy's President, Sergio Mattarella 

Enrico与意⼤利共和国总统塞尔焦 · ⻢塔雷拉 


We did a bit of researches and we learnt you are also a very young university professor? Could you tell us more about it? 

我很荣幸能够在上海外国语大学和上海师范大学教授市场,商务沟通和公众演讲的课程。 这对我来说是一个非常棒同时也很有挑战性的工作。

For already a couple of years I’m honored to hold classes in marketing, business communication and public speaking at Shanghai International Studies University and Shanghai Normal University. A beautiful experience, challenging and fascinating. 

Enrico Guest Speaker at ASES Stanford University 2017 Summit 



What was the biggest investment in your life? 


My biggest investment is related to my personal development; it was the decision about moving to China.



My first financial investment I made it happened probably at your age. When I was very young I started collecting all the cash from pocket money and gifts - what here in China we call “hongbao” - because later on I wanted to invest and increase its value, so I was giving myself a daily budget for my snacks at school and few other minor activities with friends. Probably around the age of 14 I reached out to my parents and I brought them an interesting amount of cash for a kid at that age. I put everything I had on the kitchen table saying “hey dad, mum, I need to invest this”; they were shocked! I remember I cried because at the really beginning they couldn't believe I had been saving all that cash for all that time.

Enrico Guest Speaker at Magneti Marelli China

Enrico 作为演讲嘉宾参与马瑞利中国活动


What do you think the role of Chinese educational institutions is in cultivating students' sense of social responsibility?

今天的学生是明天的领袖。 学生有很大的责任。学校都有意识到这些。 

让学生参与到实际项目中去培养社会责任感以及社会影响力是非常重要的。目标应该是让年轻人意识到他们能够解决问题,发挥积极的作用。正如我刚才所说,转变已经在发生, 中国一定会滋养许多年轻社会创新者。

Today's students are tomorrow's leaders. Students have a huge responsibility, and schools and universities are aware of it. It is of crucial importance to run programs, which cultivate students' sense of social responsibility, sense of social impact. The goal should be make the youngest aware not only that they could be part of the solution, but especially that we all expect them to play an active role in it. As I was just saying, there are positive trends already; China will certainly be a great "sandbox" for many young social innovators.

Enrico at 2017 Rotary District Conference

Enrico在2017 扶轮社区域大会上


What are the qualities you suggest students should develop? 

我希望人们能更加拥有包容性。 当你试图拥有一个包容的心态时,你会开放自己学习新事物。 你可以让自己接受不同的观点。 当你拥抱不同观点的时候,你会以不同的方式看待事物,并会尝试以不同的方式去解决问题。 这真的很重要。 但如果您没有包容的心态,你很难接纳潜在的新想法,并拒绝多样性。 我认为多样性是真正重要的。 

Inclusiveness. When you keep an inclusive mindset you expose yourself to information, you open yourself to different perspectives. When you open yourself to different perspectives, you learn about new things and you end up trying to achieve things in different ways. If we exclude we don’t welcome diversity. And I do think diversity is one of the most beautiful thing we can experience. 




在 Upbeing 我们为学生们打造量身定制的社会创新项目,帮助学生在做中学,发掘自身潜能和天赋,提前探索自己未来的专业和职业,成为具有国际竞争力的创变者&斜杠青年。

At Upbeing we generate and scale up action in social innovation areas to accelerate progress towards a sustainable and fun society where we advocate achieving human's full potential.

