
Waste 2 Oxygen|一起动手 变废为"氧"

Upbeing 2020-10-02


The biggest problem of our time is environmental degradation and being rich or poor, old or young, this problem affects us all. Within the environment there are two problems that we especially face on a daily basis, one is air pollution and the second is waste. 


We see this all around us, everyday and this problem is just getting larger day by day as we move more and more towards irresponsible consumerism. In China, more than ever, we see people wearing masks and facing health issues due to pollution. Waste is everywhere and causes more pollution.


We all know about outdoor pollution but did you know that indoor airquality is often worse than outdoor air quality? There is more pollution indoors! Moreover, we spend more than 90% of our time indoors which means we are constantly poisoning ourselves! Good quality air purifiers run onelectricity and are expensive to have. So what can we do about this problem in a cost effective way?


Join the Waste 2 Oxygen Workshop next Thursday to make a natural air improver for yourselves ! 

The Solution 解决方案 – Waste to Oxygen Workshop 变废为氧工作坊



What if we looked at the abundant waste around us as valuable resources?

What if the power to make our indoor air cleaner was in our hands?


Our workshop guides participants into reimagining waste and seeing it as a useful resource. Through the workshop you will learn the basics of upcycling and learn how to use everyday waste objects as planters. You will also learn about various everyday indoor plants which can help purify indoor air quality and remove pollutants.



At the end of the workshop, you will also get access to a free guidesheet which teaches you the exact combination of plants to use and maintain to dramatically improve indoor air quality.

活动辅导员 Facilitator: Amishi Parasrampuria

Amishi 是来自印度孟买的一位致力于升级回收的环保主义者。在她和她的社会企业的工作下,升级回收了数以吨计的废弃物,将它们改造成创新产品,两年内累计减少了碳排放1200千克。作为全球杰出青年社区(Global Shapers Community是世界经济论坛设立的世界性青年交流平台)的一员,她现在正在着手的项目是用25000多个塑料瓶制成的塑料砖来建造一个孟买的公共厕所。因为Amishi对环境事业的热情,在印度获得获得很多支持者,她的工作也被很多人所认可。

Amishi is an upcycler and environmentalist from Mumbai, India.Through her work as a social entrepreneur she has upcycled thousands of kgs of waste into innovative and creative products and saved over 1200 kgs of carbon emmissions over the last two years. As a Global Shaper (arm of World EconomicForum) she is currently executing a project in which she uses over 25000 waste plastic bottles filled with plastic waste as bricks to construct an upcycled publicbathroom in Mumbai. She is extremely passionate about the environment and has received several fellowships and recognition for her work in India.

Goal 活动目标 :


The aim is to teach participants of the workshop the simple and cost effective ways to improve their indoor air quality and use waste around them and to inspire communities, facilitate citizen-driven movements that take actions to improve surroundings.


时间: 2017年10月26日 周四 18:30 - 20:30

地点: 上海市 浦东新区 乳山路204号社创空间地下一层小剧场

Time: 18:30 - 20:30 Oct.26 2017 Thu 

Location: 724 Cheers Hub, 204 Rushan Rd., Pudong District, Shanghai

(closest metro station: Century Avenue)


Early bird 




On spot 

150元/人 (150yuan/person)



Scan this QR code to buy ticket for the workshop


supported by  



国际竞争力 / 创变者 / 斜杠青年

International Competence / Global Changemaker / Slash 

在 Upbeing 我们为学生们打造量身定制的社会创新项目,帮助学生在做中学,发掘自身潜能和天赋,提前探索自己未来的专业和职业,成为具有国际竞争力的创变者&斜杠青年。

At Upbeing we generate and scale up action in social innovation areas to accelerate progress towards a sustainable and fun society where we advocate achieving human's full potential.

