
项目召集令| 参与PIC赢得启动资金和支持,解决城市贫困 Call for project application (PIC)

2017-11-10 Upbeing Upbeing


What is poverty?

What is the first picture comes to your mind?


Have you heard of urban poverty?

Poverty does not just mean lack of money and resources but also refer to deprivation, vulnerability and powerlessness. Sometimes these issues are inflicted on certain people more than others.

Let's look at people who have physical or mental disabilities, or women who face gender discrimination, or left-behind children who just do not have the access to good quality education, or important information, resources?

UN defines poverty as “… the inability of having choices and ­opportunities, a violation of human dignity.”



Although China has taken actions towards poverty reduction, for example new infrastracture has been established, new businesses to solve this problem have been set up, but even in cities like Shanghai and Beijing we can still see people begging in the streets, and every day hear about the issues related to migrant workers who come to cities to find better jobs and often left behind their children and work in factories under not so great conditions. Or we see many homeless people who are physically or mentally disabled...









Is there anything we can do about urban poverty?

How can YOU as an individual contribute to solve these issues?



1. Raising awareness? 提高意识?

2. Stimulate discussion? 引起讨论?

3. Research and try to understand the root of the problems? 调查研究问题的根源?

4. Ideate together for solutions? 合作想象解决方案?

5. Raise money to help the vulnerable groups? 为弱势群体募集钱款?

6. Help with your own hands and brain? 靠自己的双手和大脑?

7. Volunteer for a good cause? 参与回报社会的志愿活动?

8. Talk to experts in this area?  与相关领域的专家讨论?


Establish a social impact project, NGO or enterprise?


Do you want to receive initial financial support and mentorship from Pyramid Impact Collective aka PIC?

而这一切就让PIC (Pyramid Impact Collective ) 来为你提供经济支持和指导吧!

  Call for Projects!项目召集!  

2nd December the Pyramid Impact Collective First Shanghai Edition will take place. This holistic event will gather artists, entrepreneurs and  experts in different industries such as tech, engineering, education to discuss and find solutions for social issues related to gender and civil society development, migrant workers, and education which can be the cause of poverty, exclusion and disempowerment of people in the city.

12月2号 PIC 上海站将在 MixSpace 举行。


第一步是可见度:只有了解其社会根源并看待其后果才能解决问题。 并每年组织活动,让人们意识到贫困的概念。 2017年上海站将重点关注城市贫困,并细分为三个相互关联的副主题:移民人口,性别不平等以及基础教育资源不均

In the final part of the event, different projects will be presented to the audience, who will vote for one the selected project to be funded. 75% of the proceeds of the event will be given to the winner project; 25% will be used to support the online "idea+action room".




Pyramid Impact Collective aka PIC? What's that?

Pyramid Impact Collective is a "joint initiative" of B人BEL and Upbeing, who decided to collaborate in order to support an initiative which aimes to tackle the following issues: urban poverty due to migrant working, gender and civil society development and basic education.

由 B人BEL 和 Upbeing 联合发起,决定合作支持一项倡议,以解决以下问题:移民人口,性别不平等以及基础教育资源不均所带来的城市贫困。

  How does PIC support the initiatives? PIC如何支持你的项目?    

1. We provide a community microfund 我们提供小额社区基金

2. We provide mentorship 我们提供指导

3. We offer an online and offline "idea+action room" to connect with potential collaborators and supporters 我们提供在线和离线的“想法+行动室”,与潜在的合作者和支持者联系。

Do you have an idea for an innovative social project, which can improve lives of the people and alleviate the so called urban poverty?


What are you still waiting for? 你, 还在等什么?

  APPLY NOW! 立刻申请!  

Step1: Scan the QR code and send your application 扫描下方二维码上传你的申请

Step 2: Prepare for the pitch 准备你的演讲

Step 3: Pitch at the Shanghai Pyramid impact collective (PIC) for the community microfund. 在上海PIC作演讲以争取基金支持

  When? Where? 时间地点?  

Date 时间: 2017.12.02

Location 地点: MixSpace

Stay tuned for further info. Soon we will release who the artists, speakers and experts are.


  Got Questions ? 有问题?  

Would like to support us? 想要支持我们?

Would like to get engaged? 想要参与进来?

Talk to us!

👇 👇👇

Ms. Up is eagerly waiting for you! pls leave the message"PIC"when adding.


For media support please reach out to Diko.



If you are artists or would like to become a speaker send e-mail to


info@upbeing.com & r-dekker@live.nl

For sponsorship please reach out to Ms wu 




  About the organizers  

About B人BEL

B人BEL is a project that aims at creating a space where knowledge, skills, and talent are used to combat social problems and thus tackle poverty itself. B人BEL is created by a group of young and independent people who believe that everyone should live with dignity.

B人BEL 是由一群想要让每一个人都活得有尊严的年轻人创立。旨在解决社会问题,目标是创造一个知识,技能和人才共同解决社会问题,贫困问题的空间。

About Upbeing

Upbeing is an education social enterprise. We aim to help youth to discover and exploit their multifold talent and leadership while incubating their social innovation projects. We design and implement personalized project-based learning workshops, courses and longterm programs. While having fun and doing meaningful things our participants will find innovative solutions for social and environmental issues. As a result they will become more competent on the international stage and transform into a global change maker and slash!

Upbeing 是一家关注教育的社会企业。在 Upbeing 我们为学生们打造量身定制的社会创新项目,帮助学生在做中学,发掘自身潜能和天赋,提前探索自己未来的专业和职业,成为具有国际竞争力的创变者&斜杠青年。


Key Partner


Supporting  Partners

Promotional Partners 


Gift Sponsors  


国际竞争力 / 创变者 / 斜杠青年

International Competence / Global Changemaker / Slash

在 Upbeing 我们为学生们打造量身定制的社会创新项目,帮助学生在做中学,发掘自身潜能和天赋,提前探索自己未来的专业和职业,成为具有国际竞争力的创变者&斜杠青年。

At Upbeing we generate and scale up action in social innovation areas to accelerate progress towards a sustainable and fun society where we advocate achieving human's full potential.

