
We4Change 回顾 | 寻找你的颜色 What are your True Colours?

Upbeing 2020-10-02

The We4Change community of parents, educators and facilitators met for their 2nd gathering on November 9th.  This time, management consultant and talent expert, Gabor Holch, led a workshop on finding your True Colours, a method of psychometric assessment used to build awareness about natural talents and apply them to careers. 

Gabor uses the method to coach multinational CEOs, train management teams and plan career strategies at global organizations.


11月9日我们邀请到了管理咨询师,天赋挖掘专家Gabor Holch,同我们一起探寻了属于自己的真色彩建立关于自己天赋的意识, 并将其运用到职业规划,兴趣发展上。

The True Colours workshop for We4Change began with a series of yes-no questions about daily habits that had participants begin to think about their own personalities and social instincts. 

This was followed by 5 minutes of sharing a career related issue with a stranger and listening to theirs.  So, by the time we were introduced to the True Colours method, we had our habits, personalities and motives in focus and we could begin to assess whether we were red, yellow, green or blue people.


    I love social games like the one we’re playing now!


     I get upset if I have to break my morning routine.


     It’s stupid to go with the flow


     For important personal decisions, I make a list or table.


     You need a bit of conflict in life: let the best idea win!


     Networking events like this make me feel uncomfortable.

像这样的社交场合 让我感到不舒服。

     It’s fun to break the rules.


     I have clear goals for my next 5 years.


     If everyone followed the rules, we’d live in a better world.


如果你认为打破规则是一件很有趣,并且经常会打破规则的话, 那你必定不是以蓝色为主导的人类~, 而如果你认为每个人都应遵守规则,世界才会更美好的话,或许蓝色在你身上就变得很明显。


The colours represent 4 groups of personalities that people fall into. Everybody has a dominant colour (for example, red) and a secondary colour (for example blue) that best describes their personalities and natural strengths. Gabor’s earlier yes-no questions and a live analysis of participants’ questions helped us to understand what our own colours are and the colours of people we were thinking of in the career dilemmas we shared.

以上的四种颜色分别代表了4种性格。 每个人都有自己的主导色, 但这并不是绝对的,也会是一定颜色的混杂。

可能我有更多的蓝色, 但于此同时,我也兼具着黄色的性格,并且在遇到比我还具有少量红色性格的人的面前, 我会更多的显示出自身的红色性格,变得更加主动,有掌控力,竞争性。

We find out that it’s likely that we learn and work with all 4 colours of people and it’s helpful to understand their colours so we can learn how to work more harmoniously with them. Maybe our boss is blue, the cautious and calm type but we are yellow, the adventurous and spontaneous type.

理解自己的颜色和他人的颜色, 能够很好的帮助我们同他人一起合作。 假设,我们的老板是蓝色的, 冷静又谨慎的人,但是如果我们是黄色的, 充满冒险精神又具有自发性的,我们可以通过自己对他了解,转变自身与其相处的模式,找到共同面临的抉择和冲突的解决方案。

By understanding the strengths, preferences and motives of the people around us, we may find better solutions to the dilemmas and conflicts we face. Similarly as a teacher, you may be the patient, considerate, green type of person but your class has a lot of controlling, competitive, red students and you must learn how to adapt your teaching style to challenge and motivate your students.

同样的作为一名老师, 你的颜色可能是绿色的, 有耐心,周全考虑的,但如果你有许多代表色是红色的学生,他们充满控制欲, 竞争欲望强烈,你必须学习如何调整自己的教学方式以激发那些学生的动力。

Finding your natural talents and strengths is difficult. Sometimes we see our personalities as weaknesses and we seek to adopt the strengths we see in others as our own. Society tells us that successful people have certain personalities and we may try to change to fit these specifications, even though this may conflict with or overshadow our natural strengths. 

我们都知道要找到自身的优势和天赋并不是一件易事 , 有时候, 我们会将自己的一些性格视作是弱点, 而试着去培养在别人身上看到的优点,但可能最终发现自己无论如何也无法培养出他人身上的那些优点。 舆论不断告诉着我们世俗上定义的“成功人士”必须拥有这些或是那些"优秀品质“, 即便这些所谓的优秀品质同我们自身的性格和优势是相冲的。

The message of the workshop and the first step to utilizing your natural strengths are to first acknowledge them and acknowledge those of the people around you. In the case of the classroom, teaching students how to recognize their own strengths, the strengths of those around them and then learning how to apply them to their learning and working environments.

我相信Gabor 想向我们传递的不仅仅是找到我们自身的本色, 而是要在看清找到自身本色的同时,去承认去接受自己的真我色彩。学习如何去识别自身的优势,以及他人的长处, 并将其更好的运用到平时的学习以及工作的环境中去。


For more information about Gabor Holch and the technique, check out:

想要了解更多关于Gabor的信息, 你可以登录 https://www.holch.biz

如果你也是一名家长, 老师,或是引导师, 欢迎加入我们“未来教育学习共同体”群,一起探索未来的教育。

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国际竞争力 / 创变者 / 斜杠青年

International Competence / Global Changemaker / Slash

在 Upbeing 我们为学生们打造量身定制的社会创新项目,帮助学生在做中学,发掘自身潜能和天赋,提前探索自己未来的专业和职业,成为具有国际竞争力的创变者&斜杠青年。

At Upbeing we generate and scale up action in social innovation areas to accelerate progress towards a sustainable and fun society where we advocate achieving human's full potential.

