
MVRDV 揭晓德国海尔布隆人工智能创新园设计竞赛中标方案

MVRDV 看见景观 2023-09-06
图片 image: © MVRDV
MVRDV 中标德国海尔布隆人工智能创新园(Ipai)的设计竞赛。园区内包含商业区、实验室、创业创新中心、住宅、交流中心以及餐厅和幼儿园等便利配套设施,未来,这里不仅将是一个有吸引力的办公园区,也会向游客开放,人们可以在这里亲眼见证改变世界的技术发展,并与这些创新技术的创造者们交流互动,加深了解。MVRDV的总体规划采用了具有高辨识度的圆形布局,将园区定位为世界领先的人工智能技术开发基地。
MVRDV has won a competition to design the Innovation Park Artificial Intelligence (Ipai) in Heilbronn, Germany. A mixture of business campus, laboratories, a start-up innovation centre, housing, communication centre, and amenities such as a restaurant and kindergarten turn the campus not only into an attractive place to work, but also a destination for curious visitors to see the development of world-changing technologies first hand, to interact with the people behind their creation, and to learn about the intentions behind their work. With its recognisable circular plan, the design aims to position the campus as a world-leading site for the development of AI technologies.
总平图 floorplan: © MVRDV

概念示意图 concept image: © MVRDV
总体规划方案是为海尔布隆市政府和迪特尔-施瓦茨基金会 (Dieter Schwarz Foundation) 共同领导的联合企业设计,旨在创建一个能够与硅谷、深圳等世界知名科技中心不相上下的园区,MVRDV运用了大胆、具有高辨识度的设计手法。通过圆形的弧度切割建筑轮廓,使得Ipai园区在该区域脱颖而出,即使在卫星照片中也可清晰辨认。其形态也将成为园区的品牌宣传工具,提高其全球的知名度。

The masterplan design was developed for a consortium led by the municipality of Heilbronn and the Dieter Schwarz Foundation. With their desire to create a campus prestigious enough to compete with world-renowned tech hubs from Silicon Valley to Shenzhen, MVRDV’s design needed a bold, recognisable gesture. The decision to inscribe the buildings of the masterplan in a circle will make the Ipai Campus instantly recognisable, serving as a branding tool that raises its profile worldwide – even being visible in satellite photos.

功能分区示意图 program: © MVRDV

模型 Model: © Ivo Haarman


Circumscribing the campus buildings is a 1.2-kilometre-long path that incorporates various activities that animate the campus, including a sprint track, skate park, tribune, and viewpoints to the surroundings. Inside the platonic shape, the masterplan is simple, flexible, and sustainable. Two off-centre axes define the plan: a historical Roman path that provides the main north-south route, and the sport and health corridor that places a series of outdoor spaces in the east-west direction.

图片 image: © MVRDV

概念示意图 concept image: © MVRDV
概念示意图 concept image: © MVRDV
园区中的大多数建筑设计采用简单的矩形形式,高度均为 27 米,这使得它们可以有效地通过模块化网格和生物基材料建造。在园区规划方案的中心区则设置了一些脱颖而出“特色”建筑,独特的类型、标志性的外形和更高的结构,定义了园区的天际线。其中,最引人注目的是位于园区核心中央广场上的圆塔结构的交流中心。作为公众与园区工作进行互动的联系点,其中设有举办活动、展览、会议的空间以及游客中心和培训中心。这些空间的规划是MVRDV与柏林的场所设计专家REALACE共同合作构思的,旨在吸引公众与人工智能进行互动。

Most of the buildings take simple rectangular forms and have consistent heights of 27 metres, making them efficient to construct with modular grids and bio-based materials. At the heart of the plan, a number of “specials” stand out from the crowd, with unique typologies, iconic forms, and taller structures marking the campus skyline. The most impactful of these is the communications centre, a round tower that sits on the central plaza at the heart of the plan and acts as a point of contact for the public to interact with the work of the campus, with space for events, exhibitions, conferences, a visitor centre, and a training centre. The programming of these spaces, which aims to entice the public to interact with AI, was conceived in cooperation with Berlin-based experts for placemaking REALACE.

图片 image: © MVRDV
图片 image: © MVRDV
“人工智能领域在近期的发展需要各界人士的关注,在这个项目中,我们打造了一个紧凑的园区,来引发人们的关注”,MVRDV创始合伙人Jacob van Rijs说道,“特别的布局方式有助于推动其走向国际舞台,吸引世界级的人才。同时,热情亲切、沉浸式的氛围,甚至是辨识度高的外观,都将使这里成为人们未来体验技术发展的目的地”。

“The developments we have seen recently in the field of AI demand the attention of people from all walks of life, and with this design we create a compact campus for this to happen”, says MVRDV founding partner Jacob van Rijs. “The striking form of the campus can help to propel it to an international stage, attracting world-class talent. Meanwhile, the welcoming and engaging atmosphere, even the recognisable appearance, make this place a destination where people can engage in the future of this technology.”

模型 model: © Ivo Haarman

“创新需要一个可以促进交流、合作和创造力的空间”,巴登-符腾堡州经济事务、劳工和旅游部部长 Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut 博士说道,“MVRDV出色地实现了这一愿景,他们的设计策略令我印象深刻。人工智能创新园将做出决定性的贡献,使巴登-符腾堡州能够在具有道德责任感的人工智能商业化进程中发挥全球性的主导作用。”

“Innovation needs space – space for networking, cooperation, and creativity”, says Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, the Minister for Economic Affairs, Labour, and Tourism of Baden-Württemberg. “I am deeply impressed by how spectacularly the architects have implemented this vision. The Innovation Park Artificial Intelligence will make a decisive contribution so that Baden-Württemberg can play a leading role worldwide in the commercialisation of ethically responsible AI.”

模型 Model: © Ivo Haarman


The compact form of the campus leaves a large portion of the overall site available to intensify this location’s existing natural features with a parametric landscape design by LOLA. As a result, a part of Heilbronn that is currently grassland will see the growth of forests, orchards, and meadows, which will serve as test-beds for biodiversity- and agriculture-related AI tech. These natural elements of the design contribute significantly to the amount of carbon stored as part of the overall masterplan, reducing the carbon footprint of the campus.

图片 image: © MVRDV

During operation, the energy consumption of the campus will be around 80% lower than a typical campus of the same size. Bioclimatic façades and energy-efficient building services help to minimise the energy required to run the campus, while renewable energy is produced locally through wind turbines and solar panels and stored using batteries and ground-based heat and cold storage. Including the carbon stored by the design’s reforestation of the landscape and the embodied carbon in the buildings themselves, the plan is therefore projected to be 100% carbon-neutral over the course of its lifespan.

概念示意图 concept image: © MVRDV

MVRDV为Ipai联合企业设计了人工智能创新园,该企业由迪特尔-施瓦茨基金会 (Dieter Schwarz Foundation)、海尔布隆市政府和施瓦茨集团 (Schwarz Group) 组成。设计是与LOLA景观设计、Thornton Tomasetti工程咨询、Studio Animal-Aided Design生物多样性顾问、REALACE场所设计、Peutz Consult降噪工程顾问和Gruner Deutschland消防顾问共同协作完成。

MVRDV designed the Innovation Park Artificial Intelligence for the Ipai Consortium, which comprises the Dieter Schwarz Foundation, the Municipality of Heilbronn, and Schwarz Group. The design was developed in collaboration with LOLA Landscape Architects alongside Thornton Tomasetti, Studio Animal-Aided Design, REALACE, Peutz Consult, and Gruner Deutschland.

图片 image: © MVRDV


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