

A4美术馆 A4美术馆 2023-12-13





Notice: The Announcement of the Selected Artist of 2023 A4 Artist-in-Residency International Exchange Program will be delayed to be Published

2023 is the year of a major transformation for the A4 Artist-in-Residency International Exchange Program (A4 ARIE Program), and we have also carried out in-depth exchanges and collaborations with 135 artists, curators, scholars from more than 23 countries and regions for more than ten years.

We are pleased to announce that A4 ARIE Program will serve the public as a more independent, multidisciplinary cultural institution. We will gradually expand the scale of theproject and number of residency persons in the coming years, while at the same time, we will not be limited to the field of contemporary art, but will hope to work with creators and explorers in more fields, such as artists, scientists, writers, poets, scholars, musicians, AI technologies, architects, designers, brand managers, etc. We will rely on our cities and communities, on this land with a long history, and on the dialogue between the region and the world full of growth and vitality. We love discussion and dialogue, we pay attention to the unknown and change brought about by cross-domain and multi-knowledge systems, and we will be committed to learning and developing together.

At present, A4 ARIE Art Center has completed the 2023 project alignment in line with the new goals and mission, and will continue to optimize the project structure and overall plan. Therefore, we will also re-evaluate the large number of applications we have collected so far. The program team will face each material in a responsible manner, and will delay the announcement of the initial shortlist. It is expected to be announced in early June this year, while the specific time will be communicated with all applicants in time. Applicants can contact us through the official email if there is any question. Thank you for your patience. It is expected that A4 ARIE Program will be presented to the public with a more positive, joint and new look.

Thanks again!




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内容编辑 江雨杉

内容校对 江雨杉

内容排版 张皓玥


